宇宙膨胀的原因?cosmic expansion reason?宇宙膨胀?Expansion of the universe? 恒星的公转轨道及宇宙膨胀的原因?Star revolution track and cosmic expansion reason?What is the reason for the expansion of the universe

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 22:23:32
宇宙膨胀的原因?cosmicexpansionreason?宇宙膨胀?Expansionoftheuniverse? 恒星的公转轨道及宇宙膨胀的原因?Starrevolutiontrackandcos

宇宙膨胀的原因?cosmic expansion reason?宇宙膨胀?Expansion of the universe? 恒星的公转轨道及宇宙膨胀的原因?Star revolution track and cosmic expansion reason?What is the reason for the expansion of the universe
宇宙膨胀的原因?cosmic expansion reason?宇宙膨胀?Expansion of the universe?
 恒星的公转轨道及宇宙膨胀的原因?Star revolution track and cosmic expansion reason?
What is the reason for the expansion of the universe

宇宙膨胀的原因?cosmic expansion reason?宇宙膨胀?Expansion of the universe? 恒星的公转轨道及宇宙膨胀的原因?Star revolution track and cosmic expansion reason?What is the reason for the expansion of the universe
恒星的公转轨道及宇宙膨胀的原因(Star revolution track and cosmic expansion reason)      作者:中国西安陕汽王伟 详见我的博客:aimende的新浪博客  
 恒星的公转轨道应该是螺旋线,轨道方程应该是满足螺旋线方程的.同一个恒星的公转轨道半径随着恒星的年龄增加而不断减小.这就是为何星系中年轻的恒星往往出现在星系的边缘上,而年老的恒星往往出现在星系的中心的原因.         因为恒星随着自身核聚变的发生质量和能量是不断减小的,所以恒星的公转轨道是不断减小的,公转轨道半径是不断减小的,就形成了螺旋线样的轨道.如图中a,b   行星和卫星公转的轨道也应该螺旋线,轨道方程也应该满足螺旋线方程,公转轨道也是不断减小的,公转轨道半径也应该是不断减小的.   1963年,美国古生物学家韦尔斯公布了自己对珊瑚化石“日轮”的研究结果:在4亿年前泥盆纪时代的珊瑚化石上,每一“年轮”中有400条“日轮”,说明当时一年有400天左右,而在3.2亿年前的石炭纪时代的珊瑚化石上,则有380条“日轮”,说明当时一年有380天左右.现在的珊瑚石相邻“年轮”之间则仅有365道环纹,正好和现在一年的天数相等.   这说明地球公转轨道的公里数在不断减小,这也是行星公转轨道和公转轨道半径在不断减小的证据之一.另外地球极地地区的冰川不断融化,地球温度逐渐升高,让我们不得不承认地球在不断靠近太阳.短期内行星的公转轨道和公转轨道半径减小的量很小,所以行星公转轨道很像椭圆,但长期看行星的公转轨道应该是螺旋线.   恒星公转有顺时针方向的,有逆时针方向的,所以恒星的螺旋线公转轨道也有顺时针方向的和逆时针方向的,如图      恒星a和恒星b的距离关系有以下4种,如图         其中A,D是恒星a,恒星b公转轨道距离上的最远点,AD是恒星的a公转轨道和恒星的b公转轨道之间的最远距离. B,C是恒星a,恒星b公转轨道距离上的最近点,BC是恒星的a公转轨道和恒星的b公转轨道之间的最近距离.   (1)当恒星a,b都从公转轨道上的最远点A,D向公转轨道最近点B,C运动时:   两颗恒星的最近距离BC在短期内是减小的,但在长期看由于恒星a,b的公转轨道半径在不断减小,所以恒星a,b间的最近距离是不断增加的.   恒星a,b间的最远距离AD在短期是减小的,AD在长期看由于恒星a,b的公转轨道半径在不断减小,所以恒星a,b间的最远距离AD是不断减小的.   (2)当恒星a,b都从公转轨道上的最近点B,C向公转轨道最远点A,D运动时:   两颗恒星的最近距离BC在短期内是增加的,但在长期看由于恒星a,b的公转轨道半径在不断减小,所以恒星a,b间的最近距离BC是不断增加的.   恒星a,b间的最远距离AD在短期是增加的,AD在长期看由于恒星a,b的公转轨道半径在不断减小,所以恒星a,b间的最远距离AD是不断减小的.   可见不管两个恒星的公转方向相同或相反,在短期内两个恒星的最近距离BC有可能增加或减小.在短期内两个恒星的最远距离AD有可能增加或减小.   长期看两个恒星的最近距离BC会由于恒星a,b的公转轨道半径在不断减小而不断增加的.长期看两个恒星的最远距离AD会由于恒星a,b的公转轨道半径在不断减小而不断减小的.   两个星系之间的距离关系和两个恒星间的距离关系是相同的.   星系的旋转轨道也是螺旋线,满足螺旋线方程,随着星系中恒星公转轨道半径的不断减小,导致星系的旋转轨道半径也是不断减小的,同一个星系随着星系年龄的增加星系的旋转轨道半径会不断减小的.   所以短期内两个星系的最近距离和最远距离都有可能增加或减小.长期看两个星系的最近距离会因为星系旋转轨道半径不断减小而增加,长期看两个星系的最远距离会因为星系的旋转轨道半径不断减小而减小的.   我们所观测到的两个星系间的距离往往是两个星系的最近距离.   宇宙膨胀其实就是长期看两个星系的最近距离由于星系旋转轨道半径不断减小而最近距离不断增加,产生的星系最近距离不断远离的情况.宇宙加速膨胀的原因是因为长期看两个星系的旋转轨道半径同时都在不断减小,两个星系的最近距离不断增加,两个星系看起来越来越远.距离远膨胀速度越快的原因是我们所能看到的距离越远的星系是含有许多更大质量的恒星,它们的质量越大核聚变越剧烈,质量和能量减小量越大,减小的速度越快,公转轨道半径减小量越大,减小速度越快.所以距离我们越远的星系和我们的最近距离的远离量越大,远离速度越快.
Star revolution track and cosmic expansion reason   
Author: Chinese Xi'an Shaanxi Automobile Group Wang Wei For details ,please refor to my blog -- -- aimende Sina blog
