when she reaches the top of a mountain

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/11 01:38:17

when she reaches the top of a mountain
when she reaches the top of a mountain

when she reaches the top of a mountain




when she reaches the top of a mountain. when she reaches the top of a mountain 句形转换(改为同义句)She could speak French when she was ten.He reaches school early.No parking could you tell me when the train _?A:leaves B:arrives C:gets toD:reaches选哪项啊,谢谢 70.When it ______ the color of the car,the couple have totally different ideas.a.comes at b.comes in c.comes on d.comes to71.Upon _____,she began to prepare the dinner for the whole family.A.to reach home B.reaching home C.reaches home D.reached home _____ her home,Lucy helps mother do the housework A.As soon as she returnsB.After she getsC.on arrivingD.Directly she reaches但是A为什么不行呢? 英语题(首字母填空)It is r____heavily.candy looks inside her school bag and finds an u_____.her brother,peter,wears a raincoat instead .on the way h______,the wind is very s____and it blows the umberlla away .when candy reaches home ,she is 英语首字母填空:It is r____ heavily.Candy looks inside her school bag and finds an u____.Hwr brother,Peter,wears a raincoat instead.On the way h____,the wind is verys____ and it blows the umbrella away .When Candy reaches home,she is all w___ 英文作文 写给孩子的一封信imagine that some day you will have a child writea letter for that child to open when he or she reaches the age you are right now tell the child how you fell abut youself at this age and how those feeling changed THE FASTER ANYTHING GOES UP INTO THE SKY,___.A:IT REACHES THE HIGHEST B IT REACHES THE HIGHERC:THE HIGHEST IT REACHES D:THE HIGHER IT REACHES The highest temperature reaches 32 centigrade d__________ She often reaches her school very early.(两个同义句) —When will the train__?—At about 10 o'clock.A get to B reaches C get D arrive 为啥是D 请说原因 . I can use a computer,but when it___repairing the,I don't know a thing.A arrives at B reaches C comes to D comes out with 为什么 It’s a long road When you face the world alone No one reaches out a hand For you to hold .Lucy never___up late.And she is often the last one_____the classroom.A.get ,to leave B.gets,toB.gets,to leave C.reaches,leave.D.arrives,to leave I'll catch up with Lucy before she () the finishing line.A.reach B.is reaching C.reaches D.will reach 【计算机英语】the instances that are part of the Aggregate and that the Aggregate root reaches...the instances that are part of the Aggregate and that the Aggregate root reaches will get persisted to the database as well when we say PersistAll