
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 21:27:03


我愿做一棵树 我不喜欢玫瑰,它的颜色太过妖艳;我不喜欢百合,它的香味浓烈刺鼻;我不喜欢牡丹,它的富贵令人高攀不起.我只喜欢那生机勃勃的大树. 也许是因为没有大海的广阔,才渴望有小溪的执著;是因为没有钻石的尊贵,才渴望水晶的璀璨;是因为没有鲜花的娇艳;才渴望大树的伟岸.总之,我愿做一棵树,也许在这个大城市中我微渺的可怜,但我依然可以体现出我的价值以及一切美好的真谛. 试想:没有没有树木的城市该是如此的荒芜与单调.尽管这样,但又有谁会去注意这平凡得不能再平凡的绿叶呢?可她依然默默无闻,无私奉献.生来就是为了点缀,生来就是为了把别人装扮得更完美.就像是一种责任,永远也完成不了的责任,只要生命还在,责任就在.这一切的一切,不正象征着长期在马路上“秉公执法”的协管员吗?炎炎的烈日下,瑟瑟的寒风中,都有着他们的身影.可是当“白领”们夹着公文包急匆匆的穿过红灯时;当青年们潇洒地骑着自行车穿越人行道时,你会注意到一旁默默无闻的协管员吗?有时候,他们好心的劝阻,得到的却是冷眼的相对.难道他们真的甘愿受这不平等的待遇吗?难道他们真的就只有做协管员的份吗?不,随着社会的发展,他们完全有能力找一份比这待遇高的工作.可他们为了造就一个有序和谐的社会,无怨无悔.他们头上的雪花和额头上的五线谱,是多少年来,岁月谱写出的一曲辛勤的歌. 其实社会上,有着大树默默无闻,无私奉献品质的人很多.马路上,时常被人瞧不起的清洁工;公交车上,平凡得不能再平凡的售票员;门房间里,从不被人在乎的门卫……人们是否该扪心自问:社会少了他们行吗? 所以我愿做一棵树,一颗质朴、不可缺少又聚一切美好品质于一身的树,这样即使我不被人注意,我也活出了属于我的精彩. 英文:I would like to do a tree I do not like roses, the color was too bewitching and I do not like lilies, the smell of its strong smell and I do not like peonies, and its wealth is Gao Pan can not afford. I only like the dynamic of trees. Maybe it is because the vast sea not only desire for a stream of perseverance, it is because there is no diamonds distinguished only desire of dazzling crystal; because there was no flowers Jiao-yan; only want the tree Wei-an. In short, I would like to do a tree, perhaps in the major cities in the I-Miao of the poor, but I can still reflect my values and the essence of all beautiful. Just imagine: No no trees the city is so barren and monotonous. Despite this, but who would have to pay attention to this extraordinary could be an extraordinary green She still unknown, and selfless devotion. To embellishment is born, born to other people is to dress more perfect. Is like a responsibility, never the responsibility can not be completed, as long as life is, the responsibility on. All this of all, unrighteousness a symbol of long-term on the street "impartial law enforcement," Xie Guanyuan? Under the scorching sun, the cold wind Sese, share their shadow. But when the "white collars" are Qiazhao briefcase through the red light at the hastily when young people to riding a bike across the sidewalk, you will note that little-known side of the Xieguan Yuan? Sometimes, they kind of dissuasion, it is the cold-shouldered by the relative. Do they really Gan Yuanshou this unequal treatment? Are they really only do it in the Xieguan Yuan No, with the development of society, they are fully capable to find a higher than this treatment work. They can in order to create a harmonious and orderly society, complaint or regret. They head the snow on the forehead and Wuxian Pu, is for many years, the time to write a hard song. In fact, the community, a little-known tree, and selfless devotion quality of many people. On the road, people often look down on the cleaners; bus, an extraordinary longer an extraordinary conductor; door room, never mind being of the guard…… ask ourselves whether the people: their trip less social? So I would like to do a tree, a simple, all-is indispensable to a better quality of the tree, so I do not even been aware that I live out of my wonderful.

下辈子我愿做一棵树, 它与生俱来的坚韧让我羡慕; 而下我正在空虚中度日, 两次明确的失败让我有些却步。 下辈子我愿做一棵树, 它与生俱来的坚韧让我羡慕; 而下我何不加入它坚韧的行列, 让我这辈子就做一棵意志坚韧的树。