菜鸟问题之小小语法English today is very different from the English spoken long,long ago.By the 12th century,the language has already changed very much.People then could not read the writings from the year 700.The history of the English has t

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菜鸟问题之小小语法English today is very different from the English spoken long,long ago.By the 12th century,the language has already changed very much.People then could not read the writings from the year 700.The history of the English has t
English today is very different from the English spoken long,long ago.By the 12th century,the language has already changed very much.People then could not read the writings from the year 700.The history of the English has three parts--"Old English"(before the year 1150)."Middle English"(up till 1500) and "Modern English"(1500 to now).
The biggest difference from Old,Middle and Modern English is in vocabulary.Grammar has not changed greatly.But thousands of new words have come into the language.Many of these are from French.
Another important change is pronunciation.It has changed so much that there are almost no words said the same way today as in Old English.
1:by the 12th century中的BY是固定搭配么?可否用其它介词来代替么,能用哪些来代替呢?
2:the year 700中的the year为什么指的是公元?它还能表示其它的么?
3:the biggest difference between Old,Middle and Modern English is in vocabulary.为什么是in vocabulary?如果没了in会一样么?有in 和没in的分别在哪呢?

菜鸟问题之小小语法English today is very different from the English spoken long,long ago.By the 12th century,the language has already changed very much.People then could not read the writings from the year 700.The history of the English has t
1,by 在这里表示到.时(为止),这里用by是习惯用法,一般情况下是不能换别的介词代替,即使换了可能符合语法规则但不符合习惯用法,句子会看起来不地道.
2,这里判断是公元并不是the year 决定的,the year并不表示公元,根据上下文可以判断这里是公元700年而不是公元前700年,BC表示公元前,AD表示公元,如果文中指的是公元前自然会在700之后加BC,如果要指公元700年,在700后加AD或什么都不加都可以表示.
3,这里的in加不加都可以.如果不加in,在这个句子中名词vocabulary做句子的表语,如果加in,在这个句子中介词词组in vocabulary做表语.

1.by表示的是从那个时候之前知道那个时候,如果用at只表示在那个时候,也可以用until或up to
2.那还能表示别的吗?就像我们现在说的the year 2000一样

菜鸟问题之小小语法English today is very different from the English spoken long,long ago.By the 12th century,the language has already changed very much.People then could not read the writings from the year 700.The history of the English has t 请教英语高手一个小小的语法问题.Welcome all of you join English Club!还是Welcome all of you to join English Club! ansys solve后出现如图所示的问题 怎么办 我是ansys初级小小小菜鸟 一个小小的SAT语法问题.25years 后面的谓语动词应该是单数还是复数? 小小的语法问题,nearly,almost用法,哪个是前否定,哪个是后否定? my English is not good有什么语法问题 什么是内切圆,内切圆有什么性质(几何)这是关于几何的问题,小小小菜鸟请各位大虾多多刺脚(赐教) 两个小小的问题 What do you find difficult ( ) learning English?A.atB.forC.inD.with请说一下涉及到的语法/固定搭配等.How long have you ( ) that school?A.been toB.been inC.gone toD.in English.语法填空. ENGLISH怎样记语法! 小小语法I know you ( )(would) 关于英语菜鸟的问题.单词就像中文的字.语法就是怎么把他们连成一个句子.这种说法对吗? 这句话有语法问题么,是chinese english么what does the meaning of in? 请问一个语法问题;English is hard to study,to study 在句中作什么状语啊 介绍下a和an的语法,本人英语菜鸟 关于角动量量子化的一个菜鸟问题. 小小语法问题1등석 항공권에 특급호텔 숙박권这里的에是什么意思