a wise man 和 a wise guy 有什么区别啊?好像是意思相反的 可我查的时候 没查出来a wise guy 的意思 ,a wise man 是哲人、魔术师的意思.哪个对阿.....-_-;
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 23:40:17
a wise man 和 a wise guy 有什么区别啊?好像是意思相反的 可我查的时候 没查出来a wise guy 的意思 ,a wise man 是哲人、魔术师的意思.哪个对阿.....-_-;
a wise man 和 a wise guy 有什么区别啊?
好像是意思相反的 可我查的时候 没查出来a wise guy 的意思 ,a wise man 是哲人、魔术师的意思.
a wise man 和 a wise guy 有什么区别啊?好像是意思相反的 可我查的时候 没查出来a wise guy 的意思 ,a wise man 是哲人、魔术师的意思.哪个对阿.....-_-;
不过问题在于Awise guy是可以做不同解释的.如楼上所说,可以是那个意思,不过它也可以和AWISE MAN意思一样.至于你所说的哲人,魔术师,那只是它的延展义.要是说到它的延展义,那意思就多多了.我可以说总统也是a wise man,是吧.
a wise man 哲人,魔术师
a wise guy 自作聪明的人(贬义)
a wise guy 自作聪明的人,自以为是的人
wise guy 骄傲自大的人
No man is born ( ), we need to learn to become ( )A wise wise B wisely wise
Adversity makes a man wise,not rich.
Advcrsity makes a man wise,not rich.
Wise is the man who stops a
fools learn nothing from wise man but wise man can lears a lot from fools
谚语翻译a wise man hears one and rnderstands ten a wise hawk hides his talons
a wise guy
sage 同意词吧A safeB wise man
He is a wise man who speaks little 是什么意思
It's the wise that makes a man.
he is a wise man who speaks little解析
A wise man never loses anything if he has himself
Our teacher is a wise man.I will____his advice
英译汉:Adversity makes a man wise,not rich.
a wise man 和 a wise guy 有什么区别啊?好像是意思相反的 可我查的时候 没查出来a wise guy 的意思 ,a wise man 是哲人、魔术师的意思.哪个对阿.....-_-;
A wise choice is yours
is it natural that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry?
travel makes a wise man better,but a fool man 急