
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/27 18:28:05



tomorrow our technicians would like to discuss with CTS for two critical issues , which are:

  1. when can CTS get requirements of WW, because without requirements of WW, the development could be very difficult;

  2. the WQ issue.

please make sufficient preparation for the meeting, thanks.

"Tomorrow our technicians would like to discuss two key questions with CTS :
1, The exact time that CTS get to know the WW demand. Because if there is no WW demand, research and development will be difficult to develop;
2, The issue of WQ.
Please get everything ready for the meeting

our technicians want to discuss about two key questions with CTS tomorrow.
1:when CTS has the WW need ?because of without WW need, the develop work will be hard to process.
2:we want to discuss about the WQ things.
please make fully preparations for the meeting.

Tomorrow our technical experts will like to discuss with CTS two important questions:

  1. When CTS will receive demands from WW, as without WW's demands, it will be difficult to develop the program.

  2. We will like to discuss matters relating to WQ.

Please get ready for the conference.

Our developers would like to discuss two key issues with CTS:

  1. When CTS could receive the demand of WW. The R&D will be very difficult in absence of demand,

  2. We would like to discuss the WQ related cases.

Thanks to get prepared in advance.


中文全名:中华电视股份有限公司英文全名:Chinese Television System Inc.

"Tomorrow, our technicians would like to discuss with CTS two key questions:
1, when can the CTS have WW demand, because there is no WW demand, research and development will be difficult to develop;
2, want to discuss the issue of WQ
Please get everything ready for the meeting"

our technician will discuss with CTS two key problems tomorrow :

  1. when can CTS get the need of WW? For it will be difficult to research without its need.

  2. talking about sth about WQ

a discussion on two key probloms :
1.When can CTS obtain the WW demand, because does not have the WW demand, the research and development can very difficult develop
2.something about WQ