来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/13 18:01:05
概括女人哪些比男人强:Contrary to jokes and one-liners,women are better drivers than men.They're also better at getting the joke.And better with hammers.And video games.And social networking.And did we mention,they get dressed faster than guys?This isn't opinion,it's fact,and Dan Abrams can prove it.
引用Dan Abrams的新作《 MEN DOWN》 :
"In nearly every field,statistics and studies show that women are better collaborators,are more cautious and more adept at navigating treacherous terrain," writes Abrams in his book's opening statement."I am not convinced that women as a group play basketball or read maps better than men.The evidence here will show,however,that women are living longer and evolving better than men." It takes a lot for a man to admit his own weaknesses (there's a chapter on how women tolerate pain better),so we wondered why Abrams would make the case for women.Turns out,it's a man's job.
在味觉上女生的优势:The evidence is clear that women have a better sense of smell.In one study,researchers questioned whether men or women be better able to smell sweat behind fragrances,and women were fooled far less.But also they have a better sense of taste,and can apply it to just about anything.Taste is based on smell,as well as the number of taste buds a person has,and women are more likely to have a greater number of more-sensitive taste buds.And it's not just beer that they're better at tasting,but wine as well.
女生在体育上也有优势:There's no question that men have larger muscles,so they tend to be better at most sports.But there are certain areas-particularly endurance sports-where women are better.Studies show that estrogen is a disadvantage for muscle development but an advantage when it comes to endurance.Another advantage for women is that their bodies more efficiently process oxygen.When it comes to ultra-marathons-say,a 135 mile race without sleep-women can beat men.It's reflective of something we see throughout the book- when it comes to race of life,women won't sprint but they'll run longer.In baseball terms,men may hit the home run but women hit the singles and doubles more often and end up with a better average.This is true in financial fields as well:women are better long-term investors.
女生比男生长寿:Women live an average of five years longer than men.The reasons for this are both genetic and behavior-based.First of all,women have stronger immune systems,again due to estrogen which aids the fight against disease-inducing enzymes.But women are also less likely to engage in risky behavior.For example,I found that women are hit by lightning less often than men.That's because the guy may not get off the roof when there's a thunderstorm coming.
女人开车的优势:Men are more likely to engage in reckless behavior,like driving drunk.One study found male drivers have 77 percent higher risk of dying in a car accident than women.It's translated to insurance rates,women have 7 percent lower rates on the whole because they're less careless drivers.In Australia,they actually petitioned to have more women bus drivers,because they found they're more likely to treat buses better and have fewer accidents.
女人在政治上的优势:Women were found to be less corruptible as cops.In both Lima,Peru and Volgograd,Russia where police corruption was a major issue,the governments campaigned to hire more women cops.There's another study that women are more effective as political leaders than men.It suggests,we'd be a better country if there were more women in the highest echelons of politics.