like one of them round pegs 翻译成就像如鱼得水?
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 11:17:04
like one of them round pegs 翻译成就像如鱼得水?
like one of them round pegs 翻译成就像如鱼得水?
like one of them round pegs 翻译成就像如鱼得水?
eg:Forrest:(Now for some reason,I fit in the army like one of them round pegs .
like one of them round pegs 翻译成就像如鱼得水?
Neither of them like
one of them ,one of whom 区别
( )of them ( )dancingA everyone likesB everyone likeC every one likesD everyone like
one of them put it'ate like kings' .put怎么理解
as one of them put it ate like kings 为什么不是puts呢
one of them的意思
改错every one of them like learning englishevery one of them like learning englishSorry,this kind of CD-ROM is sold out.No one is leftshe is unkind and she never thinks of someone else
not any one of 可不可以用于句首,如Not any one of them like it.其意思是不是和none of them like it 一样?不要只回答一个问题,有两个啊
none of them 和no one of them 的区别
anyone of them 与any one of them 哪个对?
I think _____ of them is interesting.I'd like another one.应该填neither还是both
Which one do you like?You can take ( )of them.I'll keep none.A.bothB.allC.anyD.either
.and,as one of them put it ate like kings.as怎么理解呢,在这里做什么成分,
one of them one of which有什么区别?
One of them is watching TV翻译
Each one of them 等于 一个词语
One of them two 什么English booksplease!