
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/20 17:11:51


From the mid-60s to the early 80s,this stage's characteristic was the Soviet strong trend expands,the US was in the strategic defense.This time,Soviet Union reduced with US's strength disparity,specially at one fell swoop surpasses the US in the military power.But US,because sinks into the Vietnam War for a long time,as a result of economic crisis's impact,the economic growth tends to be slow,encroaches upon the war to receive the serious setback,the military force is caught up with by Soviet Union,the US strives for hegemony in US and Soviet to hit transfers the strategic defensive from the strategic offense.after 1969 Nixon principle,adjusted the whole world military deployment,contracted the Asian military strength,in 1973 withdrew troops from Vietnam,in 1979 established diplomatic relations with China.In addition 73 year oil shock as well as the capitalism camp internal differentiation,the hegemonic position is vacillated seriously,can not but adopt the relatively conservative strategy,responds Soviet Union to propose relaxes the policy,attempts to suppress Soviet Union through the diplomatic mean to expand and to maintain own status.Once had a section in this stage bilateral relations to relax the time,was roughly from the late 60s to the mid-70s,the outstanding feature was the both countries leaders' frequent exchange visits and signs about "US-Soviet Limit Strategic nuclear weapon Treaty".Soviet Union's invades Afghanistan expansion to 79 years to achieve the crest,afterward had the decline sign,but along with Reagan's coming on stage,the US also starts to reverse the strategic passive aspect,strives for hegemony the pattern to face the change once more

From the 1960s to the early 1980s middle, this one phase is characteristic of the Soviet union, the United States have strong expansion in the strategic defensive. During this period, the Soviet union...


From the 1960s to the early 1980s middle, this one phase is characteristic of the Soviet union, the United States have strong expansion in the strategic defensive. During this period, the Soviet union with U.S. power narrowed the gap, especially in military strength diva than the United States. And the United States in Vietnam, owing, due to the impact of the economic crisis, economic growth tends to slow, QinYue war severely setbacks, military forces were Soviet catch, the United States in u.s.-soviet from a strategic offensive to the hegemony of strategic defense. 1969 the Nixon doctrine, adjust after global military deployment, contraction in 1973, Asian troops withdraw from Vietnam relations with China in 1979, 73. Plus the oil crisis and capitalism faction internal differentiation, was badly shaken dominance, had to take the relatively conservative strategy, proposed easing policy response to the Soviet union, through diplomatic means trying to combat the Soviet expansion and maintain their own status. In this one phase relationship once had a palliative period, from 60 time end to roughly in the mid 1970s, the main leaders of the two countries sign is the frequent visits and sign about the u.s.-soviet limit strategic nuclear weapons treaty. Soviet expansion to 79 years invasion of Afghanistan to reach the top, and then a sign of recession, with Ronald Reagan, the U.S. also begin to reverse stage ii strategic passive situation, again face changed. Pattern


英语翻译从60年代中期到80年代初,这一阶段的特点是苏联强势扩张,美国则处于战略守势.这一时期,苏联缩小了与美国的实力差距,特别是在军事实力上一举超过美国.而美国由于长期陷于越战, 资本主义经济高速发展的黄金时期是指什么时候A.20世纪40年代中期至20年代50年代初B.20世纪50年代--70年代初C.20世纪70年代--80年代D.20世纪80--90年代 20世纪50年代中期到70年代初被称为资本主义国家经济发展的什么时期?20世纪50年代中期到70年代初,主要资本主义国家的国际经济告诉发展,这个时期被称为资本主义国家经济发展的什么时期? 我国从20世纪50年代后期到80年代初的农业经济的变化,带给我们怎样的历史启迪 20世纪50年代中期到60年代初,我党解决台湾问题的基本政策是 (多选)A、互不派特务,不做破坏对方团结的事B、必须武力解决台湾问题C、台湾的社会改革可以从缓,尊重台湾当局的意见D、除外交 20世纪70年代末到80年代初中国出现什么历史性的变化? 世界上第一台电子计算机诞生于( A)20世纪40年代中期B)19世纪C)20世纪80年代初D)1950年 社会主义初级阶段从20世纪50年代中期算起,至少需要一百年时间.这句话该怎么理解? 24.从20世纪50年代中期到90年代初,在广袤的非洲大陆,争取民族独立的浪潮席卷南北.下列叙述与史实不相符的是 A.1952年,埃及爆发“七月革命”,推翻了英国庇护的君主统治 B.1962年,阿尔及 从18世纪中期到20世纪50年代社会主义运动发展的基本趋势 从20世纪50年代中期到70年代末期,中国在社会主义探索过程中,出现哪些失误? 20世纪80年代到90年代初,美国为何负债累累,这种状况对美国经济有何影响? 20世纪60年代末到70年代初,美国人口由东北迁往阳光地带的原因. 20世纪40年代中期到50年代中期国际关系格局呈现出怎样的特征 20世纪80年代中期是什么年份 中国20世纪50年代到60年代中国发生的变化假如你是生活在20世纪50年代中期到60年代的青年,你会感知到新中国的那些变化(从政治、经济,科技方面分析)? 高一地理,求分析80年代中期前后国内人口迁移的变化和原因 1.17~18世纪欧洲资产阶级启蒙运动的主要内容是什么?受其影响,中国从19世纪末到202.17世纪40年代到19世纪中期,世界历史经历着逐步走上资本主义道路的重大历史变革.在这一历史变革的过程中,