
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 09:14:14


I have said that I want to be tiresome,so I can live with him through good and bad times.
I feel for his pain.I don't know hom much I've suffered to be with him.I can't help much,but if I suffer a little,I would feel better in my heart.
People say he is very lonely.
When I heard this,I want to cry.
I don't want him to be lonely,but I cannot help him.
I really miss him...
Work hard!I want to see myself mature and making progress.When he comes back,I will be sure to have changed greatly!
Kid,are you doing OK?Your bodygurad misses you.When your bodyguard is not with you,you must have to protect yourself well!

I said, I would like to tired, because this way we can and he has been through thick and thin.
I was distressed him. Do not know him over there to eat the number of hard, I not help, only to all...


I said, I would like to tired, because this way we can and he has been through thick and thin.
I was distressed him. Do not know him over there to eat the number of hard, I not help, only to allow himself tired point, so feel comfortable on.
It is said that he was very lonely.
After listening to these words, I want to cry.
I do not want him lonely, but I can not help him.
To work properly! I would like to see their maturity and progress, he is back, I will be a huge change!
Children, you live also, please? Bodyguards are thinking of you, bodyguards are not around you, you have to protect their own 〜 Oh!


I said, I would like to tired, because this way we can and he has been through thick and thin.
I was distressed him. Do not know him over there to eat the number of hard, I not help, only to allo...


I said, I would like to tired, because this way we can and he has been through thick and thin.
I was distressed him. Do not know him over there to eat the number of hard, I not help, only to allow himself tired point, so feel comfortable on.
It is said that he was very lonely.
After listening to these words, I want to cry.
I do not want him lonely, but I can not help him.
真的好想him. . . . .
To work properly! I would like to see their maturity and progress, he is back, I will be a huge change!
Children, you live also, please? Bodyguards are thinking of you, bodyguards are not around you, you have to protect their own Oh ~!


英语翻译我说过,我想累点,因为这样就能和他同甘共苦了.我就是心疼他.也不知道他在那边吃了多少苦,我帮不上忙,只能让自己也累点,这样心里就舒服了.有人说,他很寂寞.听了这句话,我很想 英语翻译我想只要这样总有一天,我能当上舞蹈家和歌唱家的. 张爱玲小说《金锁记》我想知道它的大致内容,越简洁越好.艺术表现和主题是什么?简洁点.我说过简洁点的嘛,我才不喜欢看这样的书,只是要完成文史的作业罢了. 英语翻译我问的是这首歌我相信我能看见未来因为我重复着同样的工作我想我曾经拥有着梦想最后它变成了一场梦我想我曾经有一副好嗓子现在我却发不出任何声音我只能做着我以前说过的 我想干什么,我就能做到的英语翻译是什么. 英语翻译我点开360后就这样了? 英语翻译伽利略曾经说过:给我一根杠杆,我能撬动地球.今天我想说,给你一组数字(6497950),你能知道它代表什么吗 英语翻译我想在新的一年里取得新的突破.我想去尝试一些我之前不敢做的事情,即使我不能成功,我相信我也会收获很多.有人曾说过生活是最好的老师,我希望我能在困难中收获勇气和毅力,让 谁能给我各种主板的中文名和英文名与简写?我需要各种主板的、因为我想一看到主板就知道那是什么主板、 谁能解释这段话?佛家常说‘证到’这个词,却从来不告诉你‘证到’后面是什么,因为欲说欲解都不能,因为条件的条件的条件,因为因果的因果的因果,所以就有了如人饮水冷暖自知.我说过,所 六年级常考的作文题目和类型就这样、不过能给我归类具体点的 我以后的生活后怎样?我妈妈常常一回家就一直推电动.一直到半夜1.2点才睡觉这样对身体很不好 .但我们家的我.姊姐.爸爸.阿姨.等都说过他了.至今.仍然没改过.我希望我的妈妈能改过这个坏 能讨论说明一下为啥这样做会失根吗?因为两边都是分式,所以我把x直接等于3了,因为我想代入3的话,两边的分母就一样了,然后再用3代入分子,没想到也等于10.所以我以为这样就对了,但是其实 英语翻译能不能再帮我翻译一句。“我想知道你为什么不愿意和我在一起,请你用最直接的语言告诉我,因为我希望下次再碰见你这样的女孩我能够把握住” 她曾经说过这样一句话 用英语翻译一下 求大神别忽悠我 英语翻译我想学英语,这样比较有意思,就是别人读,我听的,语音的.因为诗歌读的比较慢听得清,还能长长艺术细胞,不要文字的,也懒得念. Taiwan is the east of Fujian and _____the southest in China.我想问下 我记得老师说过台湾还没有回归 所以不能说in the southest of China 那福建那个为什么to 就单单因为是地理位置么? 英语翻译求英霸翻译.下面这句话,.祁安泽   :                                        如果有一天被讨厌了,就默默地消失,因为妈妈说过,