英语词组问题....be used toused toget used to这几个有什么区别啊?到底要怎么用?.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/11 23:49:27

英语词组问题....be used toused toget used to这几个有什么区别啊?到底要怎么用?.
be used to
used to
get used to

英语词组问题....be used toused toget used to这几个有什么区别啊?到底要怎么用?.
used to,be/get used to的用法区别
1.used to可看作一个半助动词或情态动词,其后跟动词原形,表示过去的习惯或经常发生的动作,例如:
When he was a child,he used to ask lots of questions.
I want to know the places (that/which) he used to go to.
否定式为:used not to(书面语),use(d)n’t to(口语),didn’t use to(口语)
疑问式为:Used sb to (书面语),Did sb use to (口语)
反意疑问句式为:use(d)n’t sb?(书面语) didn’t sb?(口语)
2.be used to = get used to 都是一个固定的结构,意思为:习惯于某事或做某事的意思,to为介词,后接名词或动名词,不能跟动词原形,例如:
We are used to the weather in the south of China.
They have got used to getting up early in the morning.
be used to的各种形式变化如下:
疑问式为:Be(具体形式) sb ….否定式为:sb be(具体形式) not …
反意疑问式为:be(具体形式) not sb?(be作为系动词看待)
get used to的各种形式变化如下:
疑问式为:Do/Does/Did sb get 否定式为:sb does/do/did not get …
反意疑问式为:do/does/did not sb?(get作为行为动词看待)
3.be used to + Verb或as/for接名词,表示某东西被用来作某事或当什么东西来使用,是一个被动语态的结构,例如:
This knife is usually used to cut fruit.
This magazine was used as a fan last night because of the hot weather.
Blooms are used for cleaning the floor when we do general cleaning.
注意used to与would的区别:
(1).used to重在表示与现在的对比,含“过去曾经/一度,现在未必”之意;would重在叙述过去的情况,没有上述含义.如可以说:
He used to get up early,but not now.但不说:He would get up early,but …
(2).used to可以表示过去习惯或经常的状态;would不能,它只能表示过去的一个经常重复的动作,如可以说:
There used to be a temple nearby.但不能说:There would be …
(3).used to较正规、普通,多用于口语;would不太正规、多用于书面语.
(4).两者都不能用于表示某事发生的具体次数.但would可表示过去有时或偶尔发生的动作,因而可与sometimes,now and then,from time to time等时间状语连用,例如:
He would sit there for hours sometimes,doing nothing at all.
补充练习:用used to,be/get used to填空:
1.I am surprised to see you smoking; you didn’t _______________ .
2.There ________________ be a station here,didn’t there?
3.He ______________ living in the country.
4.This book _____________________ be very popular.
5.It _________ not ___________ be so cold in winter in former years.
6.I _______________ these cigarettes now that I can’t enjoy any others.
7.People ____________________ think that the earth was flat.
8.__________ you ______________ swim every day when you were children?
9.It’s hard to understand him if you _________ not _____________ their accent.
10. He __________ not ___________ being treated like that.
11. Dictionary can’t ___________________ to learn English well in class but __________________ a tool to help you with your English.
12. Recorders ________________ for playing tapes in the English class now.
Key:1.use to 2.used to 3.(has) got/is/was used to 4.used to 5.used,to/did,use to 6.am used to/ have been/got used to 7.used to 8.Used,to/Did,use to 9.are,used to/do,get used to
10.is,used t/does,get used to 11.be used,(can be used) as 12.are used (有的答案不止一个)


be used to 习惯于,表示状态,后跟doing
used to 过去常常后跟do
get used to 习惯于,表示动作,后跟doing

【英语【问一下这几个词组的区别used to be used to be/get used to be used for 英语词组问题....be used toused toget used to这几个有什么区别啊?到底要怎么用?. 英语词组造句用be used to doing、used to...、not...at all造句 英语词组辨析used to do、 be used to do 、 be used to doingused to do、 be used to do 、 be used to doing的区别从意思 用法各方面来说 有关used的词组used to dobe used to sth.be used to doingbe used to dobe used for doing 这几个词组有什么不同?(英语)(1) be used to do sth.(2) be used to doing sth.(3) used to do sth. used用法 词组 语法什么的be used to do be used to doing used to do这一类 然后是 used词组 used to do 和 be used to doing / be used to do,解释下这几个词组的用法! be well used to do的同义词组是什么 be used to doing sth.used to do sth .等词组及区别,需详解. 英语词组用法问题uesd to do~used doing;try to do~try doing;是什么意思.还有这一类型的词组有哪些 求几个跟use有关的词组的意思有的词组可能不正确,请见谅1.used to do2.use to do3.used to be4.be use to do5.be used to do6.be used to doing7.use to be 英语问题——求“过去常常.”和“习惯于”这两个词组used to do?不懂,容易搞混. 一个关于英语的问题,be used to doing, used to do,的语法怎样区别呢?求大神帮助在牛津8B的第5课中,be used to ,和used to语法怎样理解呢? be used for/be used as/be used to/be used by 的区别麻烦东英语的帮帮忙啦~ 用“miss”“be afraid of”“used to” “have to”“worry about”这五个词组造句(是英语句子)很急 英语中,词组和句型有什么区别?我正在整理自己的英语笔记,但是不懂怎么区分词组和句型.比如说:be likely to do sth .used to do sth .be used to doing sth .It's said/reported/believed that……等是属于词组还是 be used to be used to do 和be used to doing be used for be uesd for sth /doing sth 这些该怎么区别?什么时候该用哪个词组?求完整的详细的回答~