来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/14 05:03:01
在学校中发生过许多瞬间,可那一瞬间是最激动人心的.那一次,学校让我们班和一班进行拔河比赛.比赛开始了,我们双方都使出吃奶的劲,拼命的拉,可是一班有几位重量级选手,眼看着一班就要赢了,只听我们班的陈博文大喊一声,这一喊不要紧,喊声竟燃起了我们心中的斗火,长绳中的红领巾终于慢慢的朝我们班移来.这时,整个操场都被浓浓的气氛所包围,双方的拉拉队队员也在不停的喊着加油!红领巾依然一会儿朝我们班移,一会儿朝一班移,大家的心都悬了起来.我忽然觉得红领巾离我们越来越近了,原来是陈博文在拼命的拉,看到陈博文如此的卖力,大伙儿也使出全身力气,终于红领巾超过了白线,我们班胜利了!时间仿佛定格在那一刻.有的同学拥抱在一起,有的高兴的跳了起来,有的脸上挂着兴奋和高兴┄┄ 我们都觉得十分不可思议,因为我们班的同学看上去总是给人若不经风的感觉,而一班里有N多个大力士,就是因为我们班的团结打倒了他们班的气势.那成功的一刻是激动人心的,也是令我们难以忘怀的
There are lots of moments in the school's daily life but no one could be the most touching like this among them.Our class had a tug of war competition with class one.When the game started,we both pulled the rope desperately,class one had several heavyweight players,they took care of the satuation,the victory was seemed more and more close to the class one,suddenly i heard a furious roar from Chen Wenbo who is stand by my side.The roar sparked our morale and made us more united,the red scarf which tied in the middle of the rope was moving towards us slowly.At this time,the entire playground was covered with tension and stifling atmosphere,the cheer leadings were chilling up the teams!The red scarf swayed between those two teams,everybody's heart was beating so quickly..I saw the red scarf was more and more approaching us due to Chen Wenbo's endeavor,we were pretty touched by him,so we acted in unison,the red scarf came to the our side finally and we defeated class one.Everybody looked pretty happy with that. We won,we made it! May that time stand still forever.we huged each other,jump to the air high and we all felt excited and happy.It was absolutely unbelievable for us,we were not mighty in comparison with them.but we united,so we stood!That moment was so exciting and memorable.