英语翻译The Eno is equal to 0.906 mVrms when it is calculatedusing (23) and it is equal to 0.929 mVrms when the measured transducer impedance and Eq.(17) is used.As can be seen,both methods provide similar results.The measured rms output noise vo
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 08:22:38
英语翻译The Eno is equal to 0.906 mVrms when it is calculatedusing (23) and it is equal to 0.929 mVrms when the measured transducer impedance and Eq.(17) is used.As can be seen,both methods provide similar results.The measured rms output noise vo
The Eno is equal to 0.906 mVrms when it is calculatedusing (23) and it is equal to 0.929 mVrms when the measured transducer impedance and Eq.(17) is used.As can be seen,both methods provide similar results.The measured rms output noise voltage,Eno,is 0.85 mVrms.This value is very close to the analytically calculated.Fig.7 shows the dependence of output noise voltage from RT,as can be seen
the noise performance is minimal for the selected value.Avalue of 10 MU for RT assures correct biasing of OPA657and provides similar noise performance than higher values.Finally,the output noise power spectral density and therms output noise voltage has been measured with anE4401B-ESA spectrum analyzer from Agilent.Fig.8 showsthe measured values of ento2 in continuous line compared
with the analytically obtained using expression (7) in dashedline.As can be seen,the analytical model approximatesclosely the measured performance
英语翻译The Eno is equal to 0.906 mVrms when it is calculatedusing (23) and it is equal to 0.929 mVrms when the measured transducer impedance and Eq.(17) is used.As can be seen,both methods provide similar results.The measured rms output noise vo
伊诺公司的mVrms等于时0.906 calculatedusing,它等于mVrms当测量传感器0.929阻抗和情绪智商.使用.由此可见,这两种方法都提供类似的结果.实测有效值的输出电压、噪声,是mVrms 0.85伊诺公司.该值非常接近分析计算.图7显示输出噪声的依赖从RT,可以看出
最小的噪声性能为选定的价值.Avalue 10亩用于实时保证正确偏OPA657and噪声性能提供了类似的比更高的价值.最后,输出噪声功率谱密度和细胞输出噪声电压anE4401B-ESA频谱分析仪测量从安捷伦.图8 showsthe的测量数据在ento2连续的线比较