求翻译,速度!Actions Speak Louder Than WordsActions Speak Louder Than WordsI had a man tell me that the problem women have is that we get more hung up on a man’s words than we do their actions. He meant that we don’t always see if a man walks

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 22:51:45

求翻译,速度!Actions Speak Louder Than WordsActions Speak Louder Than WordsI had a man tell me that the problem women have is that we get more hung up on a man’s words than we do their actions. He meant that we don’t always see if a man walks
求翻译,速度!Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
I had a man tell me that the problem women have is that we get more hung up on a man’s words than we do their actions. He meant that we don’t always see if a man walks his talk. We get all caught up in the words, and ignore the value of his actions.
How many of us get snowballed by what a man says to us? All those sweet nothings he whispers, the perfect comment at the perfect moment, and the feelings those words give us. But how many of us actually put more weight or at least equal weight on what they display for actions? I’d venture to say not many of us.
And why do we do that? That is the real question. Perhaps some of us just get so caught up in the fact that a man is merely talking to begin with. And even more so the fact that they are talking to us. How many of us walk around life starving from lack of conversation, stimulating conversation, with a man?
When we first meet someone we are intrigued by what makes them click – how they view life. We compare interests and goals. We even analyze whether or not we can see ourselves sharing our life with them. Let’s face it – as women we crave conversation. The saying that we never run out of something to talk about is accurate. We always have something to say and want someone to listen.
So why don’t we look at a man’s actions? Probably because very few actions mirror the words we hear. We like the way their words make us feel. And only after the relationship is over do we realize that we were fools in taking only what they said to us. Does that make us terrible people? No, but it sure does make us feel like a fool at times.

求翻译,速度!Actions Speak Louder Than WordsActions Speak Louder Than WordsI had a man tell me that the problem women have is that we get more hung up on a man’s words than we do their actions. He meant that we don’t always see if a man walks
  当我们第一次见面的人,我们是什么让他们按兴趣 - 他们如何看待生命.我们比较利益和目标.我们甚至分析我们是否可以看到自己与他们分享我们的生活.让我们面对现实吧 - 我们渴望为妇女交谈.该说,我们从来没有用完的东西要谈的是准确的.我们一直有话要说,希望有人倾听.



当我们第一次见面的人,我们是什么让他们按兴趣 - 他们如何看待生命。我们比较利益和目标。我们甚至分析我们是否可以看到自己与他们分享我们的生活。让我们面对现实吧 - 我们渴望为妇女交谈。该说,我们从来没有用完的东西要谈的是准确的。我们一直有话要说,希望有人倾听。

