请分析此句的表语成分?请分析标语成分 “Albert Einstein was a famous professor of physics. ”阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦是一位有此句的表语成分是那部分?
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 00:25:31
请分析此句的表语成分?请分析标语成分 “Albert Einstein was a famous professor of physics. ”阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦是一位有此句的表语成分是那部分?
“Albert Einstein was a famous professor of physics. ”阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦是一位有
请分析此句的表语成分?请分析标语成分 “Albert Einstein was a famous professor of physics. ”阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦是一位有此句的表语成分是那部分?
Albert Einstein was( a famous professor of physics.表语)
其中a famous professor (of physics定语)
主语:Albert Einstein
表语:a famous professor of physics
请分析此句的表语成分?请分析标语成分 “Albert Einstein was a famous professor of physics. ”阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦是一位有此句的表语成分是那部分?
I am learning English 请分析成分
请分析一句英文的成分(写主语,谓语.)?there iw still some timeleft.
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A is to B,what C is to D.想请英语高手分析下此句中what 的成分以及这是什么
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英语翻译请分析一下句子的成分:I'm going to a dinner party held by Americans.特别是held by Americans.在句中的成分
he unlocked the door as quickly as he could请帮我分析本句的成分
请大师帮我分析“You do seem to have a point.”这句中各词的成分,和do的成分,
sit down,emma,you will only make yourself more tired ,keeping on your feet请问 sit down是什么成分 emma 是插入语吗,keeping on your feet .是什么成分?请简单分析此句,
请用层次分析法和成分分析法 分析下面句子的句法成分和语义成分1、请教授做报告 2、电动车和摩托车的配件 急用
We learn words through their use in context.请分析下这个句子的成分尤其这部分through their use in context 句意我明白,只是需要分析成分,这部分是方式状语吗?
We learn words through their use in context.请分析下这个句子的成分尤其这部分through their use in context句意我明白,只是需要分析成分,这部分是方式状语吗?