英语翻译巴塞罗那(Barcelona)被称作欧洲之花.是世界上人口最稠密的城市之一. 巴塞罗那城是加泰罗尼亚文化的发祥地,同法国的文化和语言发展渊源颇深.有教会大学和加泰罗尼亚医学院等
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/19 22:04:04
英语翻译巴塞罗那(Barcelona)被称作欧洲之花.是世界上人口最稠密的城市之一. 巴塞罗那城是加泰罗尼亚文化的发祥地,同法国的文化和语言发展渊源颇深.有教会大学和加泰罗尼亚医学院等
巴塞罗那(Barcelona)被称作欧洲之花.是世界上人口最稠密的城市之一. 巴塞罗那城是加泰罗尼亚文化的发祥地,同法国的文化和语言发展渊源颇深.有教会大学和加泰罗尼亚医学院等高等院校.市内多博物馆,有加泰罗尼亚艺术博物馆、毕加索博物馆、历史博物馆、自然博物馆等20余所.是西班牙开办印刷所的第一个城市,也是欧洲发行报纸的第一个城市.每年10月举行的巴塞罗那国际音乐节为乐坛盛会.1992年第25届奥林匹克运动会在该城举行.旧城中心有13世纪开始营造的大教堂和中世纪的宫殿和房屋.这里有不少令人难忘的灰色石头造的哥特区建筑物,包括壮观的大教堂.新城是城市规划的典范,有宽广的大道,两边树木成行,还有大广场.令人感兴趣的中世纪建筑物中有许多教堂和宫殿.巴塞罗那市是国际建筑界公认的将古代文明和现代文明结合最完美的城市,也是一所艺术家的殿堂,市内随处可见世界著名的艺术大师毕加索、高迪、米罗等人的遗作.巴塞罗那是典型的地中海型气候 温和宜人,全年阳光明媚,鲜花盛开,冬季和初春几个月雨量大,但很少下雪,气温很少降至零度以下.宜人的气候、著名的金色海岸和充满浪漫色彩的人文环境,每年吸引数千万国外游客到此旅游休假.
英语翻译巴塞罗那(Barcelona)被称作欧洲之花.是世界上人口最稠密的城市之一. 巴塞罗那城是加泰罗尼亚文化的发祥地,同法国的文化和语言发展渊源颇深.有教会大学和加泰罗尼亚医学院等
Barcelona (Barcelona) is called the flower of the European. Is the world's most populous cities. Barcelona city is the birthplace of the Catalan culture, with French culture and language development origin a lot. A church university and the Catalan medical school and other institutions of higher learning. The museum has many, Catalan art museum, Picasso museum and the museum of natural history museum, more than 20. Spain is offered the first full point printing city, is also issued the first European newspapers city. Every October at the Barcelona international music festival music for event. In 1992 the Olympic Games in the 25 th held the city. The old city center has 13 century began to build cathedral and medieval palaces and the house. Here are some memorable grey stone buildings, including his d.c. made spectacular cathedral. New town is the model of city planning, have broad avenue, both sides trees and the big square deal. Interesting medieval building has a number of churches and palaces. Barcelona, is the international architecture is recognized as one of the ancient and modern civilization will be combined with the most perfect city, is also an artist's hall, the city can be seen everywhere of the world famous art master Picasso, gaudy, the millo, who last. Barcelona is the typical Mediterranean climate mild and pleasant, have sunshine all year round, flowers in bloom, winter and early spring months, but it seldom snows rainfall, and the temperature dropped to below zero. Few The pleasant climate, the famous golden coast and full of romantic colour humanistic environment, every year attracts tens of millions of foreign tourists to the tourism vacation.