at least 请 语法好的朋友讲解1at least 应该是个副词词组吧?应该是在句子中 一般在句子中 修饰什么呢?谓语动词?主语,宾语,全句,还是这几个 都可以修饰?at least 位置 很灵活,看到基本 句首,句中

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 23:02:52

at least 请 语法好的朋友讲解1at least 应该是个副词词组吧?应该是在句子中 一般在句子中 修饰什么呢?谓语动词?主语,宾语,全句,还是这几个 都可以修饰?at least 位置 很灵活,看到基本 句首,句中
at least 请 语法好的朋友讲解
at least 应该是个副词词组吧?应该是在句子中
一般在句子中 修饰什么呢?谓语动词?主语,宾语,全句,还是这几个 都可以修饰?at least 位置 很灵活,看到基本 句首,句中,句末 都可以吧
1.At least the club keeps the young people off the streets.
这句中 At least 修饰?
2 He smoked at least half a packet of cigarettes a day.
此句子中 at least 我觉得是 修饰动词 smoked
3 I reckon there are at least fifty people in the room.我估计房间里至少有五十个人.
此句子中 at least 修饰?
4 The picture is worth at least twenty pounds.这张图片至少值二十英镑.
该句子中 at least 修饰?
5 You should let me know at least.
此句子at least 是修饰?
大概回答下.不要过多的复制,粘贴.,后面 5 个例句,
修饰 那个部分的 可以直接 用序号.回答就行.
从这里坐火车去北京 你至少需要5个小时
我自己写的 两个 翻译,首先 请看看 语法上 句子上 是否可以 ,如果正确,请帮我确认,
如果错误,请指出,并改正,有更好的句子 欢迎 写一个哈.
A You need at least 5 hours from here to Beijing by train.
B It takes you at least 5 hours to go to Beijing from here by train.
关注某人 / 某事 用哪个词组来表达?
比如 :【 我一直在默默关注你,】 【 我不太关注网上的新闻 】
8 a seven-day holiday ,和 (a) seven days' holiday?意思是否等同?后一个,加不加a 不很确定.
a seven-day holiday ,我知道一个七天的假期,连续的七天,那后面的 (a) seven days' holiday?是不也是连续的七天,还是不连续 累计的七天?
如果 翻译,我一个月 有8天假期( 不连续的8天假期,累计休息8天) 是不是 不能用连字符,那个来翻译了.

at least 请 语法好的朋友讲解1at least 应该是个副词词组吧?应该是在句子中 一般在句子中 修饰什么呢?谓语动词?主语,宾语,全句,还是这几个 都可以修饰?at least 位置 很灵活,看到基本 句首,句中
一、所有的介词短语都是副词词组,有的表示时间(如:at night【夜间】,during the day【白天】),有的表示处所(at home【在家】,up the river【在狱中】),有的表示方式(by the way【顺便】,by means of【依靠】),有的表示条件(如:with one’s help【在某人帮助下】,in that case【如果是那样的话】),有的表示程度(如:in a way【有点】,in large【大规模地】).当然还可以表示原因、结果、目的、比较等.

二、副词性的介词短语可以作表语(如:He is at home)、定语(如:some students from this school【来自这所学校的几个学生】)或状语.作状语时,一般用来说明行为或状态产生的时间、原因、条件、处所、方式、程度、目的、结果.

三、at least就是一种表示程度的介词短语,用来修饰动词说明其产生时的最小程度.

1. At least the club keeps the young people off the streets. 起码俱乐部能使年轻人不在街上乱逛了.
——at least 修饰keeps,说明“一直保持的程度”?

2. He smoked at least half a packet of cigarettes a day. 他每天至少抽半包烟.
—— at least修饰动词 smoked 吗,说明“吸烟的程度”

3. I reckon there are at least fifty people in the room. 我估计房间里至少有五十个人.
——at least 修饰there are,说明“存在的程度”

4. His picture is worth at least twenty pounds. 这张图片至少值二十英镑.
—— at least 修饰is worth,说明“价值的程度”

5. You should let me know at least. 你最起码应该让我知道
——at least 修饰know,说明“知道的程度”

6. 从这里坐火车去北京你至少需要5个小时


A)You need at least 5 hours from here to Beijing by train.(也可以是to go to Beijing from here ——介词短语to …是目的状语,from …是处所状语)
B)It takes you at least 5 hours to go to Beijing from here by train.

7. 关注某人/某事

* pay attention to sb/sth.
* be concerned about sb/sth.
* with an eye to sb/sth.

I have been paying attention to you.
I’m concerned about you all the time.
I’m always with an eye to you.

I don’t very much pay attention to the news on the web.
I’m not much concerned about the news on the web.
I’m not very much with any eye to the news on the web.

8. a seven-day holiday ,和(a) seven days' holiday? 意思是否等同? 后一个,加不加a 不很确定.

a seven-day holiday 连续的七天的假期
seven days' holiday 总共七天的假期,包括累计的和连续的

I have seven days altogether on leave in a month(累计休息8天)

at least 请 语法好的朋友讲解1at least 应该是个副词词组吧?应该是在句子中 一般在句子中 修饰什么呢?谓语动词?主语,宾语,全句,还是这几个 都可以修饰?at least 位置 很灵活,看到基本 句首,句中 at least的同义词 at least的用法 求英语好的讲解一个语法填空.She arrives at the store ___ a shopping list and coupons. least的用法at least的用法有哪些?请分别举一些例子. 关于lend的用法.这句话的语法错在哪里?原句如下:She asked if she could have a lend of his book.主要是考关于lend的用法.请语法好的朋友帮我讲解一下lend,loan的语法知识, least、at least、least of all的区别, 高中英语特别简单请讲解一下里面的语法句型 英语语法:请从语法角度分析这个句子的结构I think I had at least a billion test,including one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope. 请问如何购买股票?具体步骤是什么?越详细越好,如题,请内行的朋友讲解一下, 我想有简便的方法.请朋友讲解 请大神分析下这句子里的语法点,Urgently,he teaches her about Descartes,who doubted,and by doing so knew at least that he could doubt. at least at least not least 与at least 的区别和联系 at least 和in the least的区别是什么? 英语翻译Don't sweat the xxxx details,at least not yet.这句话怎么翻译好呢?尤其里面的Don't sweat 和at least not yet 英语翻译请帮我翻译以下短文,我的朋友!Friendship BouquetYou may not realize this,but the following is 100% true.Think about some part of it daily.There are at least 2 people in this world who you would die for.And at least 15 people in