英语翻译美国《时代》周刊选出年度十大建筑奇迹,当代MOMA 和“鸟巢”、CCTV大楼一起入选.这是继2006 年12 月被美国《POPULAR SCIENCE》评为“当代世界七大建筑工程奇迹”之后,当代MOMA 再获殊荣

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 07:49:18

英语翻译美国《时代》周刊选出年度十大建筑奇迹,当代MOMA 和“鸟巢”、CCTV大楼一起入选.这是继2006 年12 月被美国《POPULAR SCIENCE》评为“当代世界七大建筑工程奇迹”之后,当代MOMA 再获殊荣
美国《时代》周刊选出年度十大建筑奇迹,当代MOMA 和“鸟巢”、CCTV大楼一起入选.这是继2006 年12 月被美国《POPULAR SCIENCE》评为“当代世界七大建筑工程奇迹”之后,当代MOMA 再获殊荣.其建筑师就是美国著名建筑师、建筑现象学代表人物斯蒂文·霍尔.在接受采访时,霍尔说:“我之所以在中国工作,主要原因是可以自由展望、了解21 世纪的建筑远景,比如可持续性能源体系和综合型都市 有“建筑思想家”之誉的美国建筑师斯蒂文·霍尔以《舞蹈》为灵感,在北京东直门设计了8 楼相连的“当代MOMA”.当然,霍尔不可能让建筑摆脱地球离心力舞蹈起来,他用天桥把8 座楼连接起来,既打通了楼与楼之间的空间联系,又打破了人与人之间的交流屏障,更重要的是,天桥让整个社区的空间立体起来,成为三维空间.这在当下只有保安护门的国内住宅小区是绝无仅有的创举.
你们真快啊 我遗漏了一句 斯蒂文·霍尔是美国当代著名建筑设计师,其作品特别注重艺术美感而抵制设计中的系统性和一般性原则,其设计风格在世界范围内具有广泛影响,近年来在我国建筑设计界受到格外关注。

英语翻译美国《时代》周刊选出年度十大建筑奇迹,当代MOMA 和“鸟巢”、CCTV大楼一起入选.这是继2006 年12 月被美国《POPULAR SCIENCE》评为“当代世界七大建筑工程奇迹”之后,当代MOMA 再获殊荣
U.S. "Time" magazine selected the 10 year construction miracle, MOMA and the contemporary "Bird's Nest", CCTV Tower, along with selected. This is the second in December 2006 by the United States "POPULAR SCIENCE" as a "contemporary works of the seven wonders of the world" after winning re-MOMA contemporary. The architects of the United States is well-known architects, construction phenomenology representative Steven Hall. In an interview, Hall said: "I was working in China, mainly due to free vision, understanding of the vision of building the 21st century, such as sustainable energy systems and integrated urban-type" construction thinker, "the reputation of the United States Steven Holl Architects to "dance" for inspiration in the design of the Beijing Dongzhimen 8 connected to the floor, "Contemporary MOMA". Of course, Hall can not allow the construction of the Earth from the centrifugal force dance together, he flyovers to 8 Block House, linking it to get through both the House and the floor space between the contact, breaking the barriers between people exchanges, more importantly, bridges the entire community of three-dimensional space into three-dimensional space. In this moment Only domestic security doors residential district is unique and novel concept.
Steven Hall is a well-known contemporary American architect, whose works of art with particular emphasis on aesthetics and design to resist the systemic and general principles of its design around the world have a wide impact in recent years, China's construction sectors Has received special attention.

Time magazine selected contemporary architectural marvel, annual ten MOMA's ", and "architecture cirlce together. This is the December 2006 was POPULAR American SCIENCE "as" contemporary world seven w...


Time magazine selected contemporary architectural marvel, annual ten MOMA's ", and "architecture cirlce together. This is the December 2006 was POPULAR American SCIENCE "as" contemporary world seven wonders "construction of contemporary MOMA again after anymore. The architect is a famous American architect, building the phenomenological representative Steve hall. When interviewed, hall said: "I am working in China, the main reason is the free outlook, understanding the 21st century architecture perspective, such as sustainable energy system and integrated urban construction thinkers have", "the American architect Steve in the dance hall for inspiration in Beijing, the 8th floor dongzhimen design of contemporary MOMA." of course, hall from earth could not make construction cranes dance, the centrifugal force with the 8 building, through the connecting with the floor space of buildings, and contact between broke the communication between human beings and more importantly, make the whole community space -- three-dimensional and become the three-dimensional space. It only security guard in the domestic residential door is unique creation.


英语翻译美国《时代》周刊选出年度十大建筑奇迹,当代MOMA 和“鸟巢”、CCTV大楼一起入选.这是继2006 年12 月被美国《POPULAR SCIENCE》评为“当代世界七大建筑工程奇迹”之后,当代MOMA 再获殊荣 英语翻译本报上海讯:昨晚,由《商业周刊》、《时代》、《男人帮》联合举办的“2007年度中国最佳男友”评选活动,在上海波特曼丽嘉酒店举行了庆祝晚会.这次由三大著名男性杂志举办的评 美国《时代》周刊的报告符合历史事实吗 2014年度十大流行语英语怎么说 到今天为止上过美国《时代》周刊杂志封面的中国人有哪些? 为什么1951年 时代 周刊称周恩来总理为美国的敌人也是中国的敌人 为什么1951年《时代》周刊称周恩来总理为美国的敌人也是中国的敌人 为什么当时美国《时代》周刊会把邓小平称为“中国梦想家”? 世界十大建筑奇观 时代学习报·数学周刊八年级(苏科版)2010~2011年度第一学期每月配送1轴对称图形测试卷答案如果有应用题就最好, 2008年度十大垃圾网游是什么 排名?说明? 某一年度世界十大战乱灾荒如题 某年 英语翻译[摘 要] 改革开放以来,我国经济飞速发展,虽然GDP总量已经居世界第四位,贸易额居世界第三位,但是在美国《商业周刊》公布的2006年度“全球最有价值品牌100强”排行榜中,却没有一个 TIMES应该译作《时代周刊》还是《时代》周刊? 年度感动中国人物的英文当选年度十大感动中国人物这句话的英文是什么? 改变20世纪的十大发明是什么?20世纪有数百种科学发明改变了我们的生活.美国杂志从众多发明中,选出改变20世纪的十大发明.它们是... 1971年11月8日美国 时代 周刊的封面的周恩来 左上角写的中国人来了是指什么 封面一是1979年1月1日,美国出版的《时代》周刊的杂志封面,请你为此杂志写一段有关邓小平的简介