英语翻译中国企业联合会在成都发布中国企业500强榜单,中国大企业与美国大型企业的差距正在逐步缩小,不过国内大企业仍存在跨国化经营不多、缺乏核心竞争力等多个问题.  相关:据中

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 16:54:08
英语翻译中国企业联合会在成都发布中国企业500强榜单,中国大企业与美国大型企业的差距正在逐步缩小,不过国内大企业仍存在跨国化经营不多、缺乏核心竞争力等多个问题.  相关:据中英语翻译中国企业联合会在成

英语翻译中国企业联合会在成都发布中国企业500强榜单,中国大企业与美国大型企业的差距正在逐步缩小,不过国内大企业仍存在跨国化经营不多、缺乏核心竞争力等多个问题.  相关:据中

英语翻译中国企业联合会在成都发布中国企业500强榜单,中国大企业与美国大型企业的差距正在逐步缩小,不过国内大企业仍存在跨国化经营不多、缺乏核心竞争力等多个问题.  相关:据中
China Association of Enterprises released the list of China's top 500 corporations in Chengdu city.It showed that China's large corporations are gradually narrowing the gap with those in America,but problems such as lack of transnational operation and core competitiveness still exist.
Relevant information:according to the data published by China Association of Enterprises,in the year 2010,the threshold of corporations' assets to the top 500 list have been raised to 14.2 billion yuan,and there were 80 corporations whose annal revenue had exceeded hundreds of billions of yuan.In the same year,the total revenue of China's corporations on the 500 list account for 49.8% of that of America's top 500 corporations,8.4 percentage points higher than the previous year.Their average profit margin of net assets were 12.19%,11.81% higher than that of America's top 500.And there were 58 Chinese corporations among the fortune 500 list,merely lower than America and Japan,ranking the third.

China Enterprise Confederation in Chengdu released the 500 Chinese enterprises list of big enterprises in China and the United States, large enterprises of the gap is narrowing, but the domestic large...


China Enterprise Confederation in Chengdu released the 500 Chinese enterprises list of big enterprises in China and the United States, large enterprises of the gap is narrowing, but the domestic large enterprises still exist in transnational operation is not much, lack of core competitiveness and so on many questions.
Related: according to China Business Federation released data, China's top 500 enterprises in 2010 the selected threshold has been raised to 14200000000 yuan, year business income in the hundreds of billions of yuan enterprise has 80. China's top 500 enterprises in 2010 the total revenue is equivalent to the American top 500 enterprises in 49.8%, relatively on year increase 8.4 percentage points; the average net asset profit rate of 12.19%, higher than the United States top 500 enterprises of 11.81%. Global top 500 enterprises of China is seleted an enterprise to already amounted to 58, just below the United States and Japan, ranking third. 是我的,望采纳。


China Enterprise Confederation in Chengdu released the 500 Chinese enterprises list of big enterprises in China and the United States, large enterprises of the gap is narrowing, but the domestic large...


China Enterprise Confederation in Chengdu released the 500 Chinese enterprises list of big enterprises in China and the United States, large enterprises of the gap is narrowing, but the domestic large enterprises still exist in transnational operation is not much, lack of core competitiveness and so on many questions.
Related: according to China Business Federation released data, China's top 500 enterprises in 2010 the selected threshold has been raised to 14200000000 yuan, year business income in the hundreds of billions of yuan enterprise has 80. China's top 500 enterprises in 2010 the total revenue is equivalent to the American top 500 enterprises in 49.8%, relatively on year increase 8.4 percentage points; the average net asset profit rate of 12.19%, higher than the United States top 500 enterprises of 11.81%. Global top 500 enterprises of China is seleted an enterprise to already amounted to 58, just below the United States and Japan, ranking third.


China Enterprise Confederation(CEC) in Chengdu released the list of China top 500 enterprises. The gap of great enterprises between China and America is gradually narrowing, but many problems still e...


China Enterprise Confederation(CEC) in Chengdu released the list of China top 500 enterprises. The gap of great enterprises between China and America is gradually narrowing, but many problems still exist in our civil great enterprises, such as lack of multinational business and deficiency of core competence.
Relevance: According to the statistics produced by CEC, in 2010, the minimum annual revenue of China's top 500 enterprises increased to 14.2 billion yuan RMB. The annual revenue of 80 enterprises outnumbers one hundred billion yuan. In 2010, the total revenue of China top 500 enterprises was 49.8% of that of American ones, 8.4% higher than last year. An average profit rate of Net worth of China top 500 enterprised is 12.19%, higher than 11.81%, that of American top 500 enterprises. Now, the number of Chinese enterprises selected on the list of Global top 500 companies is 58, fewer than America and Japan. China ranks third.


英语翻译中国企业联合会在成都发布中国企业500强榜单,中国大企业与美国大型企业的差距正在逐步缩小,不过国内大企业仍存在跨国化经营不多、缺乏核心竞争力等多个问题.  相关:据中 英语翻译绿色责任跨国公司在中国中国企业在全球诚信兴商 财富杂志世界500强企业和中国500强企业排名主体有什么区别财富杂志2011年发布的世界500强企业中中国企业有60多家,但同样该杂志在稍后发布的中国500强企业前60名中为什么有很多没有进入世 修改病句,将修改后的句子写出.1月12日中国乒乓球男队在成都发布将举行“乒乓无国界”活动 罗斯柴尔德在中国企业. 英语翻译我们单位是两块牌子:天津市企业联合会 天津市企业家协会 在德国有哪些中国企业 英语翻译sme是中小企业的简称还有 廊坊市中小企业联合会 的英文 英语翻译我公司是中国成都的进口汽车零件贸易公司 英语翻译:你们在成都过的怎么样? 英语翻译随着中国改革开放的不断深入以及中国企业国际化进程的加快,中国企业纷纷把眼光瞄准了国际市场,与此同时,为了加快中国经济改革开放的步伐,我国政府也制定了“走出去”战略, 英语翻译我国的物流业发展相对滞后,但市场空间巨大,中国企业的领导者已经意识到物流配送的重要性和电子商务环境下物流-瓶颈-对企业的巨大影响,随着中国加入WTO 中国企业将面临来自国 英语翻译21世纪中国企业营销的主旋律-- 营销创新、营销行为的人文操作摘要:本文分析了21世纪,中国企业的营销环境,介绍了中国市场营销学的发展过程及现代企业营销的运用水平.分析了21 在哪些行业,中国企业最具有竞争力? 成都在中国的西南部英文怎么写? 面对中国-东盟自由贸易区,中国企业应该如何去做? 求中国软文网软文发布价格表 在我国,地震预报的发布权在中国 地震局,是对的吗