英语翻译电影哆啦A梦《大雄的猫狗时空传》跨越3亿年的时空,哆啦A梦电影史上最大的冒险!STORY 大雄在偶然的情况下救了一条溺水的小狗,给它取名叫“阿一”,并瞒着妈妈把它带回家里

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 22:04:19

英语翻译电影哆啦A梦《大雄的猫狗时空传》跨越3亿年的时空,哆啦A梦电影史上最大的冒险!STORY 大雄在偶然的情况下救了一条溺水的小狗,给它取名叫“阿一”,并瞒着妈妈把它带回家里
跨越3亿年的时空,哆啦A梦电影史上最大的冒险!STORY 大雄在偶然的情况下救了一条溺水的小狗,给它取名叫“阿一”,并瞒着妈妈把它带回家里饲养。有一天,去山里游玩的大雄,发现山里有很多被人遗弃的小猫小狗。“人也太随便了!”为了阿一的将来以及这些被丢弃的猫狗,他想出了一个好办法。“把它们带到人类还不存在的远古时代不就行了!” 于是大雄和哆啦A梦用缩小灯把阿一和猫狗们缩小后乘上时间旅行机,向人类还未诞生的3亿年以前的世界进发。终于到了没有人类居住的世界,大雄用“进化退化放射线源”照射小一使它能理解人类的语言,然后教它怎样在这片土地上靠自己的力量生活下去的方法。傍晚,在即将归去的大雄面前,阿一的眼里充满了泪水。“阿一,我答应你,明天,我一定会来的。”说完后,大雄乘着时光机回去了。第二天,大雄和哆啦A梦再次乘着时光机向那个世界进发,但是,他们突然被卷进了时空扭曲中,来到了文明先进的猫狗国,也就是那天之后1千年以后的世界。这一次,大雄及哆啦A梦将有一个不可思议的旅程……(故事中最经典的一句:"一定是思念的心情让奇迹发生了")

英语翻译电影哆啦A梦《大雄的猫狗时空传》跨越3亿年的时空,哆啦A梦电影史上最大的冒险!STORY 大雄在偶然的情况下救了一条溺水的小狗,给它取名叫“阿一”,并瞒着妈妈把它带回家里
Movie doraemon the male dog and cat space-time biography,
Spanning 3 million years of space-time,doraemon history of the biggest adventure!STORY big male in accidental circumstances saved a drowning dog,give it was named after the "o",and keep a mother put it back the home raising.One day,go to the mountains for male and found the mountains there are many were abandoned kitten doggie."People too easy!" For a future and these,o abandoned dogs and cats,he came up with a good solution."Bring back to their human does not yet exist,in ancient times not to go!" So big male and doraemon with narrow lamp to dogs and cats,o A shrink after by time travel machine,to human is not born of 3 billion years ago,the world again.Finally arrived without human living in the world,male with "evolution degradation radiation source" illuminate small a make it can understand the human language,then teach how it on this land depend on own strength live on this method.In the evening,in the place of the male,o one before his eyes filled with tears."O a,I promise you,tomorrow,I'll come." After finish,male in time machine back.The next day,the male and doraemon again in time machine to the world jd,but they suddenly was involver in spacetime distortions,came to the civilization of advanced dog and cat kingdom,namely the day after A thousand years the world.This time,big male and doraemon will have A magical journey.(the most classic story 1:"must be missing mood for miracles")
呼呼 ···好累啊···

哆 啦 A 梦Movie "Nobita's cats and dogs pass time and space"
Over 300 million years of time and space, 哆 啦 A dream of the greatest adventure film history! ! STORY Nobita in the case of accident to s...


哆 啦 A 梦Movie "Nobita's cats and dogs pass time and space"
Over 300 million years of time and space, 哆 啦 A dream of the greatest adventure film history! ! STORY Nobita in the case of accident to save a drowning dog, it's called "A One", and behind his mother back home and keeping it. One day, Nobita to play the mountains and found a lot of mountains of abandoned cats and dogs. "People are too casual!" A future for Afghanistan, and these were discarded cats and dogs, he came up with a good idea. "Take them to the ancient times of human existence is not yet on the line!" So Nobita and 哆 啦 A 梦 of light with the narrow and the Cats were the A narrowing of a post-multiplied by the time travel machine, to the birth of the 300 million human beings have not yet years ago the world moving. Finally to the world with no human habitation, Nobita use the "source of evolutionary radiation degradation," a small light so that it can understand human language, and teach it how this land to live on his own way. In the evening, about to go back in front of Nobita, A one eyes filled with tears. "Ah, I promise you, tomorrow, I will come." Finished, Nobita riding a time machine to go back. The next day, Nobita and 哆 啦 A 梦 of riding again embarked on a time machine to the world, but they suddenly caught in a time warp in cats and dogs to the advanced state of civilization, that is, the day after a thousand years later the world. This time, Nobita and 哆 啦 A 梦 will be an incredible journey ... ...




英语翻译电影哆啦A梦《大雄的猫狗时空传》跨越3亿年的时空,哆啦A梦电影史上最大的冒险!STORY 大雄在偶然的情况下救了一条溺水的小狗,给它取名叫“阿一”,并瞒着妈妈把它带回家里 帮我翻译成英语今晚就要电影哆啦A梦《大雄的猫狗时空传》跨越3亿年的时空,哆啦A梦电影史上最大的冒险!!STORY 大雄在偶然的情况下救了一条溺水的小狗,给它取名叫“阿一”,并瞒着 哆啦a梦的电影有哪些 英语翻译 谁帮我把这篇作文翻译成英语!我最喜欢的卡通人物是哆啦A梦,他是一只机器猫,是个日本的卡通人物.我以前就认识他,这个暑假里,我看到了一部关于哆啦A梦的电影-《大雄的恐龙》, 哆啦A梦大电影有哪些?直到现在为止有哪些,请一一列出来? 日本的地震会影响柯南和哆啦a梦的电影放映吗? 哆啦a梦一部电影里说,他们来到有两个太阳的星球, 哆啦A梦的教育意义大不大? 求哆啦a梦所有大电影或蜡笔小新大电影 哆啦A梦:大雄与能量神珠攻略 不要人物的讲话 哆啦A梦有什么讲的是世雄 意思是,多啦A梦得电影里,有什么讲世雄的故事,例如世雄的生活啊,什么的,求! 人类将来能穿越时空吗?在哆啦A梦的漫画书和动画里面,哆啦A梦是来自22世纪的机器猫.而且它有时光机能穿越时空.去到从前或未来.我对这个觉得很好奇.为什么有人说看到UFO,为什么有人说看 哆啦a梦大结局,大雄老死了,哆啦a梦又回到过去陪大雄的哪个版本 多啦A梦 和大雄的故事 . 我想问,多啦A梦离开大雄后大雄的生活. 关于时空天文学知识比如时空扭曲啦,黑洞啦,白洞啦、虫洞啦、时空旅行啦之类的 所谓的多维空间到底是什么?空间的那种概念是什么?在动画片[哆啦A梦]的情节里,经常有一些空间概念,时空概念,谁能告诉我是什么?不要太详细! 我希望自己有一个哆啦A梦用英语怎么说我在写初三的英语作文/有句话写不来“我现在希望自己能有一个哆啦A梦,能用时空穿梭机回到过去,看爸爸年轻的模样” 我的时空之家英语翻译?