请问下面的结构有什么语法规则?为什么不能选A/26She is one of the few persons ________from mistakes.A.whom l know have lerned B. I know who has learnedC. whom l know has lerned D. I know who have learned答案:D

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/11 03:27:59

请问下面的结构有什么语法规则?为什么不能选A/26She is one of the few persons ________from mistakes.A.whom l know have lerned B. I know who has learnedC. whom l know has lerned D. I know who have learned答案:D
She is one of the few persons ________from mistakes.
A.whom l know have lerned B. I know who has learned
C. whom l know has lerned D. I know who have learned

请问下面的结构有什么语法规则?为什么不能选A/26She is one of the few persons ________from mistakes.A.whom l know have lerned B. I know who has learnedC. whom l know has lerned D. I know who have learned答案:D
如果是A的话,那么句子是这样的:She is one of the few persons whom l know have lerned from mistakes,分析一下成分不难发现,whom i know修饰的是persons,是定语从句,可以忽略不看,这样句子结构出现矛盾,在同一个主句中有两个谓语,1,系表结构构成的谓语,2,have learned 构成的谓语.分析句子:She(主语) is (系动词)one of the few persons(表语,与is构成作为主句的谓语) ________from mistakes(定语从句)选择D的话,还原句子:She is one of the few persons (that,做定语从句宾语被省略,) I know(这个定语从句修饰的是persons)who have learned from mistakes(后面这是另一个定语从句,修饰的是she)

1当然不对,这是一个复杂的句子,i know修饰few people,我知道的很少人之中,who have learned from mistakes.修饰she,定语从句。总意义是 她是我所知道的能从错误里得到教训的人。

I know 是插入语 who have learned 是定语从句 修饰one of the few persons
A.whom l know have lerned 是宾语从句 句子中有了宾语所以不能选A

请问下面的结构有什么语法规则?为什么不能选A/26She is one of the few persons ________from mistakes.A.whom l know have lerned B. I know who has learnedC. whom l know has lerned D. I know who have learned答案:D 请问:什么叫瞬变体系,为什么不能做结构使用? 分析下面几个词的结构规则和使用规则毛茸茸 亮晶晶 一道道使用规则呢~ 请问got+adj是什么结构?比如说这个句子:I got very angry!请问这是什么结构的句子,有没有什么语法点? 汉语的语法规则简单的规则,比如:除了“”和‘’的前后,其它的标点前后不能再出现标点;字与字之间不能出现空格;等.还有其它什么规则,请赐教. 英语高中语法题Large quantities of water ________ needed for cooling purpose.请问这道题的空格里为什么填的是are而不是is,这又是根据什么语法规则呢? 请问中国各朝各代的对对子有什么一定的规则吗?规则一样吗? 英语语法结构英语有什么语法上注意的事项 Sat 语法 为什么不能选d?不是平行结构吗 请问:祈使句(否定结构)的回答有什么规则?-Don't read picture books in class,please,Tom.-No,I won't. 请问汉语语法结构的特点是什么? 英语中ex开头的单词有2中发音1,iks;1.eks.我总不能区分请问单词发音有什么规则吗 英语几大语法英语的语法都有什么?他们的结构都是怎样的 铜为什么叫洪特规则特例,他的电子排布与洪特规则有什么联系 live和five中i的读音两者都是开音节,结构都一样,为什么一个读[i]一个读[ai]了?有什么特殊规则吗? 如何理解现代汉语语法单位在结构规则上具有一致性的特点 动词 单复数Some people think that police officers carring firearms leads to more violence in society.请问这里的lead为什么要用三人称单数?是不是错了还是什么语法规则? I know it was stupid of me 请讲讲of me 的用法为什么在后面 有语法规则吗?