
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 17:56:57


A: Hi! May I help you?
A: 嗨! 我可以帮你吗?
B: Yes. Can I have a BigMac Combo and a twenty-piece chicken nugget?
B: 是的. 我想要一份麦香堡套餐和一份20块鸡块.
A: What kind of drinks?
A: 什么饮料呢?
B: Coke, please.
B: 请给我可乐!
A: What kind of sauce for your chicken nuggets?
A: 想要什么酱配你的鸡块呢?
B: Hot Mustard, please.
B: 麻烦给我芥茉酱.
A: Anything else?
A: 还有别的吗?
B: No. Thats it.
B: 没有! 就这样了.
A: For here or to go? 或者 Sit in or take away?
A: 是在这里吃还是外带呢?
B: Its for here. / Sit in.
B: 这里用.
A: Ten twenty four
A: 一共是十镑二十四便士.
B: Here is eleven.
B: 这里是十一块.
A: Seventy-six pences is your change.
A: 这是你的零钱 - 七十六便士.
B: Enjoy your meal!
B: 请慢慢享用!
A: I will.
A: 谢谢,我会的.
A: Hi! Can I help you?
A: 嗨! 我可以锬懵?
B: Yes. Id like to have a two-item combo to go, please.
B: 是的. 我想要外带一个二道菜的套餐.
A: Sure. Would you like to have rice or noodles?
A: 当然.请问你想要饭还是面呢?
B: Could I have half and half?
B: 我可以要一半(饭)一半(面)吗?
A: Of course. What else would you like?
A: 当然? 请问你还要什么呢?
B: May I have some sesame chicken and curry beef, please?
B: 麻烦给我芝麻鸡和咖哩牛肉好吗?
A: Anything else for you?
A: 还有别的吗?
B: That should do it.
B: 就样应该够了.
A: Hi, how many people do you have in your party?
A: 嗨! 你们一共几个人呢?
B: Supposedly five and we have a reservation. I guess the other two are still on their way.
B: 应该总共有五个.我们有预约的.我想其它二个还在路上吧!
A: O.K. whats the name of the party under?
A: 好的, 名字是什么呢?
B: Morrison.
B: Morrison.
A: O.K. I have the name here. Would you like to take a seat while you wait for them to show up?
A: 好的, 我找到这个名字了.你们要不要先坐下来一面等他们来呢?
B: Sure.
B: 好的.
A: Good. This way, please.
A: 好! 请这边走.
Waiter: Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?
服务生: 你们准备好要点餐了还是还需要再多几分钟?
Man: Were ready. Shed like to have Grilled Pacific Swordfish.
男: 我们已经准备好了.她想要一份烤的太平洋旗鱼.
Waiter: Soup or salad, Maam?
服务生: 你要汤还是沙拉呢?
Woman: Salad, please.
女: 沙拉.
Waiter: Mixed Greens or Caesar Salad?
服务生: 综合绿叶沙拉还是凯撒沙拉呢?
Woman: Caesar Salad, please.
女: 凯撒沙拉.
Waiter: Great. How about you, Sir?
服务生: 好极了.先生你呢?
Man: New York Steak, medium rare, please.
男: 麻烦给我一份半熟的纽约牛排.
Waiter: Soup or salad?
服务生: 你要汤还是沙拉呢?
Man: Mixed Green Salad.
男: 综合绿叶沙拉.
Waiter: Great. Would you like anything to start off with before your main course?
服务生: 好! 在正餐来之前, 你们要不要先来点什么呢?
Man: No. Thank you.
男: 不要了.谢谢!