
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 21:53:03


Boys always be just unfolding, from on century eighty s over now. From the founder of Take That 's influence was sent to the remnants, is always endless farewell tour of the dissolution of Westlife from spring assembly; the little tigers, to a new generation of top combine efforts superior; from Japan to South Korea's SM Jaynes, old small, living is dissolved, the boy has been everfount supply entertainment group one way. Compared to the past golden age, Europe and the United States boy groups has declined, the Chinese music has no what climate, by contrast, South Korea specialized in boy group industrial chain is always be secure against assault, especially in this SM company in operation combination way already formed a strict system, boring cut, then the culture construction, this Yichayicha combination has never stopped. 12 at the end of last year the grand launch of the EXO SM SM, is another round of bring forth the new through the old boys, in ways and gives the new pattern.
The first EXO composition has strong pertinence, although up to 12 people, but were divided into two groups, K focus on the domestic market, M depending on the mainland as the main battlefield, can fit, can each maneuver, songs are also divided into Korean version and the Chinese version. In the M group had four Chinese members, we can see that SM in the mainland 's ambition, after all, keep the mainland so a big cake, and the conveying as suit one's measures to local conditions, selection and training. Secondly, from the last EXO debut, according to the point of time step by step exposure and single release, can also be seen in South Korea music accurate in songs, released on the issue, even Japan would do the songs grow. Finally, the song quality. EXO-M just released mini album " MAMA ", is a typical KPOP songs, with heavy pace to advance process of songs. For a boy band, appearance and temperament will always be the first, singing skills can be completely at the end of the queue, dance and songs is to be accounted for in the same proportion, and this simple singer, actually idol group comprehensive tended to be higher. As the album first flagship " MAMA " very good to help open up the pace, take people high, South Korea 's Chen the Chinese to be strengthened, and all the music are metal feeling. Six songs only lyric song " Angel " well reflects the six range. " Two Moons " very witty, among them Kris is responsible for rap remarkable, although some places off until the " elastic teeth ", not smooth and clean, but with a new posture is superior. In front of that boy band dance is also crucial, so these songs must match their propaganda MV appreciate, will be more visual sense.
If you ignore the music, EXO debut and development is worthy of study today, after all, there is not enough light music, music is a commodity, it is commodity to consider how to sell out, so, positioning, packaging, publicity and so on is one of the key steps. Korean music development of these a few years, although still follow in Japan's footsteps, but packaging all by surprise, publicity, as well as in their home country and East Asia market has a large number of fans, this is SM brought new task.
男孩团体一直方兴未艾,从上世纪八十年代绵延到如今.从鼻祖Take That的影响力还在发余威,到说是解散告别巡回一直没完没了的Westlife;从小虎队春晚合体,到新一代至上励合的努力上位;从日本的杰尼斯到韩国的SM,不管是老的小的,健在的解散的,男孩团体一直是源源不断供给娱乐的方式之一.对比过去的黄金时代,欧美男孩团体已逐渐式微,华语乐坛则一直也没成什么气候,相比较之下,韩国的专业性在男孩团体产业链中则一直坚不可摧,这尤以SM公司在操纵组合的方式上早已形成了严密的系统,乏味的砍掉,再把培养的扶植上,这一茬一茬的组合从未间断.去年12月末SM隆重推出的EXO,是SM又一轮男孩组合的推陈出新,在玩法上又给出了新花样.
首先EXO组合有很强的针对性,虽然也高达12人,但却分为两组,K组合专注于本国的市场,M则视内地为主战场,可以合体,可以各自机动,歌曲也是分为韩语版和中文版.在M组合里有四位中国成员,就可以看出SM在内地的野心,毕竟守着内地这么一大块蛋糕,与其输送,不如因地制宜的选拔和培养.其次,从去年EXO的正式亮相,按照时间点一步一步的曝光和单曲发布,也可以看出韩国音乐的严密和准确,在歌曲发布的问题上,就连日本都做不到歌曲偷跑的情况.最后来说下歌曲素质.以EXO-M刚发行的迷你专辑《MAMA》来看,是典型的KPOP歌曲,用重型节奏来推进歌曲进程.对于一个男孩组合来说,外形和气质永远是首位,唱歌的技巧完全可以排在最后,舞蹈与歌曲是要占相同比例,这与单纯的歌手来讲,其实偶像组合的全面性往往要更高.作为专辑第一主打《MAMA》很好做到了提携开张的作用,一上来的节奏就把人带high,韩国主唱chen的中文有待加强,众人和音很有金属的感觉.六首歌曲唯一的抒情歌曲《Angel》很好体现了六人的音域.《Two Moons》则非常诙谐,当中Kris负责的rap可圈可点,虽然有些地方拖沓到“弹牙”,不够干净利落,但以新人之姿亦属上乘.前面说男孩组合的舞蹈亦至关重要,所以这些歌曲一定要配合他们宣传的MV欣赏,才会更有视觉感.