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Hypobromous acid
Space-filling model of hypobromous acidHypobromous acid is a weak,unstable acid with chemical formula HOBr.It is also called bromic(I) acid,bromanol or hydroxidobromine.It occurs only in solution and has chemical and physical properties that are very similar to those of hypochlorous acid.
In aqueous solution,hypobromous acid partially dissociates into the hypobromite anion OBr− and the cation H+.The salts of hypobromous acid are also called hypobromites.Like the acid,these salts are unstable and when evaporated or boiled to dryness,they undergo a disproportionation reaction,yielding the respective bromate and bromide salts.
When pure bromine is added to water,it forms hypobromous acid and hydrobromic acid (HBr):
Br2(l) + H2O(l) → HOBr(aq) + HBr (aq)
HOBr is used as a bleach,an oxidizer,a deodorant,and a disinfectant,due to its ability to kill the cells of many pathogens.The compound is generated in warm-blooded vertebrate organisms especially by eosinophils,which produce it by the action of eosinophil peroxidase,an enzyme which preferentially uses bromide.[1] Bromide is also used in hot tubs and spas as a germicidal agent,using the action of an oxidizing agent to generate hypobromite in a similar fashion to the peroxidase in eosinophils.It is especially effective when used in combination with its congener,hypochlorous acid.
[edit] References
1.^ "Eosinophils preferentially use bromide to generate halogenating agents -- Mayeno et al.264 (10):5660 -- Journal of Biological Chemistry".http://www.jbc.org/cgi/content/abstract/264/10/5660.Retrieved 2008-01-12.


溴溶于水为什么是生成溴酸和氢溴酸而不是生成次溴酸和氢溴酸?这是我们博士老师说的。 溴酸钠+溴化钠+硫酸 生成 硫酸钠+水+溴.为何溴化钠和溴酸钠不反应,为何溴酸钠和硫酸不反应? 溴化钠和次溴酸钠溶于水吗 除去溴乙烷中少量的溴为什么不能用硝酸银加硝酸银时,溴与水可以反应生成氢溴酸和次溴酸,这是个可逆反应,银离子和溴离子结合使平衡一直正向移动,最后溴完全消耗。为什么不行? 次溴酸可否与氯气反应生成次氯酸和溴? 溴化碘和水反应为什么生成次碘酸和氢溴酸 两种有机化合物A和B互为同分异构体,分子式为C7H8O.A能与氢溴酸反应,生成物的分子式为C7H7Br,而B不能与氢溴酸反应,A不溶于NaOH溶液,而B能溶于NaOH溶液,B能使适量溴水褪色并产生白色沉淀,而A不 两种有机化合物A和B互为同分异构体,分子式为C7H8O.A能与氢溴酸反应,生成物的分子式为C7H7Br,而B不能与氢溴酸反应;A不溶于NaOH溶液,而B能溶于NaOH溶液;B能使适量的溴水退色并产生白色沉淀, 实验室到底是用浓硫酸与溴化钠和溴酸钠混合制备溴蒸汽还是氢溴酸和二氧化锰混合制备溴蒸汽 为什么乙烯和溴水发生取代反应时,生成的是氢溴酸而不直接置换生成氢气? 高溴酸钾+碘化钾+硫酸反应生成碘单质+溴单质+溴化钾+硫酸钾和水的方程式 铁和氢溴酸反应生成什么呢 钠和水反应生成的氢氧化钠为什么是用%如题.钠和水反应生成的氢氧化钠为什么是用酚肽检验,而不是用石蕊检验? 碘会和氯气和溴一样和水反应吗?我看到书上说溴和水反应生成氢溴酸和HBrO,那么碘会反应吗?虽然他微溶生成的是HI和HIO吗? 铝离子和碳酸氢根双水解生成碳酸铝为什么是生成氢氧化铝而不是碳酸铝 SiO2和C在高温下反应,为什么是生成CO而不是CO2? Na在高温隔绝空气和Fe2O3反应生成的为什么是Na2O,而不是Na2O2? 高中化学 次氯酸钠与氢氧化铁反应生成Na2FeO4 写它的离子方程式为什么是生成氯离子和水而不是其他的? 是在碱性环境下