英语翻译不要这样说,我给你讲个故事,中国古时候有个王,他少年即位,无所事事,他整天打猎、喝酒,不理会其他事情,还在宫门口挂起块大牌子,上边写着:"进谏者,杀毋赦!" 这一天,大夫伍举进见

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 14:36:01

英语翻译不要这样说,我给你讲个故事,中国古时候有个王,他少年即位,无所事事,他整天打猎、喝酒,不理会其他事情,还在宫门口挂起块大牌子,上边写着:"进谏者,杀毋赦!" 这一天,大夫伍举进见
不要这样说,我给你讲个故事,中国古时候有个王,他少年即位,无所事事,他整天打猎、喝酒,不理会其他事情,还在宫门口挂起块大牌子,上边写着:"进谏者,杀毋赦!" 这一天,大夫伍举进见楚王.楚庄王手中端着酒杯,口中嚼着鹿肉,醉醺醺地在观赏歌舞.他眯着眼睛问道:"大夫来此,是想喝酒呢,还是要看歌舞?"伍举话中有话地说:"有人让我猜一个谜语,我怎么也猜不出,特此来向您请教."楚庄王一面喝酒,一边问:"什么谜语,这么难猜?你说说."伍举说:"谜语是‘楚京有大鸟,栖上在朝堂,历时三年整,不鸣亦不翔.令人好难解,到底为哪桩?'您请猜猜,不鸣也不翔.这究竟是只什么鸟?”楚庄王听了,心中明白伍举的意思,笑着说:"我猜着了.它可不是只普通的乌.这只鸟啊,三年不飞,一飞冲天;三年不鸣,一鸣惊人.你等着瞧吧."伍举明白了楚庄王的意思,便高兴地退了出来.
把这段话煽情的 富有鼓动性的翻译出来,翻译的好我给加分,加多少自己说

英语翻译不要这样说,我给你讲个故事,中国古时候有个王,他少年即位,无所事事,他整天打猎、喝酒,不理会其他事情,还在宫门口挂起块大牌子,上边写着:"进谏者,杀毋赦!" 这一天,大夫伍举进见
Do not say this,I say to you a story.
中国古时候有个王,他少年即位,无所事事,他整天打猎、喝酒,不 理会其他事情,还在宫门口挂起块大牌子,上边写着:"进谏者,杀毋 赦!" 这一天,大夫伍举进见楚王.
China in ancient times there was a King,his enthronement boy,do nothing,he all day hunting,drinking,ignoring other things,is the entrance of the Palais put up big brands,the top reads:"Jin Jian,killing Wu amnesty!" On this day,the doctor Ju Jin Jian Wu Chu.
楚庄王手中端着酒杯,口中嚼着鹿肉,醉醺醺地在观赏歌舞.他眯 着眼睛问道:"大夫来此,是想喝酒呢,还是要看歌舞?"伍举话中有 话地说:"有人让我猜一个谜语,我怎么也猜不出,特此来向您请 教."
Chuzhuang Wang claimed 22 American lives and glasses hands,mouth Jiaozhuo venison,drunken singing and dancing in the watch.He squint asked:"the doctor to come here,is to drink it,or to look at dance» "Mrs.cite Huazhongyouhua said:" I guess it was a riddle,I also how Caibu Chu,is hereby to You ask."
Chu Zhuangwang a drink,one asked:"What riddle,so Nancai» you talk about."Wu Ju said:" The riddle is' a bird Jing Chu,habitat on the Chao Tang,which lasted a whole three years,Wong Nor Cheung.It is good difficult,which in the end to pile » 'Guess you please,not Cheung-ming,whether this is just what the birds» "
Chuzhuang Wang listened,he understood the meaning of Wu Ju,smiled and said:"I had Caizhao.It is not only ordinary Ukraine.Niaoa this,the 2003 does not fly,a towering fly; 2003 is not Wong,Blockbuster.You wait and see it."Ju Wu Chu Zhuangwang understand the meaning,it is pleased to retreat out.

分数太少。。。 暂不翻译。。。
In the Warring States Period, Duke Wei of Qi neglected state affairs, for the first three years of his reign, giving himself ove...


