各位大虾好,请教三道关于英语语言学的问题(English linguistics )1.Which of the following two sentences is structurally more comples Which do you think is more difficult for young learners to learn Sentence A:John sings well.Sentence

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 16:07:59

各位大虾好,请教三道关于英语语言学的问题(English linguistics )1.Which of the following two sentences is structurally more comples Which do you think is more difficult for young learners to learn Sentence A:John sings well.Sentence
各位大虾好,请教三道关于英语语言学的问题(English linguistics )
1.Which of the following two sentences is structurally more comples Which do you think is more difficult for young learners to learn
Sentence A:John sings well.
Sentences B:John is singing
2.The folloing two sentences were produced by children of different ages.Which would you expect from the older child
1) I not hurt him.2) Not the sun shining.
3.判断正误:The term used to describe the process whereby a child uses one word like ball to refer to an apple,an egg,a grape and ball is overextension .

各位大虾好,请教三道关于英语语言学的问题(English linguistics )1.Which of the following two sentences is structurally more comples Which do you think is more difficult for young learners to learn Sentence A:John sings well.Sentence
1、Sentence B is structurally more complex and more difficult for young learners to learn.
2、The second one was from the older child.
3、"Where" is right."By" is wrong.
where是关系副词,指代先行词the process,引导定语从句a child uses one word like ball to refer to an apple,an egg,a grape and ball is overextension,并在从句中作地点状语.
by是介词,引出动作的执行者.如果选by,那么a child uses one word like ball to refer to an apple,an egg,a grape and ball is overextension就与主句失去了联系.


各位大虾好,请教三道关于英语语言学的问题(English linguistics )1.Which of the following two sentences is structurally more comples Which do you think is more difficult for young learners to learn Sentence A:John sings well.Sentence 关于英语语言学的, 语言学的相关问题关于语言学我有几个问题想向高手请教;一,十九世纪语言研究发展成独立的科学的原因是什么?二,语言学和文学的关系.三,批判语言学的起源是什么,是来自于拟声的观点 acronym缩略词有两种,一种是可以读出的,一种是字母读出的,分别叫什么啊(语言学的问题)高手门请教一下,英语语言学的问题 英语语言学 关于音段的问题 sound segments 音段 在胡壮麟的语言学书英语语言学 关于音段的问题 sound segments 音段 是什么意思?在胡壮麟的语言学书上看到“辅音和元音是音段的主要分类”,但 英语语言学,关于专业毕业论文的问题题目为“从历史文化的发展看某个英语词汇或短语的语义演变”,翻译的是“Semantic Evolution of A Word or Phrase from the Historical Perspective ”.请各位对语言学较 英语语言学关于语素的问题purify=pure+ify 那么purify的语素是什么? 酒店的房间类型及床位的英文名称请教关于酒店英语的词汇问题,各位达人请赐教! 关于英语语言学概况和文学的复习 请问各位师哥师姐 语言学卷中的文学和概况要用什么参考书呢 指定的书目中只有3本语言学的呀? 什么是离心合成词和向心合成词拜托各位大神最好给个双语的答案(《英语语言学》问题) 请教英语语言学问题distinctive features of human language有cultural transmission吗 请教各位大虾一句超经典的英语口语请教各位大虾there you go 是什么意思啊?急~~小弟多谢了! 请教各位大虾一句超经典的英语俚语 请教各位大虾一句超经典的英语俚语 hot stuff是什么意思stuff这个词的用法好象很复杂,能结合实际例句详细讲讲吗there you go 关于语言学的一个问题语言学或者汉语中的“中和”是什么概念 英语中形容男性的词形容词或者专属男性的名词,请教各位大虾啦!小妹拜谢!抱拳 向科技英语的大虾们请教个问题.加热炉方面的问题,其中有个rod mil plant 关于德语中形容词的问题!形容词作定语:状语:表语:各位大虾能各举个例子吗? 向各位前辈和同仁们请教关于磷叶立德合成实验的问题各位前辈和同仁们好:我原先用溴乙酸甲酯与三苯基膦反应,生成叶立德盐,然后将此盐溶于水中,再滴加适量三乙胺至溶液PH大于7,此时有