明天要讲 弄不懂 In Autust,Typhoon Morakot swept across Taiwan Island,__ a lot of villages __ .A.left ; damaged B.leaving ; damagingC.leaving ; damaged D.left ; damaging

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/12 00:28:15

明天要讲 弄不懂 In Autust,Typhoon Morakot swept across Taiwan Island,__ a lot of villages __ .A.left ; damaged B.leaving ; damagingC.leaving ; damaged D.left ; damaging
明天要讲 弄不懂
In Autust,Typhoon Morakot swept across Taiwan Island,__ a lot of villages __ .
A.left ; damaged B.leaving ; damaging
C.leaving ; damaged D.left ; damaging

明天要讲 弄不懂 In Autust,Typhoon Morakot swept across Taiwan Island,__ a lot of villages __ .A.left ; damaged B.leaving ; damagingC.leaving ; damaged D.left ; damaging
句子主语 是 Typhoon Morakot ,与leave之间是主动关系,所以使用现在分词 leaving 表主动
villages 与 damage之间是被动关系,村庄被毁坏,村庄不能自己毁了自己是吧


选C。台风和leaving 之间是主动关系,用现在分词形式表示状态,而villages是被typhoon 摧毁,用被动形式。

选C,这句结构是壮语 主胃宾 分词短语做壮语。最后这个壮语,是主语造成的结果,主动关系所以用leaving,最后这句"留下大片被毁的村庄",很显然用分词做形容词修饰villages,因为村庄只能被毁所以用被动语态damaged

这句话的谓语是swept, 因此,不能再用其他谓语。我们首先排除了A和D。
这里的leaving 是“让某物处于某种状态”的意思, 这个动作是台风发出来的,它让许多村庄被摧毁,因此,使用damaged 表被动。

明天要讲 弄不懂 In Autust,Typhoon Morakot swept across Taiwan Island,__ a lot of villages __ .A.left ; damaged B.leaving ; damagingC.leaving ; damaged D.left ; damaging 街头一幕作文明天要讲 明天语文课我要讲一篇诗词要怎么讲? 明天白话怎么讲 什么是空集.讲的通俗点.书上的弄不懂. He often has lunch,And he has to finish the work in 2 hours,A does he,does heB doesn't he,doesn't he c hasn't he,hasn't heD has he,has he如果可以 帮忙讲解下现在完成时的用法 有些不懂 I don't know ----- there is any danger in this type of plane.填if 还是that.我明天就要考试,还有能讲一下I don 't know 后跟that 和if的区别吗,我们老师讲的云里雾里的 讲文明话,做文明人 征文300字左右 明天要 已知f(2x+1)=4x+0.5 则f(1/4)的值是我弄不懂啊 要讲为什么一步一步的讲为什么 同学都讲,我不懂 求英语大神解救,上课老师讲了英语前肯后否的句式,老是搞不懂啊例:Yao Ming is the best basketball player in China,isn't he?老师上课讲了是Yes,he is,过了一段时间后又说是No,he is,我莫名其妙扣了5分啊, 的寓意是什么?明天讲, You couldn't understand people w___ speak quickly明天老师讲后我来选满意答案吧 实在是弄不懂,觉得好难啊,向网友求解,一定要详细,明天要考试了,所以有点急,呵呵I_____ in London for many years,but I've never regretted my final decision to move back to China.A.livedB was living C have livedD am living non-lvalue in assignment是什么意思?该怎么解决?讲的通俗一点,什么左值的不懂 明天期末考,T^T 课外书上有讲什么节点法,不懂什么意思、要怎么区分?》还有这道题不懂··· 求高中数学必修四的目录!人教版的,貌似讲的是三角函数,想自学可是还没发书,下了课件 不懂目录排序啊T T