The star revolution track should be the spiral line, the orbital equation should satisfies the spiral line equation . The same star revolution orbital radius along with star increasing age will decrease Constantly. This is why the young stars in the galaxy are often on the edge of the galaxy, old stars tend to appear in the center of the galaxy reasons.      Because of the star along with own nuclear fusion occurrence, the quality and the energy is reduces unceasingly, therefore the star revolution track is reduces unceasingly, the revolution orbital radius is reduces unceasingly, has formed the spiral line type track. Like in the chart a, b planet and the satellite revolution track also should the spiral line, the orbital equation also be supposed to satisfy the spiral line equation, the revolution track also is reduces unceasingly, the revolution orbital radius also should be reduces unceasingly. In 1963, American paleontologist Wales announced own to the coral fossil “the sun” findings: In 400,000,000 years ago on the Devonian period time coral fossil, every one “the annual ring” has 400 “the sun”, explained at that time a year had about 400 day, But in on 320,000,000 ago carbon period time coral fossil, then has 380 “the sun”, explained at that time a year had about 380 day . The present corallite is neighboring “the annual ring” between then only has 365 concentric pattern, just right and a present year number of days is equal. This indicated the revolution track the distance in kilometer, is reducing unceasingly, this also is the planet revolution track and the revolution orbital radius, is reducing unceasingly one of evidence. Moreover the Earth polar region area glacier melts unceasingly, the Earth temperature elevates gradually, lets us be able not but to acknowledge the Earth is approaching the sun unceasingly. In the short-term the planet revolution track and the revolution orbital radius reduces the quantity is very small, therefore the planet revolution track looks like the ellipse very much, but looked for a long time the planet the revolution track should be a spiral line. Star spiral line revolution track, also has clockwise and the counter clockwise, like chart Star (a) and the star (b) distance relations have following 4 kinds,like chart            Where A, D is the farthest point of the two Star track,AD is between two star revolution track farthest distance.. A, D is the recent point of the two Star track,AD is between two star revolution track recent distance..   ( 1) when a star (a) from its revolution orbit farthest point ( A ) Pointing orbit nearest point ( B ) movement:,when another star(b) from its revolution orbit farthest point (D ) Pointing orbit nearest point ( C ) movement:   Two stars(a,b)the nearest distance BC in the short term is reduced, but in the long term because Two stars (a,b) Revolution orbit radius is reduced Constantly , so Two stars(a,b) between the nearest distance is increased Constantly.   Two stars(a,b)Furthest distance AD in the short term is reduced, but in the long term because Two stars (a,b) Revolution orbit radius is reduced Constantly, so Two stars(a,b) between the Furthest distance is reduced Constantly   (2) when a star (a) from its revolution orbit nearest point (B ) Pointing orbit farthest point ( A) movement:,when another star(b) from its revolution orbit nearest point (C ) Pointing orbit farthest point (D ) movement:   Two stars(a,b)the nearest distance BC in the short term is increased , but in the long term because Two stars (a,b) Revolution orbit radius is reduced Constantly , so Two stars(a,b) between the nearest distance is increased Constantly.   