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杨振宁在 1922 年出生於中国安徽省合肥市.父亲杨武之是中国首屈一指的高等学府-清华大学的一名著名数学教授.杨振宁从小就在学术气氛浓厚的校园中长大.
1937 至 1945 年间,正值第二次世界大战,在帝国主义的影响下,日本侵略中国.中国大半国土相继沦陷,清华大学、北京大学等著名学府西迁,在云南省昆明巿组成西南联合大学.杨振宁在西南联大受大学教育,1942 年获得科学学士学位,1944 年又取得理科硕士学位.
在西南联大,杨振宁结识了未来的诺贝尔获奖伙伴李政道.李比杨小四岁,个子也比杨矮些.第二次世界大战结束后,两人考取了公费出国留学,一起前往美国芝加哥大学.当时,物理学家费米正担任芝加哥大学核子研究所所长.杨振宁一心想跟随费米从事研究,曾直接去求见费米,但费米因从事「高度保密的研究」而不能指导杨振宁写学位论文,便将他介绍给特勒,后来杨於 1948 年获哲学博士学位.
杨振宁在芝加哥大学当了一年讲师之后,去了普林斯顿大学,担任该校教授.1956 年春天,杨振宁和李政道等人查阅了大量有关基本粒子的实验资料,并进行分析,企图严格地寻找支持宇称守恒的证据.他们发现在「弱相互作用」的过程中,并没有任何迹象能证明宇称是守恒的.於是他们在1956年夏天提出这个问题,希望实验物理学家能透过实验解决.后来哥伦比亚大学副教授吴健雄在华盛顿国家标准局做了这个实验.实验结果表明了一直被物理学界推崇为金科玉律的「宇称守恒定律」不是一条普遍的自然定律,在弱互作用中它并不成立.这项高难度的实验获得成功,不但使吴健雄在 1957 年晋升为教授,也使杨振宁和李政道两人共同获得 1957 年诺贝尔物理学奖.同年他们还获得爱因斯坦物理学奖.
杨振宁是一个沉静、谦虚和开朗的人.他在 1950 年与杜致礼结婚,婚后有两个儿子和一个女儿.杜女士也是华人,他们夫妇在七十年代为中美学术交流作出了很大的贡献.
在 1971 年,杨振宁首次回到北京.其后他多次来华,为中国的科学和教育事业贡献力量.他曾说过:「中国有成千上万有才能的人,把他们的能力发挥出来,将使中国在二十一世纪对世界文明作出极大的贡献.」
Chen Ning Yang – Biography
Chen Ning Yang was born on September 22,1922,in Hofei,Anwhei,China,the first of five children of Ke Chuan Yang and Meng Hwa Loh Yang.He is also known as Frank or Franklin.
Yang was brought up in the peaceful and academically inclined atmosphere of the campus of Tsinghua University,just outside of Peiping,China,where his father was a Professor of Mathematics.He received his college education at the National Southwest Associated University in Kunming,China,and completed his B.Sc.degree there in 1942.His M.Sc.degree was received in 1944 from Tsinghua University,which had moved to Kunming during the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945).He went to the U.S.A.at the end of the war on a Tsinghua University Fellowship,and entered the University of Chicago in January 1946.At Chicago he came under the strong influence of Professor E.Fermi.After receiving his Ph.D.degree in 1948,Yang served for a year at the University of Chicago as an Instructor.He has been associated with the Institute for Advanced Study,Princeton,New Jersey,U.S.A.,since 1949,where he became a Professor in 1955.
Yang has worked on various subjects in physics,but has his chief interest in two fields:statistical mechanics and symmetry principles.His B.Sc.thesis:"Group Theory and Molecular Spectra",written under the guidance of Professor Ta-You Wu,his M.Sc.thesis:"Contributions to the Statistical Theory of Order-Disorder Transformations",written under the guidance of Professor J.S.Wang,and his Ph.D.thesis:"On the Angular Distribution in Nuclear Reactions and Coincidence Measurements",written under the guidance of Professor E.Teller,were instrumental in introducing him to these fields.
Dr.Yang is a prolific author,his numerous articles appearing in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society,The Physical Review,Reviews of Modern Physics,and the Chinese Journal of Physics.
Professor Yang has been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society and the Academia Sinica,and honoured with the Albert Einstein Commemorative Award (1957).The U.S.Junior Chamber of Commerce named him one of the outstanding young men of 1957.He was also awarded an honorary doctorate of the Princeton University,N.J.(1958).
In 1950 Yang married Chih Li Tu and is now the father of three children:Franklin,born 1951; Gilbert,born 1958; and Eulee,born 1961.
Dr.Yang is a quiet,modest,and affable physicist; he met his wife Chih Li Tu while teaching mathematics at her high school in China.He is a hard worker allowing himself very little leisure time.