初中英语口语演讲稿 环境保护 一分半参加希望之星比赛用.2011-4-19 提问

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初中英语口语演讲稿 环境保护 一分半参加希望之星比赛用.2011-4-19 提问
初中英语口语演讲稿 环境保护 一分半
2011-4-19 提问

初中英语口语演讲稿 环境保护 一分半参加希望之星比赛用.2011-4-19 提问
Please Protect Our Home-Earth
It is known to us all that our planet is facing very serious environmental issues,such as global warming,ozone layer destruction,acid rain,shortage of resources and so forth.We should do something for our offsprings as well.So it is our responsibility to protect our home Earth.We should do anthing we can to increase resource utilization rate and econimize on natural resources.Meanwhile,we are supposed to endeavour to decrease carbon dioxide emission.We know our country have an enormous population and small quantities of natrual resources.So we are taking eminently heavy burdens.We should call on other countries especially developed countries to participate in this.Together,I believe we can improve our environment and save our planet and eventually make the Earth more beautiful.

The classmates, have you ever seen a tree? No, you seen on both side of the street or the park is the tree, drab, drab, his black. You see water? No, you see the water, turbidity is artificial, smelly...


The classmates, have you ever seen a tree? No, you seen on both side of the street or the park is the tree, drab, drab, his black. You see water? No, you see the water, turbidity is artificial, smelly feet, visitors washed. Have you seen birds? No, that was caged bird.i, dull, just want to eat. In recent years, with the development of economy, the progress of the society, China environmental changes, nature is the serious destruction, if we don't act, protect the environment, so that in one day in the future, we will be endangered animal and plant extinction top on dying. Because our country population quality still not tall enough to ecological system, lack of understanding, don't understand natural laws, in recent years, our country's natural environment and ecological balance have been severely disrupted. For example for heating, cooking, building a house destroyed a large number of forest, causing the soil erosion, river siltation, since the city, flooding unable to supply clean energy, coal burning, burn wood directly lead to air pollution, factories and using coal to produce electricity, no recycle of sulfur dioxide, cause air filled carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, powder, appear acid rain damaged crops and buildings, because the phenomenon of urban garbage, factory wastewater treatment directly into river to make air, water, and land creatures suffer in the ecological unbalance, affect climate, affect human health living conditions, although our country is big, but per capita accounted for world leader, which require us to make proper environment protection, we're about 21st century's door, take on the burden of host, can we saw the environment pollution are destroyed, and take for granted? No, never, which requires us to must make proper protection for the environment. We can from the side of the small start bit, such as multiple afforestation, this can fundamentally around to prevent soil erosion, love, don't hunt idealds small animals, etc. But these smooth by our efforts are not enough, also called on our side every human to protect the environment and make contribution. LiuLi ancestors "green is how precious! It is the life and hope, is comforted, is happy." Xu had also said, over mountains dachuan, rain and wind to "more soothing the name of general birds and beasts insect fish." The experience of sages, seniors tell us the nature environment can not only edify one's sentiment, purification and soothing mind, but also help the knowledge accumulation and career success. Friend, when you are "lonely" and "the night during the day, still suffering lonely" when you're stuck in frustration and disappointment, when you worry to sorrow, and so, you would go to the nature! That time you'll really know how important it is to protect our natural environment. Embracing the blue sky green water, kiss a kiss the fragrance of the earth in your trees, in silent sit a while in green grass, sit a while, conveniently took a grain of fruit in your mouth chewing a chew, see the ants tireless busy, can make peace and comfort moods gradually. You'll be in the nature of goodness, realize that you have you young life, you have a life with the mileage and inspires your abundant knowledge and strong will to develop a better world.
Environmental protection of the speech
同学们,你见过树吗?不,你见过的是街道两旁或公园里的树,单调、乏味、黑不溜秋。你见到水吗?不,你见过的是人工湖的水,浑浊、发臭、游人洗过脚的。你见过鸟吗?不,那是笼中之鸟,呆呆的、只会要吃的。 近年来,随着经济的发展、社会的进步,我国的环境也随之变化,大自然受到严重的破坏,如果我们还不行动起来,保护环境 ,那么在未来的某一天,我们顶会濒临动植物灭绝的死亡线上。由于我国人口素质还不够高,对生态系统缺乏认识、不了解自然规律,近年来,我国的自然环境和生态平衡已经遭到严重的破坏。比如为取暖、做饭、盖房子大量破坏森林,进而造成水土流失、河道淤塞、洪水泛滥,由于城市无力供应干净能源,直接烧煤、烧柴造成空气污染,工厂用煤发电、没有对二氧化硫进行回收,造成空气中弥漫一氧化碳、二氧化硫粉末,出现酸雨损坏庄稼和建筑物的现象,由于城市垃圾、工厂废水来不及处理直接放入河道,使空气、水中及陆地上的生物受害造成生态不平衡,影响气候、影响人类健康生活条件,虽说我们国家地大物博,可是人均占有量占世界前列,这就要求我们对环境要做出适当的保护,我们即将跨入21世纪的大门 ,担当起主人的重任,我们能眼见着环境污染被破坏、而等闲视之吗?不,决不能,这就要求我们必须对环境做出适当的保护。我们可以从身边一点一滴的小事做起,比如多植树造林,这就可以从根本上防止水土流失,爱护周围一草一木,不捕猎小动物等。但这些光凭我们的努力还不够,还要号召我们身边的每一个人为保护环境而做出贡献。先辈陆蠡说:“绿色是多么宝贵啊!它是生命、是希望、是安慰、是快乐。”徐霞客也曾说 ,遍及高山大川,迎风沐雨,为的是“多识鸟兽虫鱼之名”。前辈先哲的体验,都告诉我们大自然环境不仅能陶冶人的情操,净化和抚慰人的心灵,而且有助于知识的积累和事业的成功。朋友,当你受到“白天寂寞”和“黑夜孤独”煎熬的时候,当你陷入挫折和失意的时候,当你烦恼至及痛不欲生的时候,那么,你就走向大自然吧!那个时候你就会真正知道保护自然环境是何等重要。拥抱蓝天绿水,吻一吻泥土的芳香,在静静的山林中坐一坐,在绿色的草丛中坐一坐,顺手摘下一粒果子放在嘴里嚼一嚼,看看地上的蚂蚁不知疲倦的忙碌,都能使心绪渐渐平和,得到抚慰。你就会在大自然的真善美中,认识到你有你年轻的生命,你拥有一段生命的里程,激发你以丰富的知识和坚强的毅力去开拓一个美好的世界