Two stars(a,b)Furthest distance AD in the short term is increased, but in the long term because Two stars (a,b) Revolution orbit radius is reduced Constantly, so Two stars(a,b) between the Furthest distance is reduced Constantly.   Visible, regardless of whether the two stars of the revolution direction of the same or opposite, in the short term, two stars nearest distance BC may increase or decrease. In the short term, the two stars the Furthest distance AD may increase or decrease.   In the long term ,Two stars(a,b)the nearest distance BC is increased Constantly, because Two stars (a,b) Revolution orbit radius is reduced Constantly , so Two stars(a,b) between the nearest distance is increased Constantly.   In the long term , Two stars(a,b)Furthest distance AD is reduced Constantly , because Two stars (a,b) Revolution orbit radius is reduced Constantly, so Two stars(a,b) between the Furthest distance is reduced Constantly.   Two the distance between the galaxies and two stellar distance relationships are the same.   The galaxy revolution track is also the spiral line, the orbital equation should satisfies the spiral line equation . Along with the stars revolution orbit radius decreases , cause galaxies the rotation orbit radius is continually decreasing, The same galaxy with increasing age, the rotating orbit radius will decrease Constantly. The same galaxy along with increasing age, the rotating orbit radius will decrease Constantly.   Visible, regardless of whether the Two galaxies of the revolution direction of the same or opposite, in the short term, two galaxies nearest distance BC may increase or decrease. In the short term, two galaxies the Furthest distance AD may increase or decrease.   In the long term ,two galaxies (a,b)the nearest distance BC is increased Constantly, because two galaxies (a,b) Revolution orbit radius is reduced Constantly , so Two stars(a,b) between the nearest distance is increased Constantly.   In the long term , two galaxies (a,b)Furthest distance AD is reduced Constantly , because two galaxies (a,b) Revolution orbit radius is reduced Constantly, so Two stars(a,b) between the Furthest distance is reduced Constantly.   The expansion of the universe is In the long term two galaxies the nearest is distance increasing Constantly situation.   because the galaxy rotation radius decreases Constantly ,Lead to the two galaxies nearest distance increasing Constantly , resulting galaxy nearest distance Is far away Constantly situation .Accelerating expansion of the universe reason is the long term ,two galaxies rotation orbit radius At the same time decreases Constantly , two galaxy recently distance increasing Constantly , two galaxies look farther and farther away. farther the distance, the expansion faster the cause is , we can see from the more distant galaxies contain many more massive stars, Their quality is bigger, the nuclear fusion is fiercer, the quality and the energy reduce the quantity to be bigger, the speed which reduces are quicker, the revolution orbital radius reduces the quantity to be bigger, reduces the speed to be quicker. So distance our more distant galaxies and our recent distance the far away quantity is bigger, far away speed is quicker.