英语翻译Hello Joy,How have you been?最近这么样?对不起,I'm slow in responding to emails,still busy from schoolwork and exams but got day off because of a virus spreading on campus.Luckily,I have not been infected.No,I have not heard of 鲁

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 09:01:53

英语翻译Hello Joy,How have you been?最近这么样?对不起,I'm slow in responding to emails,still busy from schoolwork and exams but got day off because of a virus spreading on campus.Luckily,I have not been infected.No,I have not heard of 鲁
Hello Joy,
How have you been?最近这么样?对不起,I'm slow in responding to emails,still busy from schoolwork and exams but got day off because of a virus spreading on campus.Luckily,I have not been infected.
No,I have not heard of 鲁豫 ,but it's not a bad haircut.In fact,it's rather cute.Is this the shortest you have had your hair?Or have you had it cut shorter before?The great thing about short hair is that,if you don't like it,it'll become long hair again in no time!
Wow,you've seen a lot more classic American movies than I have.I've heard of Cary Grant,I don't think I have seen any of the movies he was in though.
You're learning Amazing Grace?Yes,I know that song.It's nice Are you learning to sing the song or play it on the piano?It's a religious song.
Do you play any other musical instruments besides the piano?We recently had a visit from some 古筝 players at my school.They played beautifully.I have always wanted to learn to play that instrument,along with the 二胡,the 琵琶,the piano,and virtually everything else...
That email was the longest I have ever received in Chinese!哈哈.Reading and understanding it wasn't difficult.从小到大除了英语我在家里都常常跟爸爸妈妈讲广东话.有时候我也有和妈妈一起看一些中国/台湾的节目,连续剧,等等.所以虽然没有真正地上国什么中文课,我对中文的认识也不赖呀.=D With that said,what you have suggested in your previous email is a good idea,but I don't think I need too much help in terms of language / grammar / sentence structure.On the contrary,我应该多学一些中国成语,文化,历史之类的.如果能帮帮忙的话那就太好了.What's more important,however,is that I help you improve your English.It still needs work in some areas so let me know what you are having trouble with.你要多写English,so I can pinpoint what exactly you need work on (sentence structure?grammar?or just vocabulary?).And please do let me know if you would rather have the explanations in Chinese.I can practice my 中文 that way.
P.S.No,I don't have a boyfriend and I never have.Perhaps it is because I'm too manly?HAHA,I don't know.Hmm… 第一次对别的男生有好感在什么时侯?我自己也不太清楚.可 能是因为我没有像我的女同学们那么留意那些男生.可是我记得在小学的时候班里好像有一位非常奇怪的男孩儿.我对他有一点点的好感,不是因为我喜欢他,而是 因为我觉得太好笑了.他的样子长得满像个女孩子.而且比我认识的所有可爱的女同学们艮可爱和漂亮!我还有一点点妒嫉他的美丽… What about you?Do you have a little boyfriend or are you too young?(haha) Is there a boy you like at school?Tell me about it.At what age do you reckon girls in China have their first boyfriend?
还有什么问题久尽管问吧!… as long as you don't mind me asking you any in return ^o~

英语翻译Hello Joy,How have you been?最近这么样?对不起,I'm slow in responding to emails,still busy from schoolwork and exams but got day off because of a virus spreading on campus.Luckily,I have not been infected.No,I have not heard of 鲁
JOY你好.最近这么样? 对不起.我不常回复邮件.我依然忙碌着学校功课和考试.不过放了天假,因为最近我们学校正蔓延一种流行病菌.幸好我并没有受到感染.
哗!你看过的美国经典电影比我看过的还要多啊!我听过Cary Grant,不过我没有看过他演的电影.
你在学Amazing Grace?是的我知道这首歌!真好!你是想学唱还是学弹?那是一首很好的歌哦!
除了钢琴你还有学过其他的乐器吗?最近有一些古筝演奏家来我们学校演出哦!他们表演得好极了!我也想学古筝呢!还有二胡, 琵琶,钢琴还有很多其他的...
那邮件是我收到过最长的中文邮件了!哈哈!念它跟明白它的意思并不难.从小到大除了英语我在家里都常常跟爸爸妈妈讲广东话.有时候我也有和妈妈一起看一些中国/台湾的节目,连续剧,等等.所以虽然没有真正地上国什么中文课,我对中文的认识也不赖呀.上次你在邮件上建议的还真是不错!不过我觉得我不需要在语言文法,句子结构上加强什么.其实,我应该多学一些中国成语,文化,历史之类的. 如果能帮帮忙的话那就太好了.不过最重要的还是我该如何帮助你,让你的英文进步.你的英文还有进步的空间所以让我知道你的难处.你应该多练习写英文,这样我才能知道你的错误到底在哪里(文法,句子结构还是生字)?如果你想要中文的解释你也可以告诉我!我也可以顺便练习我的中文嘛!
附嘱:没有.我没有男朋友也从来没有有过一个.也许是因为我太男人婆了?哈哈!我不知道.嗯...第一次对男生有好感在什么时候?我自己也不太清楚. 可 能是因为我没有像我的女同学们那么留意那些男生.可是我记得在小学的时候班里好像有一位非常奇怪的男孩儿.我对他有一点点的好感,不是因为我喜欢他,而是 因为我觉得太好笑了.他的样子长得满像个女孩子.而且比我认识的所有可爱的女同学们艮可爱和漂亮!我还有一点点妒嫉他的美丽… 你呢?你有没有小男朋友啊?还是你真的太小了?哈哈!学校里有没有你喜欢的男生啊?告诉我嘛!中国的女孩都是几岁开始交男朋友的啊(初恋)?
还有什么问题久尽管问吧!… 只要你不介意我以不断的问问题来回报你哦!