英语翻译内容:白色花开1 阿狸有九条命:一条,两条,三条,四条,五条,六条,七条,八条,九条.这是出生前,阿狸认认真真数过的!2 阿狸妈妈难产,刚出生他就把第一条命用上了,要是不用,其他八条

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 06:55:34

英语翻译内容:白色花开1 阿狸有九条命:一条,两条,三条,四条,五条,六条,七条,八条,九条.这是出生前,阿狸认认真真数过的!2 阿狸妈妈难产,刚出生他就把第一条命用上了,要是不用,其他八条
1 阿狸有九条命:一条,两条,三条,四条,五条,六条,七条,八条,九条.这是出生前,阿狸认认真真数过的!
2 阿狸妈妈难产,刚出生他就把第一条命用上了,要是不用,其他八条命连用的机会都没有...
3 阿狸一周大的时候,把白色油漆当成牛奶都喝光了,第二条命也就这么用了.
4 阿狸一个月大的时候,他打劫吃的,却选错目标,差点被K死,第三条命贡献了
5 阿狸两个月大的时候,他在屋顶摆成个大字看星星,结果睡着了,半夜不小心滚下楼,第四条命……
6 阿狸三个月大的时候,阿狸偷隔壁老太太挂在墙上的鱼片,被扔出来的英汉词典砸到,第五条命就这么去了……
7 四个月的时候,妈妈死了,阿狸好难过,抱着他妈妈哭死过好几次,第六条命和他妈妈一起如烟而散...
8 阿狸去森林探险,扔小石头来记下来时的路,走到森林深处的时候,天空开始下起了鹅毛大学,迷路了……第七条命……
9 阿狸六个月大的时候,他爱上了桃子,桃子说她特别喜欢白色的玫瑰花,如果能得到,她就嫁给他.
10 阿狸在巫师的神秘花园守望了一夜,终于,等到那白色花开,小心翼翼摘花的时候被守护者发现……第八条命,还有阿狸的爱情,就这样落下……
11 阿狸只剩最后一条命了,他特别珍惜,后面的时间他懒懒的,哪里也不去了.
12 Time rush.直到死神的到来.阿狸想,与其这样老死,还不如用最后一条命再试着去摘一次那朵白色的玫瑰花……

英语翻译内容:白色花开1 阿狸有九条命:一条,两条,三条,四条,五条,六条,七条,八条,九条.这是出生前,阿狸认认真真数过的!2 阿狸妈妈难产,刚出生他就把第一条命用上了,要是不用,其他八条
1 A raccoon has nine lives:one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine.This is born,the number of ali seriously off!
2 A raccoon mother in childbirth,he took the first Mania birth were using,and if not,the other eight Mania terms together have a chance...
3 A raccoon week old,the white paint as all they do finish all the milk,the second Mania also so used.
4 A raccoon one month,he ate robbery,but the wrong target and was almost dead K,contributed the third Mania
5 A raccoon two months,he put into a large print on the roof the stars,the results fell asleep accidentally rolled floor at midnight,the fourth Mania ......
6 months old when ali,ali stole the old lady next door to the wall of the fish,was thrown out of English-Chinese dictionary missed,so went on the fifth Mania ......
7 months when her mother died,ali so sad,holding his mother several times Kusi,Mania and the sixth with the smoke and scattered his mother...
8 A raccoon to forest adventure,throwing small stones to be recorded when the road,went deep in the forest when the sky was beginning to feather University,lost the seventh Mania ............
9 A raccoon six months,he fell in love with peach,peach,said she liked white roses,if they can get,she married him.
10 A fox in the shaman's mysterious garden watch the night,finally,so to that of white flowers,carefully pick flowers when they were guardians found ......the eighth life,and also ali love,on this fall ......
11,only last one life ali,his special treasure,followed by his idle time,where not to go up.
12 Time rush.Until the arrival of death.A raccoon would like,instead of this old age,not as good as the last one with a tis life I tried to pick a white rose ......
White flowers,dream the flowers.

1 A raccoon has nine lives: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. This is born, the number of ali seriously off!
2 A raccoon mother in childbirth, he took the first Mania birt...


1 A raccoon has nine lives: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. This is born, the number of ali seriously off!
2 A raccoon mother in childbirth, he took the first Mania birth were using, and if not, the other eight Mania terms together have a chance. . .
3 A raccoon week old, the white paint as all they do finish all the milk, the second Mania also so used.
4 A raccoon one month, he ate robbery, but the wrong target and was almost dead K, contributed the third Mania
5 A raccoon two months, he put into a large print on the roof the stars, the results fell asleep accidentally rolled floor at midnight, the fourth Mania ... ...
6 months old when ali, ali stole the old lady next door to the wall of the fish, was thrown out of English-Chinese dictionary missed, so went on the fifth Mania ... ...
7 months when her mother died, ali so sad, holding his mother several times Kusi, Mania and the sixth with the smoke and scattered his mother. . .
8 A raccoon to forest adventure, throwing small stones to be recorded when the road, went deep in the forest when the sky was beginning to feather University, lost the seventh Mania ... ... ... ...
9 A raccoon six months, he fell in love with peach, peach, said she liked white roses, if they can get, she married him.

10 A fox in the shaman's mysterious garden watch the night, finally, so to that of white flowers, carefully pick flowers when they were guardians found ... ... the eighth life, and also ali love, on this fall ... ...
11, only last one life ali, his special treasure, followed by his idle time, where not to go up.

12 Time rush. Until the arrival of death. A raccoon would like, instead of this old age, not as good as the last one with a tis life I tried to pick a white rose ... ...
White flowers, dream the flowers.
