英语翻译1.(别碰那条狗 leave),or he'll bite you if you pull its tail.2.last night i saw Simon lying in bed,(陷入沉思之中 lose)3.All the preparations for the trip(已完成 complete),and we are ready to start.4.you can't imag

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/07 23:46:25

英语翻译1.(别碰那条狗 leave),or he'll bite you if you pull its tail.2.last night i saw Simon lying in bed,(陷入沉思之中 lose)3.All the preparations for the trip(已完成 complete),and we are ready to start.4.you can't imag
1.(别碰那条狗 leave),or he'll bite you if you pull its tail.
2.last night i saw Simon lying in bed,(陷入沉思之中 lose)
3.All the preparations for the trip(已完成 complete),and we are ready to start.
4.you can't imagine(他们多激动 excite)when they received these nice Christmas presents.
5.he often asked me the question(是否这份工作值得去做 worth)
6.Neither John nor i (有语言天赋 gift).people just laugh at us when we try to speak German.
7.if a rich man is proud of his wealth,he(不应加以赞扬 praise)until it is known how he employs it.
8.the harder you work,(你的得分就越高 high)
9.i was fianlly admitted to a key university.Never in my life(我觉得如此高兴 feel)!
10.you(本没必要浇这些花 water),for it is going to rain.
11.your hair is too long.Go to the barber's and(把头发剪短 cut)
12.Never(他到过 be)any other city in China except Beijing.
13.(最著名的两所大学 famous)in Britain are Oxford University and Cambridge University
14.How i wish(我没有浪费waste)so much time playing computer games.
15.the factory(他曾经工作过的 work)is in danger of closing down.
16.i hate being away from my parents,so i can't decide(是否要去日本工作 whether).
17.Road accidents have become much fewer in the past few years.the government must(采取了有效措施 take)
18.to aviod(烫伤 burn),you have to be careful enough.
19.i can hardly fall asleep because of the loud noise outside.a new shopping center(正在建设 build)nearby.
20.the student wasn't paying attention in class,(眼睛盯着 fix)the tree in front of the classroom.

英语翻译1.(别碰那条狗 leave),or he'll bite you if you pull its tail.2.last night i saw Simon lying in bed,(陷入沉思之中 lose)3.All the preparations for the trip(已完成 complete),and we are ready to start.4.you can't imag
1.Leave that dog away
2.losting himself in thinking.
3.have been completed
4.how excited they are
5.if this job is worth doing.
6.have language gift
7.shouldn't be prasied
8.the higher scores you will get.
9.felt so happy.
10.shouldn't have watered these flowers
11.have it cut.
12.he been to
13.The two most famous university
14.i didn't waste
15.once he worked for
16.whether to work in Janpan
17.have taken some effective measures .
19.is been building
20.their eyes are fixed on

1 Leave the dog alone
2 losing into through
3 have been completed
4 how excited they were
5 if it is worth to do this work
6 has language gift
7 should not be praise
8 the ...


1 Leave the dog alone
2 losing into through
3 have been completed
4 how excited they were
5 if it is worth to do this work
6 has language gift
7 should not be praise
8 the higher you get
9 did i feel so happy
10 needn't have watered these flowers
11 have you hair cut
12 has he been
13 The most two famous universitys
14 I hadn't wasted so much time
15 where he once worked
16 whether sh6uld i go to Japan for a work
17 had taken positive ...
18 being burn
19 is been build
20 fixing their eyes on


1.Leave that dog away
2.losing in thinking.
3.have been completed
4.how exciting they are
5.whether this job is worth of doing.
6.have language gift
7.shouldm't be praied


1.Leave that dog away
2.losing in thinking.
3.have been completed
4.how exciting they are
5.whether this job is worth of doing.
6.have language gift
7.shouldm't be praied
8.the higher mark you get.
9.I feel so happy.
10.shouldn't have water these flower
11.have it cut.
12.been in
13.The most famouse two university
14.i didn't waste
15.once he worked for
16.whether go to work in Janpan
17.have taken some positive procedures.
19.is been builting
20.eyes are fixed on


英语翻译1.(别碰那条狗 leave),or he'll bite you if you pull its tail.2.last night i saw Simon lying in bed,(陷入沉思之中 lose)3.All the preparations for the trip(已完成 complete),and we are ready to start.4.you can't imag 当你邀请人们去参加晚会时,别把我漏掉了.(leave out)英语翻译 用英语翻译:别靠近那堵墙 别泄气,那只是小菜一碟.英语翻译 这条街是那条街的三倍 英语翻译 英语翻译leave me along~ 英语翻译leave around 英语翻译leave word 那条领带是Tim的吗?英语翻译(一般疑问句) 英语翻译翻译下列句子1.无论你何时需要帮助,请发电子邮件给我.()you need help ,()me()()2.叫他冷静下来,别着急.Ask him ()()().Don’t worry3.他打算两天后离开北京去上海.(leave ,i 英语翻译Most teachers allow sthdents to go into class late or leave early if necessary╭^^^╮ {/ o o /} ( (oo) ) ) ))别拿词典上的糊弄我,我查了。 别让那狗进入我的房间 英语翻译 _ the dog _of my room.每空一词 英语翻译别哭了,我点了一杯葡萄汁 我在下一站下车 早睡早起身体好 他经常头疼 律师事务所在这条路的尽头 你最好不要去惹那条狗 我想要个小提琴做生日礼物 水面上的船只构成了美丽的 最终我们能看见那条路了.英语翻译 英语翻译曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身.”那几条 家乡的那条河已经不再清澈了 英语翻译 英语翻译”别把那本他放在桌上的那本书拿走”的翻译 让他放学别回家(英语翻译)