
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 00:40:59


For automobile anti-theft system with alarm device designed to alarm the hardware and software systems based on single-chip 80C51 from the body anti-strike of the vibration detection circuit design,the GSM short message sending circuit design,circuit design of wireless alarm,automotive ignition lockoutstarting circuit design aspects.Detailed study and design of each part of the contents of the car burglar alarm.In order to verify,when the vibration signal acquisition,the microcontroller issued a directive to control the GSM alarm messages to the user,auto oil is locked.System based on LabVIEW for simulation experiments,by the change of vibration frequency to control the alarm circuit and warning lights.The tests show that the system design can be effective for automotive anti-theft.

For automobile anti-theft system with alarm device designed to alarm the hardware and software systems based on single-chip 80C51 from the body anti-strike of the vibration detection circuit design, t...


For automobile anti-theft system with alarm device designed to alarm the hardware and software systems based on single-chip 80C51 from the body anti-strike of the vibration detection circuit design, the GSM short message sending circuit design, circuit design of wireless alarm, automotive ignition lockoutstarting circuit design aspects. Detailed study and design of each part of the contents of the car burglar alarm. In order to verify, when the vibration signal acquisition, the microcontroller issued a directive to control the GSM alarm messages to the user, auto oil is locked. System based on LabVIEW for simulation experiments, by the change of vibration frequency to control the alarm circuit and warning lights. The tests show that the system design can be effective for automotive anti-theft.


Aiming at the (第一句话看不懂,所以就省略了哈), designed alarm's hardware system and software system. In terms of car's detection circuit in prevent it from moving, detection circuit in sending message,detection cir...


Aiming at the (第一句话看不懂,所以就省略了哈), designed alarm's hardware system and software system. In terms of car's detection circuit in prevent it from moving, detection circuit in sending message,detection circuit in wireless alarm, detection circuit in car's starting and ending, and so on. Investigated and designed different part of car's security alarm in detail. In order to validating, when vibrate signal was collected, single-chip microcomputer will make demand that control GSM to send the user about alarm message, the car's oil-way will be locked. Making the simulation experiment based on LabVIEW,control the alarm's oil-way and alarm's light through the change of vibrate's frequency. The test indicate that designing the system can make the car saft effectively. (注: 太不容易了,好多专业术语啊,查了好久,也翻译了好久,差不多就是这样吧,是我自己翻译的,基本上是这样吧,除了第一句真的看不懂是什么意思!不过,一些核心词我先写下:防盗系统security system, 基于based on,单片机Single-chip microcomputer ,核心nuclear,报警装置alarm equipment )


英语翻译针对汽车防盗系统用基于单片机80C51为核心的报警装置,设计了报警器的硬件系统和软件系统,从车身防击的振动检测电路设计、GSM短信发送电路设计、无线报警电路的设计、汽车点火 英语翻译汽车CAN控制防盗系统设计与实现 英语翻译基于UML的汽车租赁系统的需求分析 英语翻译本文针对基于单片机控制的遥控信号接收器的设计,首先较为详尽地阐述了51单片机以及遥控信号发射器与接收器的工作原理,然后对系统硬件电路设计进行了说明,接着重点分析了遥 英语翻译基于单片机的数字秒表设计.用英文怎么翻译.还有 单片机 用英文怎么翻译. 汽车防盗抢四轮锁定系统 用英语怎么说有没有英语专有名称,不要直译的 英语翻译基于J2EE的试卷生成系统 英语翻译在现在的单片机教学实验中,单片机开发系统发挥了重要的作用,本文就是专门针对单片机的教学实验而研究的单片机开发系统.该系统以AT89S52单片机为中央处理单元,通过8255外扩I/O口. 翻译基于MCS-51单片机的数字时钟系统设计把基于MCS-51单片机的数字时钟系统设计译成英文.谢谢! 英语翻译本文研究了基于VC++6.0的串口通信编程技术,设计并实现了一个基于微机和单片机串口通讯的数据采集显示系统.论文首先具体介绍了该系统的硬件部分,主要是89C51单片机系统(含串口 汽车防盗盒用英语怎么说 英语翻译基于单片机的LED显示屏是由多个独立的LED发光二极管封装而成.LED点阵显示屏可以显示数字或符号,通常用来显示时间、速度、系统状态等.本文给出了一种基于MCS-51单片机的16×16 点阵 英语翻译温湿度检测在很多现代科技领域中成为一项重要技术,鉴于此,本文对基于单片机的温湿度计系统进行了相关研究.本系统是通过单片机控制来实现对周围环境的温湿度进行测量.系统以 英语翻译超声波测距法迅速,方便,易于做到实时控制,提过基于单片机的超声测距系统的设计能更加深入地了解单片机的实际应用.本设计采用以单片机为核心的低成本、高精度、微型化数字显 用英语翻译以下句子——Pc机串口通信控制单片机显示系统 英语翻译基于单片机的电话自动拨号装置设计——软件设计 翻译“基于单片机的声音导航定位系统的设计”翻译下引号里的话 论文题目 要英文 谢谢 英语翻译摘 要本文针对现代家居的各种电器,介绍了一种以单片机为核心的无线电器遥控系统.该无线遥控系统采用8051单片机作为硬件与软件的设计器件,该系统工作频率稳定,发射器及接收器