c# public static bool IsSelectNode(string xmlPath,string node){XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath);XmlNode result = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"//" + node);return result = null;//就这行}

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/08 15:08:42

c# public static bool IsSelectNode(string xmlPath,string node){XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath);XmlNode result = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"//" + node);return result = null;//就这行}
public static bool IsSelectNode(string xmlPath,string node)
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode result = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"//" + node);
return result = null;//就这行

c# public static bool IsSelectNode(string xmlPath,string node){XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath);XmlNode result = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"//" + node);return result = null;//就这行}
return result != null;
如果没获取到文档那么result肯定为NULL,则result != null返回的就是false
如果获取到了那么result != null返回的就是true

C# public static readonly class myclass= new class(); 求解释清楚一点 c# public static bool IsSelectNode(string xmlPath,string node){XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath);XmlNode result = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(@// + node);return result = null;//就这行} c#不懂得地方 private static string sandnamevalue;public static string SandNameValue{set {sandnamevalue = value;}get {return sandnamevalue;}}为什么要写这段代码 他的作用又是什么 value又是什么 这难道与数据库的数据有 c# Console.WriteLine({0,-4},m);和Console.一部分程序是这样的:public static void Main(){ int m,k,n=1;Console.WriteLine({0,-4},2);for(m=3,m C# where语法问题public static T AsActual(this T persistable)where T :IPersistablepublic interface IRepositoryFactory{T GetRepository()where T :class;}上面两种函数后带where的写法是什么意思?与LinQ有关? 请问static什么意思public static string s;public string s;两者有什么区别呢,能解释一下static吗, public class test(){ public Class a(int i) {} public static class b{} }public class test(){public Class a(int i) {}public static class b{}} c# public ObservableCollection icons = new ObservableCollection(); Boo-Boo-Boo 歌词 阅读下面C#代码,找出错误并改正.class A{private int x;public A(int x){this.x = x;}public int MyX{get{return x;}}}class B{public static void Main(){A b = new A(10);b.MyX = 100;Console.WriteLine(b.MyX);}}将改正之后的代码写上就行 HTML部分代码:游>RadioButtonList事件:protected void rdoMode_T_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender,EventArgs e){ID_Area_Line();}部分代码:public static string strID_World;public static string strName_World;public static string strID_Area C#中的Console.Read()和Console.ReadLine()刚刚用C#写了一个顺序表,由于成员函数的实现有点长因此不再赘述而且代码也应该没什么问题,我就把出现问题的主函数贴在下面:public static void Main(){ S C#调用C++的dll总是报错 Attempted to read or write protected memory.Attempted to read or write p……C#代码:[DllImport(duxie.dll,EntryPoint = lala,CharSet = CharSet.None)]public static extern string lala();private void button1_Click(ob 会c#的麻烦进来帮下忙using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;namespace 类{class Dog{/* static void Main(){Dog Haba = new Dog();Haba.eat();Haba.sound();}*/public void eat(){Console.WriteLine(吃啊!);}public void sou c#如何让把类作为参数传递?比如class test{public void tt(){//添加代码}}class B{public set(test t){t.tt()}class Main{static void gg(){B b= new B();b.set(new test())}}这样可以吗? public final static double PI=3.14159265这句是什么意思 public class Example{public static void main(String[] args){for (int outer=0;out C#如何在工程中 定义 public、private