
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 03:16:32


till 1
=> until. till 2
/ tɪl; tɪl/ n
drawer in which money is kept behind the counter in a shop, bank, etc or in a cash register (店铺、 银行等的)放钱的抽屉.
(idm 习语) have, etc one's fingers in the till => finger. till 3
/ tɪl; tɪl/ v [Tn] prepare and use (land) for growing crops 耕(地).
> tillage / ˈtɪlɪdʒ; ˋtɪlɪdʒ/ n [U]
action or process of tilling 耕种; 耕作.
tilled land 耕过的田地.
tiller n person who tills 耕种者; 农夫.
/ ənˈtɪl; ənˋtɪl/ (also till) (till more informal; until usu preferred in initial position *till多用於口语; until通常用於句首) conj up to the time when 直到...时(为止): Wait until the rain stops. 等到雨停了再说吧. * Don't leave till I arrive. 我不来你不要离开. * Continue in this direction until you see a sign. 一直朝着这个方向走就看见指示牌了. * Until she spoke I hadn't realized she was foreign. 她要不说话我还一直不知道她是外国人. * I won't stop shouting until you let me go. 你不放我走我就一直喊叫. * No names are being released until (ie before) the relatives have been told. 只有在通知这些人的亲属以后才可透露其姓名.
> until (also till) prep (a) up to (a specified time) 直到(某一时刻): wait until tomorrow 等到明天 * It maylast till Friday. 这可能要延续到星期五. * Nothing happeneduntil (ie before) 5 o'clock. 五点钟以前没有出现任何迹象. * The street is full of traffic from morning till night. 这条街从早到晚行人车辆很多. * Until now I have always lived alone. 我一直独自生活至今. * I'd like to stay here up until Christmas. 我想在这儿呆到圣诞节. (b) up to the time of (a specified event) 直到(发生某事): The secret was never told until after the old man's death. 这个秘密在老人去世后才说出来. * Don't open it till your birthday. 等到你过生日那天再打开. * She was a bank clerk until the war, when she trained as a nurse. 她战前是个银行职员, 战时受训当了护士.
by 1
/ baɪ; baɪ/ adv part
near 靠近: He stole the money when no one was by. 他趁旁边无人时把钱偷走了. * He lives close/near by. 他住在附近.
past 经过: drive, go, run, walk, etc by 驶过; 经过; 跑过; 走过等 * He hurried by without speaking to me. 他匆匆经过没有跟我说话. * Excuse me, I can't get by. 劳驾, 请让我过去. * Time goes by so quickly. 时间过得真快.
aside; in reserve 在旁边; 保留: lay/put/set sth by 把某物摆[放/搁]在一边 * I always keep a bottle of wine by in case friends call round. 我平时总存着一瓶酒以备朋友来时喝.
(idm 习语) by and `by (dated 旧) before long; soon 不久; 马上: They'll be arriving by and by. 他们不久就要到达. by the by/bye = by the way (way1). by and large => large. by 2
/ baɪ; baɪ/ prep
near (sb/sth); at the side of; beside 靠近(某人[某物]); 在...旁边; 在...附近: a house by the church, river, railway 教堂、 河流、 铁路附近的一所房子 * The telephone is by the window. 电话在窗户那儿. * Come and sit by me. 来坐在我身旁. * We had a day by the sea. 我们在海边度过了一天.
(showing the route taken) passing through (sth or a place); along; across (表示路线)通过(某物或某地); 顺着; 越过: He entered by the back door. 他从后门进入. * We travelled to Rome by Milan and Florence. 我们途经米兰和佛罗伦萨到达罗马. * We came by country roads, not by the motorway. 我们是沿着乡间的路来的, 不是从高速公路来的.
past (sb/sth) 经过(某人[某物]): He walked by me without speaking. 他从我身边走过, 没说一句话. * I go by the church every morning on my way to work. 我每天早晨上班要经过教堂.
not later than (a time); before 不迟於(某时); 在...之前: Can you finish the work by five o'clock/tomorrow/next Monday? 你能在五点钟[明天/下星期一]以前做完这工作吗? * By this time next week we shall be in New York. 下星期的这个时候我们将在纽约. * He ought to have arrived by now/by this time. 此时此刻他早该到了. * By the time (that) this letter reaches you I will have left the country. 你接到这封信时, 我已离开这个国家了.
(usu without the 通常不用 the) (emphasizing the circumstances of an action) during (a period of time) or in (sth) (强调行动的客观情况)在(某时期)内; 在(某情况)下: travel by day/night 白天[夜间]旅行 * She sleeps by day and works by night. 她白天睡觉, 夜间工作. * The view is best seen by daylight/moonlight. 此处风景在日光[月光]下观赏最美. * Reading by (ie with the use of) artificial light is bad for the eyes. 阅读时使用人工照明会损害眼睛.
