英语翻译Karen Karuza was a sight to behold,especially in the setting of a drab high school classroom.If the fourteen-year-old had antennae protruding from her high forehead,instead of just the space where her eyebrows had been,she couldn’t have
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 12:19:27
英语翻译Karen Karuza was a sight to behold,especially in the setting of a drab high school classroom.If the fourteen-year-old had antennae protruding from her high forehead,instead of just the space where her eyebrows had been,she couldn’t have
Karen Karuza was a sight to behold,especially in the setting of a drab high school classroom.If the fourteen-year-old had antennae protruding from her high forehead,instead of just the space where her eyebrows had been,she couldn’t have stood out more among the flannel-shirted boys and peasantbloused girls.In her glittering stretch pants and platform shoes,her brightly dyed hair nearly glowing and her multicolored fingernails sweeping rainbows when she talked,Karen decked the halls of Lincoln.The fact that she was one of the brightest students in the ninth grade only added to the mystery of her physical mutation from yet another Polish-Catholic Northeast girl into one of them.Lincoln had large ramps between floors instead of stairs,and each major clique in the school claimed a ramp as its exclusive territory.But there was no incline for the kids who looked “outrageous” like Karen Karuza.They found each other in different ways.
英语翻译Karen Karuza was a sight to behold,especially in the setting of a drab high school classroom.If the fourteen-year-old had antennae protruding from her high forehead,instead of just the space where her eyebrows had been,she couldn’t have
The fact that she was one of the brightest students in the ninth grade only added to the mystery of her physical mutation from yet another Polish-Catholic Northeast girl into one of them.这句不太会翻啊,求指教!求切磋!
是法语吗 怎么那么乱
凯伦.卡鲁扎?总是能成为人们的焦点,尤其是在沉闷的高中课堂上。如果不是这个14岁少女的前额,大概眉毛的位置长了高高的“触须",她也不会跟其他同龄人有任何差别,无论是穿着法兰绒衬衫的男孩子们还是穿着宽大衣服的女孩子们。 凯伦用她奇异的着装——闪闪发光的弹力裤、松糕鞋,漂染成浅色乍眼的头发,和说话时由色彩斑斓的指甲划出的彩虹,装点着林肯校园。其实,她是九年级最聪明的学生之一,加上她神秘的生理变异使她和...
凯伦.卡鲁扎?总是能成为人们的焦点,尤其是在沉闷的高中课堂上。如果不是这个14岁少女的前额,大概眉毛的位置长了高高的“触须",她也不会跟其他同龄人有任何差别,无论是穿着法兰绒衬衫的男孩子们还是穿着宽大衣服的女孩子们。 凯伦用她奇异的着装——闪闪发光的弹力裤、松糕鞋,漂染成浅色乍眼的头发,和说话时由色彩斑斓的指甲划出的彩虹,装点着林肯校园。其实,她是九年级最聪明的学生之一,加上她神秘的生理变异使她和另外一个信仰波兰天主教的东北女孩在一起。在林肯校园的每一层楼之间有很多坡道,学校的每一个主要团体都会标记一个坡道作为自己独有的领地。可是,其中却没有像凯伦这样看上去令人惊叹的孩子们的领地。也许,他们寻找彼此的方法不同吧。
The fact that she was one of the brightest students in the ninth grade only added to the mystery of her physical mutation from yet another Polish-Catholic Northeast girl into one of them. 这句不太会翻啊,求指教!!!!!求切磋!!!!