
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 02:01:35

Subject:problem Date:June 26
Dear Ms Li:
I'm very glad to write to you.
I always work very hard and rest less,because I always stay up for doing homework and I don't have enough sport exercise ect.I am not happy ,I can't watch TV,listen to music and surf the Internet at home,my life isn't lively and interesing .What can I do?
4月23日是“世界读书日”(World Reading Day),假如你是班长Tom,结合上面的文章,请你起草一份60-80字的倡仪书,号召全班同学以实际行动迎接“世界读书日”的到来,多读书、读好书,养成读书的好习惯(开头已给出).
3.简单介绍一些好书及读书的方法,如Book Club、Book Corner等
Boys and girls,
April,23 is World Reading Day,and it is a global festival.Reading books is
Reading books is not only let us feel interesting but also it can open our eyes and learn more and more.Reading book it can also change our mind and our heart ,it can make us king ,brave and confident ect.So are you ready?there are some good way fou you to read book:like Book Club、Book Corner ...In a word,I think every studengs should read one or two good books,it is very usefulfor us.
参考词汇:1.donation boxN,捐款箱
2.quake-battered areas地震地区
One day,Tom went home after school and he asked his mother some money.Tom's mother didn't understand why ,so she just took out his money,but Tom took the money away quickly and then ran away,his mother was very angry and run after him.while Tom was lining at the donation box,his mother was moved by it and thought :"how great the Tom is!"

One day, Tom went home after school and he asked his mother for some money. Tom's mother didn't understand why, so she just took out his money. Then Tom took the money away quickly and ran away. His mother was very angry and ran after him. When Tom's mother saw Tom lining at the donation box, she was moved and thought :"How great Tom is!"
Boys and girls,
April, 23 is the World Reading Day and it is a global festival. Reading books is not only interesting but also can help open our view and help us learn more and more. Reading books can also change our mind and our ways of thinking. It can make us brave and confident in doing things. There are some good places for you to read books: Book Club, Book Corner, etc. In my view, every student should read one or two good books. it is very useful for us. If you are ready, please start your reading.
From:[email protected] To:[email protected]
Subject: problem
Date: June 26
Dear Ms Li:
I'm very glad to write to you.
I always work very hard and have less rest because I always stay up for doing homework. And I don't have enough time for doing exercises. I am not happy: I can't watch TV, listen to the music or surf the Internet at home. My life isn't lively and interesting. What can I do?

英语作文:请帮我修改一下, 可以请帮我修改英语作文3篇吗?假如你叫张蒙,班主任李老师想了解班级同学的状况,以便有针对性地对学生进行考前心理疏导.请你根据下面的内容要求,给班主任李老师写封e-mail,说明自己的情 帮我来一篇作文 叫 假如我是你 要求;假如我是你,那个你代表老师 或家长. 帮我写一篇失物招领英语作文假如你捡到一个双肩背包,红色的,里面有2张CD,一张身份证,一个棒球帽.写一篇失物招领作文 帮我写篇英语作文:假如你是某饭店老板,请在报纸上发篇招聘广告 请帮我写一篇英语作文:假如你是jim Green介绍一下自己.生日8.16.食物汉堡.爱好足球.电影动作.明星陈英语作文假如你的哥哥叫Robert,根据他的姓名,年龄,生日,职业,朋友,三餐爱好写一篇短文 帮我修改一下这篇作文可以留下联系方式,我可以发到你那里。 帮我修改下英语作文 高手帮我修改英语作文, 帮我写篇你英语作文,内容是“假如你下周要过生日,想要举行一个生日派对,请给朋友写封电子邮件 英语作文假如你叫Sam,请介绍你和你的朋友Frank的生日,年龄以及爱好, 我叫 张开明 我想知道含义 请帮我 请帮我检查这篇英语作文,哪里需要修改的 帮我写一篇英语作文 o(∩_∩)o假如你叫赵青,你班将组织“青岛一日游”活动,活动安排如表格.请根据表格内容发e-mail通知因感冒而在家休息的同学张巍.日期 10月1日活动安排 7∶00 学校大门口 你帮我修改一篇作文好不好.求求你了! 你能帮我修改一篇作文吗?求求你! 英语.帮我修改 假如你叫Tony.英语