有没有新视野大学英语视听说教程第二册5 6 lead

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有没有新视野大学英语视听说教程第二册5 6 lead
有没有新视野大学英语视听说教程第二册5 6 lead

有没有新视野大学英语视听说教程第二册5 6 lead
Unit 5
1. Why do people have pet?
People keep pets for a variety of reasons. Some feel lonely and need company. Other people keep pets for security. Still others bye pets just to be in fashion. Finally, some people keep animals at home just out of love or pity. Their hearts are full of love, which pours out naturally for animals as well as humans.
2. Which do you think are better pets, dogs or cats? Why?
Most people prefer dogs to cats. Dogs are more loyal to their owners than cats are. Also, dogs are more intelligent than cats. They can carry out human instructions and perform fairly complicated functions. Moreover, with its strength and agility, the dog is capable of protecting the house and its master.
However, I wouldn't go as far as to claim that cats are worthless. Thanks to their soft, meek tempers and cute faces, they are often ladies' favorites.
3. Is it cruel to keep pets inside an apartment all day? Explain why.
It's hard to arrive at a conclusion on this question. It is obvious that if a pet like a cat is kept in the apartment without much chance of going out, it looks sad and inactive. Without proper physical exercise and enough exposure to the sun, it tends to become weak.
However, they also have their compensation. In a human household pets are normally well fed. I should like to point out that a pet's intelligence is also an important factor. A dog or a cat may be intelligent enough to feel lonely, but I doubt whether less intelligent animals like a tortoise or fish can feel the difference between the human home and the wild or whether they can develop a feeling of loneliness, sadness or homesickness. In any case, a human home can provide them with better living conditions.
4. Do you think it is okay to eat meat? Do you think it is okay to eat dog meat? Why?
In my opinion, it is all right for us to eat meat such as pork, beef and chicken. To explain this, let me quote from the movie" The Lion King". The father lion tells his son that it is all right for them to eat the antelope:" When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life." In the case of dog meat, people's opinions seem to vary. I think with the progress of human civilization and improvement of the living standards, we should discard the habit of eating dogs, since they are so intelligent and so loyal to us.
Unit 6
1. What do you think of girls wearing miniskirts?
After you have finished listening to the whole unit, you may find that opinions are divided on this issue. Some people believe that good girls should never wear a miniskirt because it is too revealing. On the other hand, there are girls who prefer to break with tradition, play a new, independent role in society, and therefore they choose to wear something daring and rebellious such as a miniskirt. As for me, I'm in favor of the former point of view and don't like those who wear a miniskirt.(I support the latter point of view, for we have to advance with the times)
2. When you are wearing something new or fashionable, do you feel shy or proud?
Some people are daring and self-confident by nature. They feel proud of themselves when putting on new, fashionable clothes. They always want to be the center of public attention. On the other hand, some others tend to be shy. The last thing they wish to do is to seek the spotlight. Naturally, they may feel ill at ease with stylish clothes. As far as I'm concerned, I would feel confident /uncomfortable in a new dress. This has something to do with my childhood experiences.
3. Do you think fashion shows are necessary in today's society?
Obviously fashion shows have been around for a long time in various parts of the world. This fact shows that they are an indispensable part of the modern culture. However, I'd like to point out that the pursuit of fashion should not take up the greater part of our lives. After all, work and study are far more important than fashion shows.
4. Do you think people react to you differently when you wear different clothes?
Some people do treat me differently according to what I'm wearing. They are often called snobs. Fortunately, those people do not represent the majority. Most people judge you by your ability, intelligence and moral integrity rather than by the clothes you're wearing.