新概念2的一个语法问题“Would you mind my coming with you?”he asked ,before I had finished speaking.能否说成“Would you mind my coming with you?”he asked ,before I finished speaking 为什么?(两个句子翻译的意思一样么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 00:04:34

新概念2的一个语法问题“Would you mind my coming with you?”he asked ,before I had finished speaking.能否说成“Would you mind my coming with you?”he asked ,before I finished speaking 为什么?(两个句子翻译的意思一样么
“Would you mind my coming with you?”he asked ,before I had finished speaking.能否说成“Would you mind my coming with you?”he asked ,before I finished speaking 为什么?(两个句子翻译的意思一样么?(出自68课)

新概念2的一个语法问题“Would you mind my coming with you?”he asked ,before I had finished speaking.能否说成“Would you mind my coming with you?”he asked ,before I finished speaking 为什么?(两个句子翻译的意思一样么
而had finished的话呢,算是过去完成时,属于过去时的一种,所以和前面的asked呼应,没有什么错啊~

新概念2的一个语法问题“Would you mind my coming with you?”he asked ,before I had finished speaking.能否说成“Would you mind my coming with you?”he asked ,before I finished speaking 为什么?(两个句子翻译的意思一样么 新概念2的一个语法问题“Would you mind my coming with you?”he asked ,before I had finished speaking.能否说成“Would you mind my coming with you?”he asked ,before I finished speaking 为什么?两个句子翻译的意思一样么? 请问《新东方的语法新概念》和《新概念英语2》有什么联系吗?我想学语法. 关于背新概念英语学英语的问题如果单单背新概念2的课文和背单词,词组不去学语法,这样能学好英语吗 新概念语法我语法很差,想报一个新概念3的班适合我吗?明年出国. 关于would 的语法, 新概念英语2第十课的一个语法问题结尾时说,it was being repaired by a friend of my father's.为什么不说by a friend of my father? 新概念英语2语法练习求请教!lesson64的! 新概念英语2的语法都有什么?新概念英语2的语法都有些什么?最好列出来 新概念2后面的内容主要讲什么语法,还有新概念三? 关于新概念2和3课程的问题!我是一名高中生,今年因为别的原因休学了.在北外培训报了一个新概念2的综合全日制课程,想系统的串一下琐碎语法,再通过背课文提高基础写作,之后学新三.可是这 我刚刚来美国..有一些关于二次函数的问题和中国不太一样...首先就是书上莫明其妙的出来一个公式:x=(Vo*Cosφ)ty=-16t^2+(Vo*Sinφ)*t+Yo(Vo Yo 是V零 Y零的意思)貌似这些都是用在棒球之类的问题上 Yo 在天津,高中英语除去词汇量问题不说,单就语法方面,新概念二的语法能涵盖所有高中语法吗? 新概念英语2 新概念词汇大全 新概念语法大全 新概念2应该买一套吗 这句英文意思很明白,请给分析一下它的语法关系.这是新概念英语第四册第十八课里一开始提出的一外问题.What would you say is the main characteristic of porpoises?请详细分析一下这个句子的语法结构 would you like的语法 英语从句的问题he requested goods that do not exist,for which he would invent names on the spots.(新概念3,P239,6)这里的which指代什么?for which 怎样翻译?for which he would invent names on the spots,在语法上怎样理解? 新概念三的语法考点是?