
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/26 15:05:01


Last night the sky appeared a movement of an unknown object, Alice considered a UFO, because it is flying very fast. Jack that is light wind. The full name of UFO UFO, also known as UFO (unidentified flying object, referred to as UFO) is unknown, unknown space, unknown structure, the nature is unknown, but floating, flying objects in the air. Some people believe it is the spacecraft from other planets, some people think that UFO is a natural phenomenon. 1940s, the United States found that over the dish to an aircraft, then called the "flying saucer, which is the contemporary interest in the beginning of the UFO, then people look at UFO reports from around the world, but has not yet been found can indeed evidence of the letter many UFO photos by experts as a hoax, and some were considered to be ball lightning, but there is always some that can not be explained based on existing scientific knowledge.

Last night the sky appeared a movement of an unknown object, Alice considered a UFO, because it is flying very fast. Jack that is light wind. The full name of UFO UFO, also known as UFO (unidentified ...


Last night the sky appeared a movement of an unknown object, Alice considered a UFO, because it is flying very fast. Jack that is light wind. The full name of UFO UFO, also known as UFO (unidentified flying object, referred to as UFO) is unknown, unknown space, unknown structure, the nature is unknown, but floating, flying objects in the air. Some people believe it is the spacecraft from other planets, some people think that UFO is a natural phenomenon. 1940s, the United States found that over the dish to an aircraft, then called the "flying saucer, which is the contemporary interest in the beginning of the UFO, then people look at UFO reports from around the world, but has not yet been found can indeed evidence of the letter many UFO photos by experts as a hoax, and some were considered to be ball lightning, but there is always some that can not be explained based on existing scientific knowledge.


昨天晚上天空中出现一个移动的不明物体英语作文昨天晚上天空出现一运动的不明物体,Alice认为是不明飞行物,因为它飞行速度很快.Jack认为是发光风 昨天晚上天空出现一运动的不明物体,Alice认为是不明飞行物,因为它飞行速度很快.Jack认为是发光风筝,因英语作文的高手们!出招了!帮帮小弟吧~呜呜. 天空出现不明发光体 一篇英语作文,初三的水平.要用到情态动词,90词要写的下面的话,天空中出现一个不明的发光飞行物体,很多人有不同的看法,alice认为是ufo,因为飞行速度很快.jack认为是发光的风筝,因为飞的不 天空上出现不明物体今晚(2010.1.23)发现天空西面有一物体不停的闪着微弱的红光,但该物体并未移动(所以不大可能是飞机),大概持续10分钟左右,红光消失.高度很高,会不会是UFO?我所观察地是 湖南省道县昨天晚上天空出现了不明发光物体,有浓烟,温度高,不知道是什么东东是昨晚9点过发生的事情,家里的老人都很害怕,说那烟味还很臭,听那些村干部说是政府做什么试验,是保密 天空出现一群白色不明物体围着红云转是什么东西 夜晚云彩中有奇怪的白色的不明物体移动晚上8:30点左右,中央台预报台风布拉万来之前,发现云彩中有奇怪的白色的不明物体移动,就是一个比云彩亮一点的物体在不断做往返运动,大约持续15 晚上梦到佛祖是什么意思?昨天晚上梦到天空中出现了佛祖的样子,我还说是我老板,是什么意思? 临平2009年7月30日夜晚发现天空出现绿色不明物体,在移动请回答者们能回答出你们认为是什么东西,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 昨天晚上月全食,天空有“流星”出现吗? 紧急,速进!西南方向有不明的亮物!我现在在泉州南安官桥,天空的西南方面有一个很亮的物体 大家看看是什么东西 我估计是 空间站之类的`它的移动速度还是很快的,半小时就移动了30几度 9.27天空出现不明发光体河南南阳天空上面出现一道蓝光.刚开始是一个发光点然后慢慢变两条.两条光环绕速度很快逐渐变大跑出一段距离之后不见了.2分钟之后按照这样的规律又一次出现.之 “昨天晚上我做了一个梦,让人不的不高兴地梦,我希望这个梦境能在现实生活中出现”这句话用英语怎么翻译 不明物体用英语怎么说 天空出现不明物体5月2日晚上大概10点多的样子,我妈妈在我家楼顶发现一个红色的火球状东西,于是大叫着让我们上去看,我以为她大惊小怪是个夜航的飞机而已.磨磨蹭蹭的走去一看,果然很奇 俄罗斯陨石雨事件中出现不明物体击穿陨石,这个是怎么回事?外星人保护人类? 我在昨天拍到天空不明物体,那个物体比太阳小几倍.是黄色的