分数太少。。。 暂不翻译。。。
In the Warring States Period, Duke Wei of Qi neglected state affairs, for the first three years of his reign, giving himself over to dissipation. One of his ministers, Chun Yukun who had a good sense of humour, said to him: 'There is a big bird which has neither taken wing nor sung for three years.' The duke answered, 'Once that bird starts to fly and sing, it will astonish the world.' The duke thereupon devoted himself to his duties and built his state up into a powerful one.


还有“ssai2000”说得很有道理“想给多少是自己的诚意,还有让你家要的道理?! ”


分真"多"... 要求 更多...
不知道 有谁会给你翻..........

Do not say this, I say to you a story, the Chinese in ancient times there was a King, his enthronement boy, do nothing, he all day hunting, drinking, ignoring other things, is the entrance of the Pala...


Do not say this, I say to you a story, the Chinese in ancient times there was a King, his enthronement boy, do nothing, he all day hunting, drinking, ignoring other things, is the entrance of the Palais put up big brands, the top reads : "Jin Jian, killing Wu amnesty!" On this day, the doctor Ju Jin Jian Wu Chu. Chuzhuang Wang claimed 22 American lives and glasses hands, mouth Jiaozhuo venison, drunken singing and dancing in the watch. He squint asked: "the doctor to come here, is to drink it, or to look at dance» "Mrs. cite Huazhongyouhua said:" I guess it was a riddle, I also how Caibu Chu, is hereby to You ask. "Chu Zhuangwang a drink, one asked:" What riddle, so Nancai »you talk about." Wu Ju said: "The riddle is' a bird Jing Chu, habitat on the Chao Tang, which lasted three As a whole, not Cheung-ming. It is good difficult, which in the end to pile » 'Guess you please, not Cheung-ming. Is this what is the only bird» "Chuzhuang Wang listened to, to understand the minds of Wu Ju Meaning, said with a smile: "I had Caizhe. It is not only ordinary Ukraine. Niaoa this, the 2003 does not fly, a towering fly; non-ming 2003, the blockbuster. You wait and see it." MRS. Chuzhuang Wang cited understand the meaning, it is pleased to retreat out.



英语翻译不要这样说,我给你讲个故事,中国古时候有个王,他少年即位,无所事事,他整天打猎、喝酒,不理会其他事情,还在宫门口挂起块大牌子,上边写着:进谏者,杀毋赦! 这一天,大夫伍举进见 《我的故事讲给你听》 妈妈我也给你讲小鸭子的故事 这个公益广告说明了什么 英语翻译1.我正在真正的冰上学滑冰2.他给我们讲了一个真实的故事3.他说的话是对的4.为了完成报告我打算熬夜5.光比声音速度快6.我和你换个位子好吗7.要我去请医生吗8.我有好消息要带给你 我的故事讲给你听求求了 用诉说我讲给你的故事 和倾听你讲给我的情话想个情侣网名 麻烦可 英语翻译今天我做值日报告.我先来给大家讲个故事 英语翻译我现在讲的故事是... 谁给我讲个奇葩故事, 谁给我讲个奇葩故事 谁给我讲个奇葩故事 我想要100个诺贝尔的故事,我给你投票 用英语翻译“今天我也没有太多的准备,那么我就给大家讲个故事”还有“故事讲完了,我的演讲到此结束” 走不出你的怀抱 走不出你的怀抱我过去教过的一个学生来看我,说:“老师,你那么爱写东西,给你提供个素材,你写写我们寝室的穷困生王大川的故事吧.特感人!”说完便给我讲了下面的故事. 走不出你的怀抱 我过去教过的一个学生来看我,说:“老师,你那么爱写东西,给你提供个素材,你写写我们寝室的穷困生王大川的故事吧.特感人!”说完便给我讲了下面的故事.王大川来自陕北 我的故事讲给你听的作文谁能给我一篇以《我的故事讲给你听》的命题作文,万分感激 今天我要给大家说个故事英文怎么说今天我想给大家讲个故事,故事的名字叫**,这个英文怎么 英语翻译不要对我再说爱我不能给你爱