
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/13 20:52:16



The essence of the so-called life, the essence of immortality is not of Health, Matisse is the same true nature of the self-owned there is no confusion of the meaning of bullying. Sentient beings beca...


The essence of the so-called life, the essence of immortality is not of Health, Matisse is the same true nature of the self-owned there is no confusion of the meaning of bullying. Sentient beings because of persistent habits of life and death, life and death appear similar, the nature of law is NOT a living or to die of the same characteristics. Health sentient beings are seen to have the composition of raw and born, people can think of Health are mothers, children are born, although one of the will of Health to students the broad but not able to change the characteristics of students, born in So. To students once the mother is born, if it is born of nature, that is, students will not have to nature, the so-called law is not self-ten thousand, not from him. If the nature of living, it should not die, we all seen die, so the nature of students are non-existent, but the cause of birth Hop show only, instead of sentient beings with emphasis on a study of its nature of life and death are all suffering sources. Wo Hop is the cause of the significant, Po has a total of showing the world, and all living creatures in their own industry shows the difference of habits, the habits of all sentient beings because of differences in almost all living creatures can not find two exactly the same, even twins. Is not common有自性. Since there is no self, so can a variety of shows, not from the table, but can we use, since there is no happiness and pain but we can feel the nature, and this is true causal reasoning. "Diamond Sutra" Say on with me, no one, no sentient beings, no life, and repair all of remedy, namely, the Arab-Israeli talks have Dorodjatun Bodhi three three despise. Subhuti! Said of remedy, such as non-effective ways to run that is the name of remedy.
2. Green sea, the fish was free to travel in; blue sky, the bird song in freely, the grass green, the flowers open at each other ... ... the whole world, it is so vibrant!
What is life, life is light wind days, life is full of rain, life is a lot of symphonic chorus, life is a Thanksgiving and a happy heart, life is filled with Happiness can the happy day. Life given to us an infinite number of things, the only way to return us to life, only love life. We must learn to cherish life, to understand the meaning of life, treat themselves, treat other people.
Modern society, all kinds of acts do not cherish a lot of life, such as crime, drug abuse and so on, many students recognize the dangers of drug shortage is more apparent on the drug not know, but how much harm it? What will the consequences of not very clear. Student life is not much of a right of integrity, I do not know the meaning of life, for there is no basic fear of death and serious attitude. Small things because often, the drop of a hat die Take to the threat of a return of suicidal ideas, and even some students really have to do such acts to the community and the home is a big loss, this is a very irresponsible act.
How precious life is, how much better life! Wake up every morning, I wanted to make me want to seize every day, every day sincerely treat. Zhaoxia Yinghong when my cheeks, when the birds wake up the tree of my dreams, I know that a new day has begun. I would like to thank my father, mother - are they given me a valuable life, is that they let me feel the beauty of the Earth, the world's bright, sweet life.
Yes ah, life is like a flower, flower of life is splendid, and it is fragile, not to cherish will be a little withered, withered.
所谓生命真谛,真谛就是不生不灭,谛就是真实不变本自拥有的性质无有欺惑的意思。众生习气的缘故执着生死,显现生死相,其本性来说没有一个法能有生或死的不变的特性。众生看到的生是有能生与所生组成的,人们认为能生是母亲,所生是孩子,其中的能生虽有能生的表相却没有能生的不变的特性,所生亦复如是。能生的母亲曾经也是所生,如果是所生的本性,即不会有能生的本性,所谓万法不自生,亦不从他生。如果有生的本性,那就不应该会死,大家都见过死,所以生的本性是不存在的,只是因缘和合显现出生的相而已,众生执着于相而不究其本性是一切痛苦生死的来源。相是因缘和合所显,娑婆世界有共相显现,而以众生各自不同业习气显现出差别相,因各众生习气差别的缘故,几乎找不到两个完全相同的众生,即使是双胞胎。所共同的就是都没有自性。因为没有自性,所以能显现出各种相,桌子没有自性,但能被我们使用, 快乐与痛苦没有自性但我们都能感受到,这就是因果不虚的道理。《金刚经》上说以无我、无人、无众生、无寿者,修一切善法,即得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。须菩提!所言善法者,如来说即非善法,是名善法。
2. 碧绿的大海里,鱼儿在自由自在地遨游;蔚蓝的天空下,鸟儿在无拘无束地鸣唱,青翠的草地上,花儿在争先恐后地开放……整个世界,显得那么生机盎然!
生命是多么可贵、活着是多么美好!每天清晨醒来,我就想我要好好地把握每一天,真心真意地对待每一天。 当朝霞映红了我的双颊,当树上的小鸟叫醒了我的梦想,我知道新的一天又开始了。我感谢我的爸爸、妈妈——是他们赋予了我宝贵的生命,是他们让我感受这美丽的地球、鲜亮的世界、可爱的生活。




1.所谓生命真谛,真谛就是不生不灭,谛就是真实不变本自拥有的性质无有欺惑的意思。众生习气的缘故执着生死,显现生死相,其本性来说没有一个法能有生或死的不变的特性。众生看到的生是有能生与所生组成的,人们认为能生是母亲,所生是孩子,其中的能生虽有能生的表相却没有能生的不变的特性,所生亦复如是。能生的母亲曾经也是所生,如果是所生的本性,即不会有能生的本性,所谓万法不自生,亦不从他生。如果有生的本性,那就不应该会死,大家都见过死,所以生的本性是不存在的,只是因缘和合显现出生的相而已,众生执着于相而不究其本性是一切痛苦生死的来源。相是因缘和合所显,娑婆世界有共相显现,而以众生各自不同业习气显现出差别相,因各众生习气差别的缘故,几乎找不到两个完全相同的众生,即使是双胞胎。所共同的就是都没有自性。因为没有自性,所以能显现出各种相,桌子没有自性,但能被我们使用, 快乐与痛苦没有自性但我们都能感受到,这就是因果不虚的道理。《金刚经》上说以无我、无人、无众生、无寿者,修一切善法,即得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。须菩提!所言善法者,如来说即非善法,是名善法。
2. 碧绿的大海里,鱼儿在自由自在地遨游;蔚蓝的天空下,鸟儿在无拘无束地鸣唱,青翠的草地上,花儿在争先恐后地开放……整个世界,显得那么生机盎然!
生命是多么可贵、活着是多么美好!每天清晨醒来,我就想我要好好地把握每一天,真心真意地对待每一天。 当朝霞映红了我的双颊,当树上的小鸟叫醒了我的梦想,我知道新的一天又开始了。我感谢我的爸爸、妈妈——是他们赋予了我宝贵的生命,是他们让我感受这美丽的地球、鲜亮的世界、可爱的生活。