(usu after a passive v 通常用於被动式动词之后) (a) through the action, power or work of (sb/sth) 借(某人[某事物])的动作、 力量或作品: a play (written) by Shakespeare 莎士比亚(写)的剧本 * a church designed by Wren 雷恩所设计的教堂 * He was arrested by the police. 他被警方逮捕了. * He was shot by a terrorist with a machine-gun. 他被恐怖分子用机关枪打死了. * run over by a bus 被公共汽车碾过 * struck by lightning 遭闪电击中. (b) through the means of (sth/doing sth) 通过(某事物[做某事物])的方式: The room is heated by gas/oil. 这房间是用煤气[油]取暖的. * May I pay by cheque? 我可以用支票付款吗? * I shall contact you by letter/telephone. 我将写信[打电话]和你联系. * He earns his living by writing. 他靠写作为生. * You switch the radio on by pressing this button. 按这个按钮就能开收音机. * By working hard he gained rapid promotion. 他工作努力因而晋级很快.
(without the 不用 the) as a result of (sth); because of; through 因(某事物)所致; 由於; 凭藉: meet by chance 不期而遇 * achieve sth by skill, determination, etc 凭技艺、 决心等实现某事物 * do sth by mistake/accident 误做某事[碰巧而做某事] * The coroner's verdict was `death by misadventure'. 验尸官鉴定为意外事故造成的死亡.
with the action of (doing sth) 以(做某事)的行动: Let me begin by saying... 让我首先说这样一件事, ... * He shocked the whole company by resigning. 他辞职的消息全公司都感到震惊.
(indicating a means of transport or a route taken 表示运输或取道的方式): travel by boat/bus/car/plane 乘船[公共汽车/小汽车/飞机]旅行 * travel by air/land/sea 航空[陆路/航海]旅行.
(indicating a part of the body, or an item of clothing touched, held, etc 表示被触及、 被持住等的身体或衣物某处): take sb by the hand 抓住某人的手 * seize sb by the hair, collar, lapel, etc 抓住某人的头发、 衣领、 翻领等 * grab sb by the scruff of the neck 抓住某人的颈背.
(with the 与the连用) using (sth) as a standard or unit 以(某事物)为标准或单位: rent a car by the day/week/month 按日[周/月]租用汽车 * sell eggs by the dozen, material by the yard, coal by the ton 卖蛋论打、 卖布论码、 卖煤论吨 * pay sb by the day/hour 按天[小时]付给某人款 * We sell ice-creams by the thousand in the summer. 我们在夏天出售的冰激凌数以千计.
in successive units, groups or degrees of 以连续的单位、 批量或程度计: improving day by day, little by little, bit by bit, etc 一天一天地、 一些一些地、 一点一点地...改善 * The children came in two by two. 孩子两个两个地进来.
(a) (showing the dimensions of a rectangle or a cube 表示长方形或立方体的大小): The room measures fifteen feet by twenty feet. 这房间十五英尺宽二十英尺长. (b) (in multiplication or division 用於乘法或除法运算): 6 (multiplied/divided) by 2 equals 12/3. 6(乘[除])以2等於12[3].
to the extent of (sth) 到(某事物)的程度: The bullet missed him by two inches. 那子弹差两英寸就打中他了. * The carpet is too short by three feet. 那地毯短了三英尺. * It would be better by far (ie much better) to. 那比...好多了.
according to (sth); from the evidence of 按照(某事物); 根据: By my watch it is two o'clock. 我的表现在是两点钟. * Judging by appearances can be misleading. 凭外表下判断是会误事的. * I could tell by the look on her face that something terrible had happened. 我一看她的脸色就知道出了大事了.
in accordance with (sth); in agreement with 按照(某事物); 符合: play a game by the rules 按规则做游戏 * by sb's leave, ie with sb's permission 得到某人的许可.
with respect to (sb/sth); with regard to 涉及(某人[某事物]); 关於: be German by birth, a solicitor by profession, a joiner by trade 出生地为德国、 职业为律师、 行业为细木工 * do one's duty by sb 尽到自己对某人的责任.
(in oaths 用於誓词) in the name of (sb/sth) 以(某人[某事物])的名义: By God! 上帝可以作证! * I swear by Almighty God..., by all that I hold dear..., etc 我在全能的上帝面前、 以我的一切起誓.
(idm 习语) have/keep sth by one have sth close to one; have sth within easy reach 将某物放在身边; 使手边有某物: I keep a dictionary by me when I'm doing crosswords. 我做纵横填字游戏时, 手边总放着一本词典.
(also bye-) pref 前缀 (with ns or vs 与名词或动词连用)
of secondary importance; incidental 次要的; 附带的: by-product * bye-law.
near 接近: bystander * bypass.