Astronauts must get a lot of exercise.为什么这里的exercise不能加s?a lot of后面不是要用复数名词?must 后的get 能换为do吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/11 04:14:55

Astronauts must get a lot of exercise.为什么这里的exercise不能加s?a lot of后面不是要用复数名词?must 后的get 能换为do吗?
Astronauts must get a lot of exercise.为什么这里的exercise不能加s?
a lot of后面不是要用复数名词?must 后的get 能换为do吗?

Astronauts must get a lot of exercise.为什么这里的exercise不能加s?a lot of后面不是要用复数名词?must 后的get 能换为do吗?
a lot of 后面加复数没错 问题在于EXERCISE.
当它译为 练习 运动的时候 是可数的
当它译为 经验 尝试的时候 是不可数的
所以 这里不要加S

astronauts 连词成句1.usually,now,we,'African American',say.2.supermarket,to,didn't,go,robot,the.3.must,lot,of,get,a,exercise,astronauts. 连词成句1.also,work,Ann,goes,to,owner,her,with.2.usually,now,we,African'American',say.3.must,lot,of,get,a,exercise,astronauts. (1)supermarket,to,didn’t,go,robot,the (2)must,lot,of,get,a,exercise,astronauts连词成句 Astronauts must get a lot of exercise.为什么这里的exercise不能加s?a lot of后面不是要用复数名词?must 后的get 能换为do吗? some astronauts must travel through the space to repair the telescope改错 Astronauts must ____(space suit)in space .用所给单词的正确形式填空 连词成句:1.usually now we 'African American' say 2.supermarket to didn't go robot the 3.must lot of get a exercise astronauts ( 以下写完,要写中文.) 4.he tall strong is and 5.that is young who man our principal kind very 写作: 英语翻译Everything is much lighter in space.Things fly around in space so astronauts must do things differently.They must eat special foods,they are in bags.The astronauts open them with scissors.Astronauts can eat eggs,sausager,bananas or evenic You must click this to get We must _(使教室干净).(get) Cheer up!must get a good goal Must I get someone to help her?no,you must not改错Must I get someone to help her?no,you must`nt ()there earlier ,we must take the plane.A.Get B.Get to C.To get to D.To get slide的名词是什么意思i must get some slides made You must get an X-ray. 改为祈使句 求maroon 5 的MUST GET OUT整首歌的中文翻译 what must she get at the greengrocers?thanks```