英语作文 不法商贩的危害

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英语作文 不法商贩的危害
英语作文 不法商贩的危害

英语作文 不法商贩的危害
Food Safety in China
With the growing awareness of healthy eating, more and more people now are paying more attention to the importance of healthy diet and an active life. But at the same time, a growing unrest over food safety in the China has caught everyone’s concern.
When it comes to the food safety incidents, especially 2008 Chinese milk scandal, every consumer has much anger to pour upon them. In September 2008, a fresh outbreak of kidney disease occurred, due to baby formula contaminated by melamine. Three babies died and over 6,000 were made sick by the tainted formula. The supplier of the milk, Sanlu Group, is a name brand and is a major player in the industry in China. The company is said to have known of the problem for months, but claims the contaminant came from milk suppliers.
Who should be main responsible for these serious incidents like milk scandal? On one hand, complex China’s food regulations should shoulder part duties. We should realized its monitoring system can be unresponsive, and the government departments that oversee and enforce policies have overlapping and often ambiguous duties. On the other, food producers and suppliers lack deserved responsibility for consumers! What they cares is only their own interest and profit maximization.
In my opinion ,everyone involved in it should set up a high responsibility for others, law related should be passed and carried out. Only in this way can we come by a healthy eating and a harmonious world.

英语作文 不法商贩的危害 1,据报道,水产市场的不法商贩用甲醛溶液浸泡水产品,以牟取暴力,危害使用者健康.【1】,不法商贩为什么用甲醛溶液浸泡水产品?【2】,这种做法有什么危害?2,室内空气受污染的因素:一是室 水产品市场的不法商贩用甲醛水溶液来浸泡多种海产品,以获取暴利.不法商贩为什么用甲醛溶液侵泡水产品?这样做对人体的危害? 前段时间,电视频频报道的河北“红心蛋”,是少许不法商贩,再饲料理添加了苏丹红”,请问:常见“苏丹红”的化学式是什么?它的主要危害又是什么?希望详细一些. 不法商贩在杠秤的秤砣上钻一个孔,他是怎么坑害消费者的? 不法商贩买的低价地沟油多少钱一斤?地沟油该怎么废物利用? 国家( )处罚了那些不法商贩.用严组词填空填入带“严”的词语 不法商贩使用“八两称”坑害消费者,用这种称称东西,小吴以2.0元/kg的价格从不法商贩处买了8kg香蕉,那么他被商贩坑了几元钱? 吸烟的危害 英语作文 {电脑的危害}英语作文 用英语写一篇120字左右的文章,词组简单即可,最近媒体接二连三的曝光了一系列有毒食品添加案件,令全国老百姓“谈食色变”.学者们认为食品添加剂是没有毒害的,但是被一些不法商贩利用, 物理:揭穿不法商贩短斤少两的奥妙阅读下列短文,解决文中提出的问题. 揭穿不法商贩短斤少再的奥妙 某班级准备联欢晚会,李方同学的任务是购买5斤(1斤=0.5千克) 某不法商贩在无水酒精中掺入水,用一种简单的方法检验酒精中是否有水? 某不法商贩在无水酒精中加水,用一种简单的方法检验酒精中有没有水 关于八两秤的数学问题...不法商贩常使用八两秤坑害消费者,用这种秤称东西,小亮以2元/斤的价格从不法商贩处买了8斤香蕉,那么他被不法商贩坑了()钱? 手机的危害 英语作文《大专作文》 为何不法商贩用电子干扰器使电子秤不准 不法商贩为什么用甲醛溶液浸泡水产品