python 统计list中所有str 中的单词长度 计算平均值def avg_word_length(text): """ (list of str) -> float Precondition: text is non-empty. Each str in text ends with \n and text contains at least one word. Return the average l

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 06:01:06

python 统计list中所有str 中的单词长度 计算平均值def avg_word_length(text): """ (list of str) -> float Precondition: text is non-empty. Each str in text ends with \n and text contains at least one word. Return the average l
python 统计list中所有str 中的单词长度 计算平均值
def avg_word_length(text):
""" (list of str) -> float
Precondition: text is non-empty. Each str in text ends with \n and
text contains at least one word.
Return the average length of all words in text.

>>> text = ['James Fennimore Cooper\n', 'Peter, Paul and Mary\n']
>>> avg_word_length(text)
i = 0
n = 0
w = 0
for i in range(len(text)):
for word in text[i]:
for ch in word:
if ch != '':
n += 1
w += 1
return n / w

我的body是错的.return 1.0..求大神帮帮忙啊!

python 统计list中所有str 中的单词长度 计算平均值def avg_word_length(text): """ (list of str) -> float Precondition: text is non-empty. Each str in text ends with \n and text contains at least one word. Return the average l

python 统计list中所有str 中的单词长度 计算平均值def avg_word_length(text): (list of str) -> float Precondition: text is non-empty. Each str in text ends with and text contains at least one word. Return the average l 用python统计list中只出现一次的单词的比例 (call了一个clean_up method 去掉了后面的 )def hapax_legomena_ratio(text): (list of str) -> floatPrecondition:text is non-empty.Each str in text ends with andtext contains at least python中关于list的reference给我讲一下,reference“引用”. python 如何把list中元素一个对一个的换成对应的数字 list = ['abc', 'def', 'ghi']换成 list = ['101', '102', '103'] 以此类推 python中如何统计两个字典中相同单词数量有多少个? Python中+=是什么意思 java中str =str.subString(1, vf中str函数'+str()+''什么意思 下面的函数统计子字符串substr在字符串str中出现的次数,如果substr在str中不出现,则返回值0.下面的函数统计子字符串substr在字符串str中出现的次数,如果substr在str中不出现,则返回值0.请完成该 python中strip()作用是什么? python 中如何将str(dict)后的字典还原?例如:adict={‘name’:['aa','bb'],'age':['11','22']}stra=str(adict)我现在已知的是stra,如何将stra转换成dict格式?换句话说也就是还原它.知道的帮个忙告诉小弟下,感激 Unknown column 'a' in 'field list'int i=1;String str=qinyue;String ss=insert into liuyansf(userid,username)values(+i+,+str+);为什么 i=1 就可以 顺利的显示在数据库中而str=“qinyue 就不行哦,就会出现Unknown column 'qiny 麻烦大家看一下WORD中如何统计所有字数? 请问一下有人知道WORD中如何统计所有字数? 这是一份调查问卷中的描述性统计结果,结果中 list of deviations怎么计算的? VB中STR()是什么意思?例如STR(10) STR(13) python中如何判断pygame.Sprite.Group()中包含几个list,要想判断Group中已经把list都移除了该怎么做?BirdGroup=pygame.Sprite.Group()BirdGroup.add(bird1(bird)for birdlist in BirdGroup.sprites():screen.blit(birdlist.image, 补充完整一道C语言填空题以下函数的功能是统计串substr在母串str中出现的次数.int count(char *str,char *substr){ int i,j,k,num=0;for (i=0; __________ ; i++)for( __________,k=0;substr[k]= =str[j]; k++ ,j++) if (substr[ ______