选择题He works hard at English_______ he can be an English teacher in futureA.such thatB.in order toC.so that D.so as to会的给讲下理由哈!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/10 18:15:45

选择题He works hard at English_______ he can be an English teacher in futureA.such thatB.in order toC.so that D.so as to会的给讲下理由哈!
选择题He works hard at English_______ he can be an English teacher in future
A.such that
B.in order to
C.so that
D.so as to

选择题He works hard at English_______ he can be an English teacher in futureA.such thatB.in order toC.so that D.so as to会的给讲下理由哈!
C 是正确答案,so that 后面加的是完整的一个句子;
如果选择B ,则后面加的是He works hard at English in order to be an English teacher in future;
没有A such that 这个搭配.in order to 为了
D so as to 是“以便于”的意思,后面也加动词,而不是句子.
例如:He came with the dictionary so as to refer to it when needed.他带来了字典便于需要时查阅.


翻译: 他努力的学习英语是为了他将来可以当个英语老师。

B 语感

C. so that 引导目的状语从句,表示人的主观愿望或未实现的情况。so that 表目的时,通常有情态动词may, might,can, could ,should 等。
in order to , so as to 也表目的,但是后面跟 动词原形,不跟从句。

so as to, in order to都不对,因为这两个后面只能跟动词不定式,而题目中后面显然是从句,而且根据主从句关系可以判断出是目的状语从句。所以应该选so that。句意是:他努力学习英语,为了将来能成为英语老师。