what is the sky?短文的中文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 13:00:39

what is the sky?短文的中文
what is the sky?短文的中文

what is the sky?短文的中文
1、What is the sky?
2、The sky is space where there is nothing except the sun,the earth,the moon and all the stars.
3、They have found out a great deal.They know many facts about moon.
4、A plane cannot fly to the moon because there is no air.
5、Get a balloon and then blow it up until it is quite big.Don not tie up the
6、The balloon will fly off through the air very quickly.The air inside the balloon tries to get out.Through the neck of the balloon and this pushes the balloon througt the air.It does not need wings like an aeroplane.
7、This is how a rocket works.Of course,the rocket is made of metal.The metal must not be heaavy but it must be very strong.There is gas inside the rocket which is made very hot,when it rushes out of the rocket,the rocket is pushed up into the air.
8、Several rockets,without men inside them,have been sent to other worlds much farther away.
9、John and his friends will have a picnic on the hill on May29.It’s on the other side of the river and there ‘re a lot of flowers on it.
10、He’ll be free that day.He told his mother about it.She bought some food this morning and she’s getting ready for it now.
11、He looked up and saw there was much cloud.He came in the kitchen and said,“I’m afraid it’ll be rainy.Then we won’t go to the hill.”
12、There is an old song called Whatever Will Be,Will Be.
13、Will I be pretty?Will I be rich?
14、Whatever will be,will be.
15、Indeed no one can predict exactly what will be in the future,but we can imagine what our lives are like.
16、In my mind.
17、Both teachers and kids will discuss questions will esch other on Internet.They needn’t spend a lot of time on transportation.
1 ,天空是什么?
2 ,天空空间那里也只有太阳,地球,月亮和所有的星星.
3 ,他们发现了一个巨大的deal.They知道很多事实月球.
4 ,飞机无法飞往月球,因为没有空气.
5 ,获得一个气球,然后打击它,直到它是相当不配合big.Don了
6 ,气球会飞走通过空气非常quickly.The内的空气热气球试图获得out.Through的颈部气球,这推动了气球的air.It througt并不需要翅膀像一架飞机.
7 ,这是火箭works.Of当然,火箭是由金属metal.The不得heaavy但它必须是非常strong.There内的气体火箭,是非常炎热时,急忙离开火箭,火箭是推高到空气中.
8 ,数枚火箭弹,但他们男子已被送往世界上许多其他更远.
9 ,约翰和他的朋友们将有一个野餐的山丘上May29.It的另一边的河流和再大量的花朵上.
11日,他抬起头,看到有很多cloud.He出现在厨房,说: “我恐怕会rainy.Then我们不会去山上. ”
14 ,无论将将.