Group size:At least 20 people Price:6 for children 8for adults-IFREE adult every 20 paying childrenI发3 teachers and 40 students visit the park,they shouid pay _________.A.240 B.264 C.248 D.320

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 01:57:16

Group size:At least 20 people Price:6 for children 8for adults-IFREE adult every 20 paying childrenI发3 teachers and 40 students visit the park,they shouid pay _________.A.240 B.264 C.248 D.320
Group size:At least 20 people Price:6 for children 8for adults-IFREE adult every 20 paying children
I发3 teachers and 40 students visit the park,they shouid pay _________.
A.240 B.264 C.248 D.320

Group size:At least 20 people Price:6 for children 8for adults-IFREE adult every 20 paying childrenI发3 teachers and 40 students visit the park,they shouid pay _________.A.240 B.264 C.248 D.320
two teachers can enjoy free admission
每二十个学生可有一名成人免费,共四十名学生,因此两们成人老师免费,一个老师需购买成人票8元,四十名学生每人6元,共240 + 8 = 248元
each student pays 6, so that's
$6 x 40 + $8 = $248