the whale is the diggest animal on the world这句话那有错?应怎样改?
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 22:29:45
the whale is the diggest animal on the world这句话那有错?应怎样改?
the whale is the diggest animal on the world这句话那有错?应怎样改?
the whale is the diggest animal on the world这句话那有错?应怎样改?
The Killer Whale is ( ).
Yow heavy is the whale?
the sperm whale is the largest toothed whale.3877
the biggest whale is the blue whale.或the biggest whale is a blue whale.那个表达正确?
The whale is the biggest animal in the world.就划线提问(提问The whale)
The sperm whale is the heavier than the killer whale.请问哪儿错了,
The biggest whale is( )blue wale.A.the B.a
The blue whale is the biggest animal in tThe blue whale is the biggest animal in the world翻译
First,dig the
dig the soil
chiks dig the uniform
dig the artifact
the minke whale is the smallest baleen whale about 25~30 feet long,just one fourth of the blue whale.3877
The biggest whale is the blue whale.可以替换成The biggest whale is a blue whale 为什么可以的话 ,当a 和the都表示一类人或事物的时候的区别.
一.改为一般疑问句.the whale is the biggest animal in the world二.简便计算
the whale is the diggest animal on the world这句话那有错?应怎样改?
可不可以说dig the holes?
The bule whale is four times as big as the biggest elephant.(同义句转换)