
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/04 08:05:17

新西兰以家庭农场为主,但经营规模比澳大利亚小.新西兰家庭农场占农场总面积的一半以上.总体上看,新西兰属于人少地多的国家,牧场尤其辽阔.新西兰家庭农场的规模只有澳大利亚的1/10 左右,也比美国的要小些.

because 1 New Zealand belong to temperate climates, and is located in the southern ocean. Therefore the rain during the same period, abundant precipitation, heat 2 fertile 3 and sparsely populated Therefore, New Zealand has good natural conditions, suitable for forage growth, make New Zealand formed ranch put animal husbandry/animal husbandry primarily agricultural production type. Mainly in animal husbandry. New Zealand is one of the world's most important one of the countries of animal husbandry. Animal husbandry is New Zealand economic pillar industries. Animal husbandry value accounts for about 80 percent of the total output value of agriculture, animal husbandry of the population engaged in agriculture also accounted for about 80 percent of the population, is the world in terms of population average breed sheep, cattle of countries most broken down. New Zealand family farm is given priority to, but business scale than Australia small. New Zealand family farms accounted for more than half of the total area of the farm. In general speaking, New Zealand belong to one less to more countries, particularly vast ranch. New Zealand family farm scale only about 1 in 10 in Australia than in the United States, also wants a little bit small.

英语翻译由于1新西兰属于温带海洋气候,并且位于南半球.因此雨热同期、降水充沛2土壤肥沃3地广人稀因此,新西兰拥有良好的自然条件,适合牧草生长,使新西兰形成了大牧场放牧业/畜牧业为 为什么塔斯马尼亚岛和新西兰是温带海洋气候,而植被是亚热带常绿阔叶林?温带海洋气候下发育的应该是温带落叶阔叶林呀,如欧洲 中国西北部和蒙古国的气候属于?A.温带季风气候 B.亚热带季风气候 C.温带海洋气候 D.温带大陆性气候 我国的气候类型有哪五种?1、热带沙漠气候2、热带雨林气候3、寒带气候4、亚热带季风气候5、地中海气候6、温带大陆气候7、温带海洋气候 温带季风气候,温带大陆性气候,温带海洋气候,温带草原气候各有什么特点 什么气候类型只分布在大陆东岸的气候选项有1,地中海式气候 2,热带雨林气候 3,温带季风气候 4,温带海洋气候 东欧平原有温带海洋气候吗? 地中海气候与温带海洋气候的区别 为什么亚洲没有温带海洋气候? 为什么日本没有温带海洋气候 温带海洋气候气候对人类的影响只要温带海洋气候的 美国东北部是温带海洋气候还是温带大陆性气候? 地中海气候 属于 亚热带气候 还是 温带气候? 新西兰南北二岛 为什么气候是温带海洋气候 但植被却是亚热带季风的植被呢?如题~前两天查图看到 发现新西兰南北二岛的其后是温带海洋 但植被却不是 为什么? 北美洲西部温带海洋气候比欧洲西部温带海洋气候降水多的原因是 新西兰的气候特点新西兰有温带大陆气候吗?它的畜牧业能反映出自然环境的哪些特点? 考拉在以下那个气候中生活:1、热带沙漠气候 2、 热带草原气候 3、亚热带湿润气候 4、 地中海气候 5、 温带海洋气候 6、热带雨林气候. 日本属于什么气候?是温带还是.