if you fail to plan you plan to fail 谁说的啊
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 21:32:14
if you fail to plan you plan to fail 谁说的啊
if you fail to plan you plan to fail 谁说的啊
if you fail to plan you plan to fail 谁说的啊
The saying has been attributed most often to Ben Franklin,who is also credited with having said,"By failing to prepare,you are preparing to fail.”
More recent variations,along with their attributions,include:
“Fail to plan,plan to fail.” Carl W.Buechner
“Failures don't plan to fail; they fail to plan.” Harvey MacKay
"He who fails to plan is planning to fail." Winston Churchill (during WW II)
Old Saying ( unkown )
if you fail to plan,you plan to fail
if you fail to plan you plan to fail 谁说的啊
翻译when you fail to plan,you plan to fail.
If you fail to prepare,you are prepared to
We do not plan to fail we fail to
Fail in plan, is planning to fail什么意思?
if you damage this car to be worth less than you will fail.的中文意思
翻译:if you fail to keep these rules,you will become...直译和意译都要
You are sure to fail if you do it that way.(改为同义句)
you never fail to fascinate
Organisations that fail to plan are planning to fail.管理课里面的
If you fail at f_____ ,try again.
What if you should fail? 怎么回答?
I don’t want to give up my dream even if you fail me me 翻译
if you don't work hard you______A.can fail B.may fail C.must fail D.shoud fail
if you plan to have a long vacation you may look( )a part time job
If you plan to go skiing ,what should you take with?
you must think it over if you want to make your plan w___ well首字母填空.